- Sanitation systems
- Toilets without urine diversion
- Low flush, pour flush, focus on flushing mechanism
- There is only one Eaziflush™ (Pour Flush and Low Flush option by Envirosan, South Africa)
There is only one Eaziflush™ (Pour Flush and Low Flush option by Envirosan, South Africa)

- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: There is only one Eaziflush™
You wrote:
It is unfortunate however that certain entities have attempted to introduce cheap and ineffective systems into the market, falsely claiming the system as a pour flush sanitation system.
Could you tell us more about what happened? I think it is a common problem in the sanitation sector (and probably in other sectors as well).
I remember the case of waterless urinals: There were some companies in China that copied some waterless urinal designs from Germany or Switzerland (I forget which one it was). But they didn't copy it well enough so it failed and the urinals were very smelly. This gave waterless urinals a bad reputation in general and those good (and expensive) brands had a tough time getting into the market at all - since the reputation was that waterless urinals smell. This was some years ago. Perhaps waterless urinals are common by now in China, I don't know.
Anyhow, I feel your pain and wish you good luck with your product! (I guess it's normal in the market-based economy that you will have competitors who will try to come up with a similar, but cheaper product. Provided everything is fair and above board that's fine.)
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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- Envirosan is a service-orientated company that builds ethical business relationships based on mutual trust and top quality services. This is made possible through collaboration with market leading equipment and partners who share our vision. Envirosan’s core business was established in 2006 to provide a range of dignified sanitation solutions.
As a Major Player within the sanitation industry for the past 10 years, Envirosan Sanitation Solutions™ has always been committed to supplying sanitation solutions that not only meet but also exceed the needs of all stakeholders, communities, Municipalities and parastatal departments alike.
Envirosan’s patented Eaziflush™ Sanitation System was developed both as a Pour Flush and Low Flush option over 5 years of extensive research in conjunction with the Water Research Commission (WRC) in Pretoria and Partners in Development (PID) in KwaZulu Natal, both of whom have independently tested and rolled out the system in various projects throughout South Africa
It is unfortunate however that certain entities have attempted to introduce cheap and ineffective systems into the market, falsely claiming the system as a pour flush sanitation system.
The attached document focuses on what makes a Pour Flush Unit unique (compared to a typical aqua privy) and any system that doesn’t meet the criteria in the report simply isn’t a pour flush system and WILL ultimately fail when and where it has incorrectly been installed as a Pour Flush System.
The EaziFlush™ is compatible with a multitude of on site and off site “back-end treatment options” including Leach Pits, Standard Sewer Connection, Solids Free Sewers, Septic Tanks, Bio-Digesters & Conservancy Tanks etc. The attached document predominantly focusses on a septic tank back end solution, but the versatility of the EaziFlush™ lends itself to many different applications from individual households to schools to community ablution blocks.
Beware of cheap imitations! Rely only on approved, accredited and (most importantly) tested sanitation solutions.
Please feel free to visit our website www.envirosan.co.za , or kindly contact us and we will gladly provide you with any additional information/data you may need.
Boniwe Majwede
Internal Sales and Marketing Coordinator
(L) 031 700 1866|(F) 031 700 1867| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unit 3, 7 Umdoni Crescent,Mahogany Ridge,3610
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You need to login to reply- bmajwede
- Envirosan is a service-orientated company that builds ethical business relationships based on mutual trust and top quality services. This is made possible through collaboration with market leading equipment and partners who share our vision. Envirosan’s core business was established in 2006 to provide a range of dignified sanitation solutions.
