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- Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)
- Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)
Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)

- laurabrightdavies
- I am an urban development and sanitation expert, specialised in the urban environmental challenges & opportunities found in low- and middle-income countries
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)

Thanks for bringing all these key resources to the table.
I would like to introduce a recent initiative from BORDA Africa (with our partners DAWASA and DAWASCO). We have developed a City Sanitation Planning (CSP) methodology for determining "which" sanitation solutions should go "where". Taking Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as a case study, we use GIS software to overlay various physical and socio-economic characteristics, which influence environmental sanitation and the selection of suitable solutions.
Using three selected parameters of population DENSITY + ACCESSIBILITY + INCOME, we can then identify a list of environmental sanitation recommendations (with a focus on de-centralised options) for various areas throughout the city, as well as identifying "stress areas" for urgent intervention.
For more information regarding this initiative, please download the 3-part CSP package here: www.susana.org/en/resources/library/details/2562
This CSP methodology has also been incorporated into an online interactive tool: citysanitationplanning.org/
I hope you will find this new tool useful.
Best Regards,
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I had the chance to attend last year the symposium 'Integrated management of used-water and sanitation' organized by Borda. It was very very interesting, with a good mix of experiences from implementation and research linked to broader urban development. Thus, I would like to recommend these presentations as an importantt resource for the sub-category on Cities.
The presentations and the program are available in the SuSanA Library: www.susana.org/en/resources/library/details/2381
I hope you will like it!
Kind regards,
Note by moderator:
Thanks for the hint, I have added it to the list of links in the sticky post above - Elisabeth
and the SuSanA Secretariat
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)
It’s not easy to limit it to 5 key documents but I think any more than 5 would defeat the purpose of telling a new person which document(s) they should read.
Those documents and links that are also important appear below the 5 key documents in the links list.
We can update this sticky post from time to time if/when a new key document about urban sanitation appears on the scene.
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)

A candidate for document no. 5 could be:
Urban Waste and Sanitation Services for Sustainable Development: Harnessing Social and Technical Diversity in East Africa (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development) 1st Edition. 2014
by Bas van Vliet (Editor), Joost van Buuren (Editor), Shaaban Mgana (Editor)
I have not read the book, but co-editor Bas van Vliet gave a presentation about the "modernised mixtures" concept for urban sanitation at a recent IRC event - see Diamonds and cocktails for better urban sanitation
There is also a video book presentation in which the concept is briefly explained:
The PhD reports on which the book is based are available free of cost at:
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)
Thanks a lot for your post here.
I had thought about the FSM book but wasn't quite sure whether to include it or not as it mainly focusses on technical aspects and not specifically on urban planning? Or maybe it does? And I guess FSM is inherently mainly an urban activity, not a rural one - is that right in your opinion?
Which IRC document are you saying should be removed? The one from 2014 or the one from 2008? What did you mean with "not timely"?
For SFDs, I think they are a specific awareness raising tool only, so I am not sure if they need to be elevated to the level of 5 recommended key readings for urban planning. Perhaps it makes more sense to add them under the weblinks section. Also, we have a dedicated sub-sub-category for SFDs so I could created a sticky post there particularly for SFD documents:
The Compendium I would hesitate to add in the 5 key documents as it's not specific for cities and not dealing with management and planning aspects. But for sure I can add a link to the eCompendium in the links section.
About CLUES (www.susana.org/en/resources/library/details/1300) yes, good point, that should be added, as it's particularly about urban situations (Community-Led Urban environmental sanitation planning: CLUES). I assume you might bring out a revised version of that in the future which would also include SFDs as one tool?
Overall, I would hesitate to only list Sandec publications and links in this key documents section. I think it might distort the picture a little, as IRC also has published important information about urban sanitation, haven't they? And there might be others as well?
Whilst the documents need to be limited to five (otherwise it defeats the purpose of telling a newcomer which documents to read first), we can provide more links to project pages, blogs, or resource collections in the end of the post.
Thanks again for your valuable suggestions!
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)

