Where can I find out what this abbreviation or acronym means?
- For a full list of sanitation-related abbreviations in Wikipedia, click here (you are very welcome to add to the list!).
Probably the top 14 abbreviations used in the discussion forum are (for a full list and explanations of the terms follow the link above):
- ABR - Anaerobic baffled reactor
- BMGF - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- CLTS - Community-led total sanitation
- CW - Constructed wetland
- DEWATS - Decentalized Wastewater Treatment System
- FSM - Fecal (or faecal) sludge management
- MDG - Millennium Development Goal
- MHM - Menstrual hygiene management
- NGO - Non-governmental organization
- O&M - Operation and maintenance
- ODF - Open defecation free
- SDG - Sustainable Development Goal
- UDDT - Urine diverting dry toilet
- WASH or WaSH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Where can I find a good sanitation glossary?
- For technical terms of the sanitation system we point you to the glossary of the Eawag-Sandec Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies.
- You could also use Wikipedia itself as a glossary. The sanitation-related content on Wikipedia is getting better and better all the time thanks to the activities of countless volunteers and the WikiProject Sanitation since October 2014.
- Wikipedia also has dedicated glossary pages, see here.