Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17) - recording now available


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Re: Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17, 11 am New York time)

Attached are PDF's of the slides from each of the presenters for anyone who hasn't been able to watch the video.

1.) David Auerbach and Ani Vallabhaneni, Co-Founders, Sanergy

2.) Sasha Kramer, Co-founder and Executive Director, Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)

3.) Andy Narracott, Deputy Director for Global Safe Water, Evidence Action
Kory C. Russel
Assistant Professor | Landscape Architecture | Environmental Studies
College of Design | College of Arts and Sciences
University of Oregon

Chair of Container-Based Sanitation Alliance

on Twitter @korycrussel

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Re: Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17, 11 am New York time)

Thanks for your comments Elisabeth! I'm glad you enjoyed the webinar. Unfortunately we don't have time to go through and list out the times for each question but we did want to take a moment to respond to your specific inquiry. With regards to upscaling, SOIL is indeed working closely with the government of Haiti to explore the possibility of partnering to expand composting waste treatment to other parts of the country. And they are very supportive of the EkoLakay service. It would be wonderful if it were possible to access some financial support for the household toilet service (particularly with regards to waste treatment expenses) but we are keenly aware of the challenges that Haitian government has had in the past with financing basic services. We will continue to explore possibilities for public-private partnerships in the future and in the meantime we will continue to maintain our open, collaborative relationship with the Haitian government.
Posted by the SOIL Team based in Haiti since 2006. Find more information about SOIL at:
Website: www.oursoil.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SOILHaiti
Twitter: @SOILHaiti.

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Re: Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17, 11 am New York time)

I've listened to the first hour of the recording of this webinar with the presentations by David (Sanergy Kenya), Andy (Clean Team Ghana) and Sasha (SOIL Haiti). I think the Q&A session (which starts here:
at 46 min and 3 s) is very interesting, e.g. the part about costs and ability or willingness to pay for this service.

It would be great if the moderators could post here the questions that were asked in the Q&A session and perhaps say at which time in the recording. Then people can jump directly to the right spot in the recording.

My main question that I had asked upfront and which was partially addressed, I think, was:

Can you find out from the panelists what their strategy is regarding upscaling (if that is their aim)? All three projects seem to be a bit donor-driven (or let’s say donor-financed) with little active involvement by the local government or water utilities. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing – at least many people can already use these container-based systems – but if you want to get millions of people to benefit from these, then an upscaling strategy is needed, isn’t it?



If people want further information on the three projects, apart from looking at the projects’ websites, they can also see past discussions on the forum and post questions into the relevant threads. We’ve actually discussed these quite a lot on the forum so far. The threads can be found by using the search field in the forum or I have listed them here:

Sanergy Kenya:

General updates: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/170-pu...rsion-and-composting

Regarding their reuse work: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/98-res...-scale-sanergy-kenya

WSUP Ghana
(where Andy Narracott used to be with Clean Team):


SOIL Haiti:

General updates: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/52-mob...composting-and-reuse

About reuse activities: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/17-fer...-soils-work-in-haiti)

Regarding their urine diversion model: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/34-uri...ign-process-in-haiti

Link to discussion about the project with mobile sanitation that Stanford University did together with SOIL in Haiti: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/52-mob...y-usa-and-soil-haiti

Or see SOIL’s last 20 posts here (you need to login): forum.susana.org/forum/profile/userid-2002

And there are several more such systems discussed here (like MoSan, X-runner, Banza toilet, Peepoo bags):

By the way, Kory and I have also been talking about setting up a Wikipedia article on "container-based sanitation" which I think will be very useful to have. The term "mobile toilet" on Wikipedia currently redirects to "portable toilet" which talks only of chemical toilets so that's not ideal. If you're interested to help in this work, please get in touch with Kory or myself.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17, 11 am New York time)

Dear all

In case you missed the seminar, you can watch or listen to it here: water.stanford.edu/news-events/events/we...sanitation-solutions

Cheers, Dorothee

Direct link to Youtube video:

WG1 Co-lead
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Re: Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17, 11 am New York time)

Thanks for the great links!

I would also note Sanivation is using Container-Based Sanitation
and has a number of posts on SUSANA as well.
Kory C. Russel
Assistant Professor | Landscape Architecture | Environmental Studies
College of Design | College of Arts and Sciences
University of Oregon

Chair of Container-Based Sanitation Alliance

on Twitter @korycrussel

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17, 11 am New York time)

Dear Kory and Regina,

You said:

For more information or to submit questions in advance for panelists to consider...

so I would like to submit the following questions/comments:

Can you find out from the panelists what their strategy is regarding upscaling (if that is their aim)? All three projects seem to be a bit donor-driven (or let’s say donor-financed) with little active involvement by the local government or water utilities. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing – at least many people can already use these container-based systems – but if you want to get millions of people to benefit from these, then an upscaling strategy is needed, isn’t it?

If people want further information on the three projects (before or after the webinar), apart from looking at the projects’ websites, they can also see past discussions on the forum and post questions into the relevant threads. We’ve actually discussed these quite a lot on the forum so far. The threads can be found by using the search field in the forum or I have listed them here:

SOIL Haiti:

General updates:

About their reuse activities: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/17-fer...-soils-work-in-haiti

Regarding their urine diversion model:

Link to discussion about the project with mobile sanitation that Stanford University did together with SOIL in Haiti:

Or see SOIL’s last 20 posts here (you need to login): forum.susana.org/forum/profile/userid-2002

WSUP Ghana (where Andy Narracott used to be with Clean Team):

Sanergy Kenya:

General updates:

Regarding their reuse work: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/98-res...-scale-sanergy-kenya

And there are several more such systems discussed here (like MoSan, X-runner, Banza toilet, Peepoo bags):

I hope these threads can help prospective participants to prepare themselves for the webinar so that it's off to a flying start! :)

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • kcrussel
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  • I am an Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon. I research water and sanitation solutions in resource-constrained environments. I am also the Chair of the Container Based Sanitation Alliance.
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Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions - examples from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana (Thursday, March 17) - recording now available

Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions

Thursday, March 17, 8 to 9 a.m. PDT, 11 to 12p.m. EDT

As the population of urban slums around the world expands, so does the risk of public health catastrophes associated with poor sanitation. Learn more about the role container-based sanitation (CBS) can play in areas without conventional household toilets or sewage systems at a webinar organized by the Water, Health and Development Program at Stanford University. A panel of experts working in Haiti, Kenya and Ghana will discuss their experiences and findings on this innovative approach to safely managing human waste, including recent studies showing residents of low-income communities are willing to pay for subscription CBS services. The webinar will introduce the CBS concept, describe case studies and offer a moderated Q&A.

  • Sasha Kramer, Co-founder and Executive Director, Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)
  • Andy Narracott, Deputy Director for Global Safe Water, Evidence Action
  • David Auerbach and Ani Vallabhaneni, Co-Founders, Sanergy
Jenna Davis, Water, Health and Development Program Co-Founder and Faculty Lead; the Higgins-Magid Senior Fellow, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, and Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Stanford University

Webinar Link

Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and networks. For more information or to submit questions in advance for panelists to consider, contact: Regina Lowery, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 650-723-3505

Webinar times around the globe:
8-9am West Coast United States
11-12am East Coast United States
3-4 pm London
6-7 pm Nairobi
8:30-9:30 pm New Dehli
11-12 pm Hong Kong
2-3 am Friday Sydney
Kory C. Russel
Assistant Professor | Landscape Architecture | Environmental Studies
College of Design | College of Arts and Sciences
University of Oregon

Chair of Container-Based Sanitation Alliance

on Twitter @korycrussel

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