The Sanitation Shortfall in South Africa may be defined as a combination of the following:
• Service Delivery Backlogs (People who have never been served with any form of sanitation)
• Refurbishment Backlogs (Sanitation Infrastructure that has deteriorated beyond regular maintenance requirements)
• Extension Backlogs (Existing Infrastructure that needs to be extended to provide the service to new households in the Communities)
• Upgrade Needs (Infrastructure that does not meet the minimum standards)
• Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Backlogs (Infrastructure that has not been properly operated and maintained, but can be adequate if funds are allocated to ensure proper operation and maintenance)
Envirosan Sanitation Solutions has seen the extent of the problem regarding South Africa’s sanitation issues, especially pertaining to failed sanitation systems and/or sanitation systems that are unusable due to lack of servicing. This include the eradication of the bucket toilets as well as VIP toilets that have filled up and cannot be emptied nor can the top structure be relocated.
It is due to this unforeseen problems that Envirosan Sanitation Solutions have identified certain problematic areas and have piloted our innovative Eaziflush™ Sanitation System as an upgraded, improved and retrofitted option to these areas. The two such sites that will be discussed to establish a new benchmark in the sanitation industry are;
1) Oshoek – Mpumalanga: Full VIPs that cannot be emptied nor relocated
The Department of Water and Sanitation, based in Mbombela, requested Envirosan Sanitation Solution to consider a plausible option to their currently full VIP structures. Envirosan opted for a retro-fitment option, whereas the existing Top structure will be upgraded by fitting our revolutionary High Density Polymer Door and also by removing the old VIP pedestal and replacing it with our patented Eaziflush™ pedestal. The existing VIP pit is filled and closed and a new modern off-set leach pit installed. The leach pit can now easily be accessed for inspection and emptying purpose by means of an inspection hatch, which is also suitably sized for a honeysucker pipe to be used for emptying once the leach pit fills up. This upgraded system costs a fraction of a new sanitation structure and is now completely serviceable when and if required.
Just some of the advantages of the Eaziflush™ over conventional VIP toilets
• Looks and operates similar to conventional flushing toilets BUT uses only 2 litres of grey water to flush, representing a potable water saving of in excess of 200 litres per household per day!;
• Users don’t see the contents of the pit due to its offset nature & therefor can’t use the toilet for solid waste disposal, effectively lengthening the lifespan of the pit and minimising emptying costs;
• SAFE toilet – no risk of children falling into the pit as the pit is not under the toilet structure, meaning the chance of collapse during rainy seasons is also negated;
• Communities prefer the EaziFlush™ to Dry Sanitation as the unit can be constructed closer to the household and is hygienic
(The water seal effectively eliminates fly breeding & unpleasant odours);
Oshoek: Seal the full pit and install a false slab to cover the existing VIP opening. Install new off set leach pit to accommodate the Envirosan Eaziflush™ unit
Oshoek: Remove Existing VIP pedestal and replace with Envirosan Child Friendly Eaziflush™ Pedestal
Oshoek: Replace broken and rusted mild steel door with Envirosan High Density Polymer Door
2) Zastron – Failed sewered full pressure sanitation scheme (cisterns leaking and toilets using a high volume of water which is placing excessive pressure on the sewer treatment facility, resulting in failure)
The Mohokare District Municipality was faced with the failing sewered sanitation system. Not only do the existing toilets require a lot of water to flush (11L), but the cisterns posed a larger problem with approximately 80% of them leaking continuously. The sewer treatment facility could not cope with the amount of water and waste influx and ultimately fail under the pressure imposed on the treatment plant. Envirosan opted to install our Eaziflush™ pedestal to reduce the amount of water required to flush the toilet and also installed our unique Leak Free Cistern. Over and above this, Envirosan also installed the High Density Polymer Door as the majority of households didn’t have a door to their toilet cubicle anymore (either rusted or broken off due to poor quality mild steel products being used which is not to specification).
Just some of the advantages of the Leak Free Cistern over a conventional cistern:
• No Potable water loss from leaking toilets resulting in lower cost of consumption, increased water availability and less pressure on bulk infrastructure (i.e Treatment Works) a broken or leaking cistern can result in a potable water loss of up to 100KL a month per household
• The cistern remains empty in its resting state and only fills once flush button is pushed, thus wearing parts do not sit in water reducing maintenance costs.
