Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities


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  • ElaineMercer
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Re: Compendium sur le lavage des mains dans les contextes pauvres en ressources : Document évolutif, 3e édition (French)

(The 3rd edition of the Handwashing Compendium is now available in French. Please share with French speaking partners)

Chères/Chers ami·e·s et collègues,

La COVID-19 a mis le lavage des mains sous les projecteurs grâce à des campagnes motivantes en matière de comportements d’hygiène à l’échelle locale, nationale et mondiale.

Alors que nous tentons de nous adapter à cette « nouvelle normalité », nous devons absolument veiller à ne pas renouer avec nos mauvaises habitudes en nous lavant les mains moins souvent. Il s’agit d’un défi mondial mais ceux et celles qui manquent de ressources seront confrontés à de plus gros obstacles, notamment un manque d’eau courante et de savon.

En avril, nous avons publié la première édition de notre Compendium sur le lavage des mains dans les contextes pauvres en ressources. Cette semaine, nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous la troisième édition.

Les sections nouvelles ou fortement remaniées comprennent : 
  • Les installations de lavage des mains
    • Le séchage des mains
    • Rendre les installations de lavage des mains accessibles
    • Concevoir des installations de lavage des mains qui encouragent leur usage
    • Les postes de lavage des mains en bambou
    • Des exemples locaux d’installations de lavage des mains
  • La promotion de l’hygiène dans le respect de la distanciation sociale et l’engagement communautaire
    • Des exemples d’engagement communautaire
Le compendium a été enrichi avec des exemples d’initiatives concernant
le lavage des mains qui témoignent de l’ingéniosité des acteurs désireux
de s’adapter aux contextes locaux.

Télécharger la 3e édition du compendium sur le lavage des mains

Très cordialement,
Elaine Mercer
Sanitation Learning Hub
Elaine Mercer
Communications and Networking Officer
The Sanitation Learning Hub
The Institute of Development Studies

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  • ElaineMercer
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Re: Compêndio de Lavagem das Mãos para Meio de Poucos Recursos: um Documento Vivo, 3ª Edição (Portuguese)

(The 3rd edition of the Handwashing Compendium is now available in Portuguese. Please share with Portuguese speaking partners)

Caros amigos e colegas,

A COVID-19 veio dar especial realce à lavagem das mãos, com campanhas inspiradoras de mudança de comportamentos, a nível global, nacional e

Ao adaptarmo-nos a uma «nova normalidade», temos de nos certificar de que não voltamos a velhos hábitos, lavando as mãos com menos frequência. Trata-se de um desafio global, mas as pessoas que vivem em meios de poucos recursos têm perante si maiores obstáculos, incluindo a falta de água corrente e de sabão.

Em Abril, publicámos a primeira edição do nosso Compêndio de Lavagem de Mãos para Meios de Poucos Recursos. Esta semana, temos o prazer de vos fazer chegar a nossa terceira edição.

As secções novas ou muito modificadas são as seguintes:
  • Instalações de lavagem das mãos
    • Secar as mãos
    • Tornar acessíveis as instalações de lavagem das mãos
    • Concepção de instalações de lavagem das mãos que incentivem a sua utilização
    • Ponto de lavagem das mãos de bambu
    • Exemplos locais de instalações de lavagem das mãos
  • Promoção da higiene com distanciamento social e da participação da comunidade
    • Exemplos de participação da comunidade
O compêndio foi enriquecido com exemplos locais de iniciativas de lavagem das mãos, mostrando o engenho dos actores que se adaptam aos contextos locais.

Baixar: 3ª edição do compêndio de lavagem das mãos

Os melhores cumprimentos,
Elaine Mercer
Sanitation Learning Hub
Elaine Mercer
Communications and Networking Officer
The Sanitation Learning Hub
The Institute of Development Studies

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  • awebbslh
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Re: 3rd edition of handwashing compendium now available - plus blog: how can we improve handwashing for good?

Bringing existing information from different organisations into one place, the compendium provides guidance, local examples of and further resources on accessible low-cost handwashing facilities, environmental cues and physically distanced hygiene promotion.

