Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)


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  • SuSanA secretariat currently allocates 2 full time person equivalents of time from members of GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Team: Arne Panesar, Alexandra Dubois, Maren Heuvels, Teresa Häberlein, Daphne Manolakos and Bettina-Sophie Heinz.
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Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear friends of SuSanA,

The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance is at the start of a major period of change that will take it from SuSanA 1.0 to a new SuSanA 2.0 in the near future. And we are looking for engaged, creative persons full of motivation to compose the Change Management Task Force (CMTF), which will steer the organizational development of SuSanA.

The CMTF will consist of 7 individuals, representing the different constituencies of SuSanA in an optimal way. Hence, active SuSanA members or even people outside of the network could possibly be part of the CMTF. Here you can find the Terms of Reference for the Task Force.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the CMTF and/or you want to nominate someone, please submit the online form until 7th of May.

You will find more information on the composition of the CMTF and the change process phases on the SuSanA page Organisational Development 2019-2020 .

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world SuSanA”
Margarete Mead (or how she would have said it if she knew SuSanA

The SuSanA secretariat will offer an open Q&A session on the nominations and the overall process, we will post more details on time and date here soon. Any urgent questions related to the organisational development of SuSanA can already be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Why are we doing this?

After 12 years of existence and a continuous growth in global member- and partnerships, it is now time to revisit SuSanA’s informal structures and to analyse where more formalization and a change in governance contributes to reaching its vision and objectives and to put respective steps into practice. Understanding the need for change has led to several activities and initiatives over the last years (one of them funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) 2016-2018 ). A number of surveys, strategy documents, and external consultant reports are available now and they can be used for a concrete design of a SuSanA 2.0.

The Core Group has decided in its meeting in Stockholm 2018 , that a Change Management Task Force (CMTF) should steer this change process. The CMTF will be coached by an Organisational Development expert, have support from consultants as well as from the SuSanA Secretariat and will be responsible for the change management process of SuSanA through a participatory and iterative process. The Core group further mandated a small group of Core Group representatives, referred to as Group of Five, to prepare the ground for this task force. The final decision on the composition of the CMTF will be taken by the Core Group based on the suggestions by this group until end of June 2019.

Best regards,
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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