• The Leak Free Cistern is SABS tested and has been tested in accordance with SANS 1509:2008, all components are designed to be robust and durable in nature.
• It is compatible with the EaziFlush™ Pedestal which is Agrement and NHBRC certified and on these grounds has been approved for use in housing projects by the Department of Human Settlement’s;
• The system is compatible with a multitude of “back-end options” including Standard Sewer Connection, Solids Free Sewers, Septic Tanks, Bio-Digesters & Conservancy Tanks etc.
Zastron: Replacing old 11L flushing toilet with Envirosan Eaziflush™ 3L flushing toilet
Zastron: Replacing 11L cistern (leaking currently) with the Envirosan Leak Free Cistern (3L)
Zastron: Replacing blocked and non-functioning sewer main with off grid Leach Pit solution
Zastron: Installing High Density Polymer Door
Some of the advantages of the Envirosan™ High Density Polymer Door over conventional doors
• The EnviroDoor comes with a standard 3 year guarantee.
• It is made of non-corrosive material therefore it is not going to rust or rot.
• Due to the door having not metal parts, it is not susceptible to theft as there is zero scrap value.
• It is UV stabilised, recyclable and light weight. It has passed CPT Accelerated Weather Testing (in line with SANS151).
• It has a indestructible dual operation nylon door latch that can be locked from inside the unit for privacy or locked on the outside to monitor the use of the toilet. If the door is locked from the outside while the user is still inside the unit, the door can always be opened by the user.
• It allows sufficient light into the unit (Child friendly).
• The door has a smooth surface with no sharp edges.
Please feel free to visit our website www.envirosan.co.za , or kindly contact us and we will gladly provide you with any additional information/data you may require.
Kind regards
Boniwe Majwede
Internal Sales and Marketing
(L) 031 700 1866|(F) 031 700 1867| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unit 3, 7 Umdoni Crescent,Mahogany Ridge,3610
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Boniwe Majwede
Internal Sales and Marketing Coordinator
(L) 031 700 1866|(F) 031 700 1867| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unit 3, 7 Umdoni Crescent,Mahogany Ridge,3610
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* The EnviroSan was developed as a dual flush. It can be flushed using hand pouring, dumping action or flushed using cistern. The cistern was for convenience - similar experience as full flush toilet. In places where water is a challenge, you may want to use dumping action. Gives the tech some flexibility. The dumping action uses less water. When you add cistern, you need more water to flush. These aspects have been covered in Dave Still's report.
* Simon Lorentz has done a presentation of Pollution Plumes from On-Site Sanitation Technology. He also did a presentation on it at FSM3.
* Access to basic sanitation is a constitutional right in RSA. Most poor are supplied with toilets through municipalities who in turn may use service provider.
* The WRC together with Department of Science and Tech are doing further pilots on the tech in Eastern Cape. School blocks are being built. Dave Still is leading that project.
Water Research Commission, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, Bloukrans Building, Pretoria.
Postal Address:
Private Bag X03
GEZINA, 0031, South Africa
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
mobile: +27 (0)60 502 1841
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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Re: Envirosan Sanitation Solutions: Video presentation of our Eaziflush
Thanks for your post, it is always nice to hear from Envirosan about their latest developments!
May I suggest that you also upload your videos to Youtube (you could create an Envirosan Youtube channel) because then more people will find it, and be able to comment on it, than with a Dropbox link.
Also, regarding the questions I posed above on 16 December: Jay has addressed some of them to some extent, but it would also be good to hear Envirosan's perspective.
And this is still an open question for me:
I am wondering how well this product has been selling and who your main clients are? Is it individuals or more the government agencies or even donors?
Also Jay said it takes 1 L to flush but you say it is twice as much - 2 L - who is right? Does it depend on the type of faeces?