The compendium is a living document which will be updated regularly as more examples and good practice emerge. It has been developed and disseminated quickly so immediate, relevant and timely actions can be taken. This version is the third edition. This updated version includes new or heavily edited sections on:
  • Handwashing facilities
    • Drying hands
    • Making handwashing facilities accessible
    • Designing handwashing facilities that encourage use
    • Bamboo handwashing station
    • Local examples of handwashing facilities
  • Physically distanced hygiene promotion and community engagement
  • Examples of community engagement
Link to the SLH website for 3rd edition and translations of the 2nd edition:

Please share feedback and contributions via email ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or Twitter (@SanLearningHub). We are interested to hear how the compendium is being used as well as feedback and inputs to improve it.

For those with limited internet access, individual sections of the compendium can also be sent upon request. French, Portuguese and Arabic translations of the third edition of the compendium will be added. Second edition translations are currently available.

How can we improve handwashing for good? Mimi Coultas reflects on progress made and adapting for local contexts.
Alice Webb
Communications and Impact Officer
The Sanitation Learning Hub at the Institute of Development Studies

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  • MimiC
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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

Hi Chaiwe,

Thanks for your feedback and highlighting this important point. We have a section on accessibility which includes information on the importance of location, paths, ramps, tap type etc for facilities and the importance of considering users' needs when planning these. This section draws heavily on the Compendium for Accessible WASH Technologies which we recommend readers refer to. Recognising that some readers may not have time to read multiple publications, we have added a few more details to the handwashing compendium section on this for the next edition too.

As you spotted, we are also trying to include examples of more accessible community engagement and hygiene promotion initiatives for the next edition (although we have not received many to date). Your post is a useful prompt for me though to go back to the main text in this section and make sure that accessibility is sufficiently emphasised.


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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

Greetings All, 

I had a quick look at the compendium and wanted to know a bit more about the inclusiveness aspects.  I noticed across the publication the visually impaired were considered in terms of them having access to soap.  My concern is how does this visually impaired person or person on a wheelchair get to the handwashing facility? I didn’t come across anything that highlights how they’d actually know that there’s an existing handwashing facility available to them i.e poster written in braille, paths specifically designed for disabled people, posters in local languages etc. On the facility’s accessibility, for guidance sake I feel there should have been more emphasis on ensuring users with disabilities specifically can have easy access.  

I will however refer to this post inquiries by Mimi on the subject, which suggests that the aspect of inclusiveness within the compendium could do with some accompanying examples:

SuSanA Forum Moderator
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)

Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
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Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse

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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

yes this was a pre-COVID handbook. I had developed it. Its been used in school settings.
Sorry, didn't see this message earlier.

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  • MimiC
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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

Hi Nitya,

Thanks for sharing! I assume it was developed pre-COVID? Do you know who developed it and how it has been used?


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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

I'm sharing a flipbook that may help. Its about promoting handwashing.
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  • MimiC
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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

Just to say that I have no idea why my post above keeps being published aligned to the right! Hopefully people can follow it ok but if one of the moderators could fix it I'd be grateful (I have tried editing several times with no success...)

(note by moderator: problem solved; it was a bug at our end with the Arabic script display)

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  • MimiC
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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

Thanks, everyone for your contributions to the 1st and2nd editions of the  Handwashing Compendiumfor Low Resource Settings ! We are now preparing the 3rd edition so please send any further ideas and additions to us by the end of September.

For background, the Sanitation Learning Hub published the 2nd edition of the Handwashing Compendium for Low Resource Settings in June. Bringing existing information from different organizations into one place, the compendium provides guidance, local examples of and further resources on accessible low-cost handwashing facilities, environmental cues, and physically distanced hygiene promotion. 

We are now putting together the 3rd edition and need your input. In particular, we are looking for:
·        details of new technologies to enable handwashing with soap – either in household or public
·        local examples of handwashing technologies
·        examples of hygiene promotion and community engagement work aimed at increasing handwashing
with soap in the context of COVID-19

We are also interested in any feedback you have on the existing editions. 

Please get in touch with us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  by the end of September 2020 if you have examples, experiences, and/or feedback for the 3rd edition. 

