Health and hygiene, schools and other non-household settings 538 topics

Sanitation systems 1279 topics

Attitudes and behaviours 535 topics

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Behaviour change and user psychology issues 114 topics
Capacity development 98 topics
Community-led approaches 103 topics
Public awareness raising 90 topics |
Wikipedia 93 topicsCan you help improve the sanitation content of the world's largest encyclopedia?
Advocacy and civil society engagement 37 topics |
Markets, finance and governance 633 topics

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Market development in action 84 topics |
Government initiatives and regulations 122 topics |
Global and regional political processes 82 topics
Resource recovery 301 topics

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Includes topics around black solider fly larvae (BSFL)
Technologies and business models to optimise the financial value recoverable from excreta and faecal sludge, such as nutrients, energy products and water.
Vermitechnology 30 topics
Equity, inclusion and sanitation workers 334 topics

You can also send a forum post by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if you are a SuSanA member).
This category was added in February 2020 on initiative by WSSCC. |
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People with disabilities 28 topics |
Note: the sub-category "MHM at schools" is located within the red category on "Health, hygiene, schools".
Gender issues 37 topics
Human rights to water and sanitation 30 topics |
Sanitation workers 48 topicsNote: Posts on pit emptying technologies are to be found in the category on "Sanitation systems, FSM".
SuSanA working groups and regional chapters 244 topics

Announcements and miscellaneous 2499 topics

Help 69 topics

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More advanced things 43 topics