Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem


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Re: Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem

Hi Dave, thanks for bringing this thread back! I was not familiar with AquaPrivies.

The solution seems a practical approach in water scarce situations, also quite affordable to build. I'd argue that without a soakaway for excess water, it might mean the emptying frequency ends up making the operation a little more costly, unless you build a larger container (obviously making it less affordable).

Wonder how the project in Uganda ended up solving the maggots issue.
Alejandro Levy

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  • DaveBates
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Re: Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem

I want to re-start here the discussion on AquaPrivies.

Here is a picture from a publication from the Republic of South Africa some years ago:

Please share any pics and comments you have on Aqua-Privies.

I am looking for a facility with an an offset vault such as an Aqua-Privy but does not have a discharge to a soak-way.
Vacuuming the contents would be the only 'normal' method to remove the waste.

I believe the WASH group called it an 'offset pit indirect discharge toilet with sealed vault

Dr. David A. Bates, P.E.
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Re: Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem

Have you considered converting it to a dry toilet? For example into a urine diversion dehydration toielt (UDDT)? There are many of them in Uganda, also at schools.

I can't imagine that an Aquaprivy could ever be odourless (??). But then I have actually never seen one, not even photos.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • muwuluke
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Re: Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem

Aquaprivy is a type on site toilet facility that that works on the principle of containment of excreta in a vault. The vault is actually a watertight tank which receives both the urine and faeces through a chute pipe. The chute pipe in submerged in water at least 100mm to control smell.

Further technical information on this type of facility is found in many technical manuals about sanitation systems.

About myself, I am a civil engineer with a bias in sanitation planning and specifically on-site sanitation systems.
I have keen interest in providing sustainable sanitation facilities for the poor and disadvantaged.

I look forward to further responses,


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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem

Please introduce yourself fully?
What do you mean by Aquaprivy? Do you have photos?
What do you mean by "cutting off the chute pipes"?
70 students per toilet is quite a lot.
Have you provided waterless urinals yet?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • muwuluke
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Functioning of Aquaprivy - The maggots problem

I provided aquaprivy toilets for a prominent school in Uganda specifically to handle the situation when was was not available to run the water borne flush toilets. Because these facilities were well built and looked neater than the water logged not so neat water closet rooms, the attraction was more to the new facilities.

This led to overloading of the aquaprivy system with the resultant maggots problem. Maggots became so many that the management thought that the solution was to cut off the chute pipes. Then the next problem was smell almost covering half of the school premises.

The # of stances of aquaprivy are 10 serving a student population of about 700. I am now being tasked to find a solution. Please advise

Kampala Uganda

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