And of course, please use and share the compendium with anyone who may find it useful - it is available to download
in  English French Portuguese  and  Arabic . (We can also share individual sections for those with limited internet in case the file size is too big).

We are keen to get inputs from as many sources as possible so please also share this call (and French and Portuguese versions
below) with others in your networks).

Appel à tousceux qui travaillent pour améliorerle lavage des mains avec du savon dans le monde entier! Lisez la 2e
édition du  Compendium sur le Lavage des Mains dans les ContextesPauvres en Ressources  et soumettez-nous vos idées pour la 3e édition à  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  avant le 30 septembre.
En juin, le Sanitation Learning Hub a publié ladeuxième édition du Compendium sur le Lavage des Mains dans les Contextes
Pauvres en Ressources. Rassemblant les informations existantes de différentes
organisations en un seul endroit, le compendium fournit des conseils, des
exemples locaux et des ressources supplémentaires sur les installations de
lavage des mains accessibles à faible coût, les signaux environnementaux et la
promotion de l'hygiène à distance physique. 

Nous sommes en train de préparer la troisième édition et avons besoin de votre
contribution. En particulier, nous recherchons:

·        détails desnouvelles technologies pour permettre le lavage des mains avec du savon - que
ce soit à domicile ou en public·        des exemples locaux de technologies de lavage des mains·        des exemples de travail de promotion de l'hygiène et d'engagementcommunautaire visant à augmenter le lavage des mains avec du savon dans le
contexte du COVID-19 Nous sommes également intéressés par vos commentairessur les éditions existantes. 

Veuillez nous contacter à  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  avant la fin du mois de septembre 2020 si vousavez des exemples, des expériences et / ou
des commentaires pour la troisième édition.

Apelo a todos que trabalham paramelhorar alavagem das mãos com sabão no mundo todo! Lê a segunda edição do  Compêndiode Lavagem das Mãos para Meios de PoucosRecursos  e envia-nos as tuasideias para a terceira edição antes do 30 desetembro.

Em junho, o Sanitation LearningHub publicou asegunda edição do  Compêndiode Lavagem das Mãos para Meios de PoucosRecursos . Juntando toda a informação existente de organizações distintas num sórecurso, o compêndio consiste-se de conselhos, exemplos locais e recursos
suplementares sobre instalações de lavagem de mãos de baixo custo, dicas
ambientais e promoção da higiene fisicamente distanciada. 
Agora juntamos o material para aterceira ediçãoe precisamos do teu dado. Em particular,buscamos:

·        detalhes denovas tecnologias para possibilitar a lavagem das mãos com sabão – seja em casa
ou lugares públicos·        exemplos locaisde tecnologias para a lavagem das mãos·        exemplos detrabalho que se concentra na promoção da hygiene e na participação das
comunidades com o objetivo de aumentar a lavagem das mãos com sabão no contexto
da COVID-19Tambٞém nos interessa qualquer feedback sobre as edições existentes. Podemcontactar-nos por email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  antes do fim do setembro 2020 se soubessede exemplos, experiencias e/ou comentários para a terceira edição.

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  • JamieMyers
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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

Dear All,

The second edition was published on Friday and can be found on the IDS website: . French, Portuguese and Arabic translations of the compendium will be added to this page shortly.

We hope to update it again in July so please do continue to share examples with us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Twitter (@SanLearningHub).

All the best,
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  • Agas
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Re: Developing a Handwashing Compendium - guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities

I work at Camphill Community Trust, an NGO in Otse, Botswana providing education and training for learning disabled children and young people aged 4 - adult.
In response to COVID 19 we initially made Tippy Taps which worked well as an emergency measure.
We are now making our version of the pipe with holes, controlled by a ball valve.
It is supported on a simple steel frame and uses a  6m long, 315mm diam PVC water pipe cut in half lengthwise as a 'gutter'.
Used water is drained to a simple mulch basin or sand filter. 
It allows for four people to wash hands at the same time , two on each side for C19 distancing.
We intend to work on a through-flow water heater based on a wood fired rocket stove.
Happy to provide more details.
Agas Groth
Director, Camphill Community Trust, Botswana

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