I found this particularly interesting from Jay's post:
I consider a pour flush in the category of a dry toilet, 1 litre is a small amount of water
Anyway sewers leak more than a pour flush, yet we do not raise the issue of groundwater. My aged professor always reminded me not to make GW sacrosanct, when there is very little evidence that links onsite sanitation to pollution.
I am not sure I agree with the statement that a pour flush toilet which uses 1-2 L per flush is in the same category as a toilet that uses no flushing water (=dry toilet) but it is an interesting consideration which hadn't occurred to me before.
Leaking sewers, yes, I agree with that - a problem that is generally overlooked. Yet another negative aspect of sewers systems that is usually glossed over.
Making groundwater "sacrosant" - hmmm, well, in most countries we are far from doing that, people are polluting and abusing their groundwater "happily". South Africa might be a notable exception, I have seen very good research come out of there from your excellent scientists*. I think in Germany, too, groundwater is nowadays quite well protected (or at least attempted to be; I think nitrate from intensive agriculture is still a major problem).
* See e.g.
What happens when you dispose of sewage and faecal sludges by burial in the ground?: David Still, PID, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Re: Reply: Envirosan South Africa developed new pour / low flush toilet system (can be used with BIOGAS system s)
In response to your positions;
- The pour flush is now ready for roll out. Envirosan has taken the lead in manufacturing to scale. They have improved on the WRc design and the technology comes in two variation in one. A 1 litre pour flush and a two litre microflush with a cistern.
- The pour flush has many advantages over dry san systems such as VIPs and UDs. It offers the same convenience as water sanitation and also deals with the problem associated with dry faecal sludges and detritus.
- I consider a pour flush in the category of a dry toilet, 1 litre is a small amount of water and it has a better impact on sludge degradation according to our research. We have also shown that it does not necessarily affect groundwater since the leach pits are shallower. Our research has also shown such in terms of leaching providing the soil conditions are good.
- Anyway sewers leak more than a pour flush, yet we do not raise the issue of groundwater. My aged professor always reminded me not to make GW sacrosanct, when there is very little evidence that links onsite sanitation to pollution.
- The pour flush hopefully can lead to greater behavior change, it has a gender bias that since they do not smell because of the water seal they can be constructed in the house or near the house.
Convenience is key for any user, not what is cheap. The VIP is cheap but expensive on the long term. Pour Flush can cut the costs by half. For me it is the future for the poor.
As with all technologies it has its limitations. Water and space must be available. However, it offers hope in the sanitation ladder.
* Note by moderator: UDs stands her for urine diversion toilets, meaning the urine-diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) in Durban/eThekwini
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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Re: Envirosan South Africa developed new pour / low flush toilet system (can be used with BIOGAS systems)
Thanks for this interesting presentation about your new pour flush sitting toilet in South Africa.
I am wondering how well this product has been selling and who your main clients are? Is it individuals or more the government agencies or even donors?
If it is individuals who are buying this toilet how is it ensured that they adhere to their local regulations regarding where the leach pit is allowed to be located and whether they need to install a treatment unit or not (using those treatment options that you outlined in your presentation)?
I see a danger if people are on their own initiative installing these low-flush toilets but not worrying about treatment and therefore polluting their groundwater resources.
I guess the regulatory system in South Africa is probably fairly strong on this regard but could there be a problem with enforcement?
What are your experiences in this regard?
(we have also had a thread about it here when this toilet was still under development with research funding by WRC: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/141-ot...dea-for-south-africa)
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Envirosan South Africa developed new pour / low flush toilet system (can be used with biogas systems)

Technical Manager
Envirosan Sanitation Solutions
Office: (+27) 31 700 1866
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.envirosan.co.za
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You need to login to reply- Sanitation systems
- Toilets without urine diversion
- Low flush, pour flush, focus on flushing mechanism
- There is only one Eaziflush™ (Pour Flush and Low Flush option by Envirosan, South Africa)