Thanks for the initivate. A reply from working group 6.
We feel that a few key resources/iniatives are under-represented:
The FSM book (Faecal sludge management: Systems approach for implementation and operation). This document has several chapters on technology, management and planning.
The SFD Project. We feel that the first IRC reference is a rehearsal of other key document and not timely. Unfortuntely, SFD does not have a final product yet. We suggest The missing link in sanitation service delivery. A review of fecal sludge management in 12 Cities by WSP and the website of the SFD Promotion Inniative . Both WSP (e.g. service delivery assessment) and SFD will come out with more soon.
Clues and the compendium (including the e-compendium). The both have the plus that they link to more tools for planning, implementation, and management.
Best regards,
PhD student ETH Zurich & Eawag/Sandec
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Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)
This thread is a "sticky thread" which means it will always remain at the top of this sub-category. It contains a recommendation for new people regarding the most important five documents in the thematic area of "Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)". It was edited on 25 November to take into account the three posts below this post.
Recommended top five documents in the thematic area of "Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)" in reverse chronological order:
Galli, G., Nothomb , C., Baetings, E. (2014). Towards systemic change in urban sanitation - IRC Working paper. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, Netherlands
Current models of urban sanitation have not been delivering the services they are supposed to deliver and at the scale that is urgently required. Problems of untreated effluents that are discharged into the environment and contribute to contamination still remain. To solve these problems is complex as they are not singular technical problems. A solution that considers its complex interconnected social, financial, environmental and institutional nature is therefore required.
IWA (2014). Sanitation 21 - Simple approaches to complex sanitation. International Water Association (IWA), London, UK
In the context of this document, planning is essentially about responding to real needs and making informed decisions about investments for sanitation improvements involving the prudent use of resources to meet recognized priorities. It helps to identify where investments are required, secure the necessary finances for implementation, and enable cost-recovery for long-term sustainability of sanitation services.
The document sets out key principles and process guidelines to help city stakeholders develop appropriate and affordable solutions to sanitation problems, taking into account technology issues, management arrangements, institutional challenges and demands for improvement from different stakeholders.
Strande, L., Ronteltap, M., Brdjanovic, D. (Eds.) (2014). Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) book - Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation. IWA Publishing, UK (ISBN: 9781780404738)
This book compiles the current state of knowledge of faecal sludge management, and presents an integrated approach that includes technology, management and planning. It addresses the planning and organization of the entire faecal sludge management service chain, from the collection and transport of sludge and treatment options, to the final end use or disposal of treated sludge. In addition to providing fundamentals and an overview of technologies, the book goes into details of operational, institutional and financial aspects, and provides guidance on how to plan a city-level faecal sludge management project with the involvement of all the stakeholders.
Lüthi, C., Panesar, A., Schütze, T., Norström, A., McConville, J., Parkinson, J., Saywell, D., Ingle, R. (2011). Sustainable sanitation in cities: a framework for action. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), Papiroz Publishing House
This book gives an initial overview of the current state of urban sanitation with a North-South perspective, followed by a discussion of the new role of sustainable sanitation systems in future eco-cities. Planning innovations for urban sanitation, initial lessons learned and current challenges faced are addressed. Context specific challenges and opportunities are illustrated in a variety of urban settings, from non-tenured low-income settlements (slums) to middle- and high-income inner-city areas, to stimulate action on the ground.
Luethi, C., Morel, A., Tilley, E., Ulrich, L. (2011). Community-Led Urban environmental sanitation planning: CLUES - Complete guidelines for decision-makers with 30 tools. Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Dübendorf, Switzerland, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland and UN-HABITAT, Nairobi, Kenya
The Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation (CLUES) approach presents comprehensive guidelines for the planning and implementation of environmental sanitation infrastructure and services in disenfranchised urban and peri-urban communities. The planning approach builds on a framework which balances the needs of people with those of the environment to support human dignity and a healthy life. CLUES is a multi-sector and multi-actor approach accounting for water supply, sanitation, solid waste management and storm drainage.
You can find further important documents and website links dealing with this topic here:
- Filter the SuSanA library by Working Groups 6 (cities): click here
- Website of the SFD (Shit Flow Diagram) Promotion Initiative: sfd.susana.org/
- Publication by WSUP from 2014: "The Urban Programming Guide: How to design and implement an effective urban WASH programme": www.wsup.com/resource/the-urban-programming-guide/
- The UBSUP project in Kenya provides a wealth of resources, see: www.wstf.go.ke/safisan/ and toolkit in SuSanA library and project description in project database
- See also the "Thematic Discussion 5 - Sustainable urban sanitation - moving forward" from October 2015: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/218-th...ward-irc-in-oct-2015
- Urban Sanitation Development Program (USDP) - Indonesia: www.ircwash.org/projects/urban-sanitatio...lopment-program-usdp
- Pan-Africa programme (which includes Urban Led Community Total Sanitation (ULCTS)): www.ircwash.org/projects/sltsclts-plan
- Results from a research project called "Provide: Towards sustainable urban sanitation" by Wageningen University, The Netherlands (this project also included solid waste management): www.wageningenur.nl/en/show/Provide-Towa...urban-sanitation.htm
BORDA Symposium - Integrated Management of Used Water and Sanitation - 10 and 11 November 2015 in Bremen, Germany; www.susana.org/en/resources/library/details/2381
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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- Key documents for the sub-category on Cities (planning, implementation, and management processes)