Progress so far ... Sanitation Service Delivery Program (PSI with PATH and WSUP, funded by USAID) - Ghana, Ivory Coast and Benin


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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Sanitation Service Delivery - Bénin: Lancement officiel de la nouvelle extension

" L’USAID renforce la résilience des artisans partenaires à l’effet de la COVID 19 pour le bonheur des populations défavorisées "

Financé par l'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID) depuis 2014, le programme de prestation de services d’assainissement en milieu urbain, Sanitation Service Delivery (SSD), forme et encourage les acteurs du secteur privé (maçons et micro-entrepreneurs etc.) à fournir des prestations commerciales de produits et services d'assainissement à coûts abordables et de qualité aux ménages à faibles revenus des zones urbaines et périurbaines ». Il s’agit notamment des latrines à double fosse à usage alternatif, latrine améliorée à fosse unique et des pots de défécation sous le label « WC MIMIN ». En moyenne deux mille (2000) sont mensuellement commercialisés chaque mois par ces micro entrepreneurs partenaires. 

Cependant, depuis l’avènement de la pandémie de COVID 19, comme beaucoup d’autres acteurs du secteur privé, des difficultés se sont observées dans la promotion de ces différents infrastructures d’assainissement confectionnées. D’autre part, il est établi l’importance des services WASH en toute sécurité pour la prévention et la protection de la santé humaine lors des épidémies de maladies infectieuses, y compris l'actuelle pandémie de COVID-19. Deplus, à l’instar des autres pays touchés par le coronavirus, le gouvernement béninois a recommandé plusieurs mesures de riposte dont le lavage correct et régulier des mains à l’eau et au savon, un acte qui requiert le recours au dispositif adéquat. Il s’est ainsi révélé la nécessité d’accompagner les micro entrepreneurs pour faire face à la crise qui continue d’induire des effets sur leurs activités à travers le développement de nouveaux produits adaptés au
contexte. « En soutenant les entrepreneurs privés et locaux, les Etats-Unis répondent au besoin de produits abordables pour empêcher la propagation de la COVID-19, tout en soutenant la production, l’emploi et les entreprises au niveau local au Bénin » a souligné Patricia Mahoney, ambassadeur des Etats-Unis près le Bénin à l’occasion du lancement de la nouvelle extension du projet, le vendredi 16 Octobre 2020 à Allada. Poursuivant son discours, l’ambassadeur a exprimé la volonté des Etats-Unis de faire don de 250
dispositifs de lavage des mains (DLM) à 132 écoles de la maternelle et du primaire, permettant ainsi à 72000 enfants de bénéficier d’une meilleure hygiène. Aussi, le projet va travailler avec les micro entrepreneurs pour le développement des dispositifs de lavage des mains et autres intrants de lutte contre la propagation de la COVID 19 à moindre coûts pour le bonheur des populations défavorisées. Une importante action qui contribue à la résilience des micro entrepreneurs à l’effet de la COVID 19.

A son tour, monsieur Imorou BACHABI, représentant du Ministère de la Santé, a remercié les partenaires et rappeler tout l’intérêt de
cette nouvelle phase d’extension du projet SSD pour le Bénin qui s’est résolument engagé dans la riposte contre la COVID-19. Pour lui, les objectifs de ce projet sont en cohérence avec la stratégie nationale de riposte mise en

Note: Translation added by Moderator (CSM) using

"USAID builds resilience of artisan partners to effect COVID 19 for the happiness of disadvantaged populations"Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 2014, the urban sanitation service delivery programme, Sanitation Service Delivery (SSD), trains and encourages private sector actors (masons and micro-entrepreneurs etc.) to provide commercial delivery of affordable, quality sanitation products and services to low-income households in urban and peri-urban areas." These include double pit latrines for alternative use, improved single pit latrines and defecation pots under the label "WC MIMIN". On average, two thousand (2000) are marketed each month by these partner micro entrepreneurs. However, since the advent of the COVID 19 pandemic, like many other actors in the private sector, difficulties have been observed in the promotion of these different sanitation infrastructures. On the other hand, the importance of safe WASH services for the prevention and protection of human health during infectious disease outbreaks, including the current VIC-19 pandemic, is well established. In addition, like other countries affected by the coronavirus, the Beninese government has recommended several response measures, including proper and regular hand washing with soap and water, an act that requires the use of the appropriate device. The need to support microentrepreneurs to cope with the crisis, which continues to have an impact on their activities, through the development of new products adapted to thecontext. "By supporting private and local entrepreneurs, the United States responds to the need for affordable products to prevent the spread of COVID-19, while supporting production, employment and businesses at the local level in Benin," said Patricia Mahoney, US Ambassador to Benin, at the launch of the new extension of the project on Friday, October 16, 2020 in Allada. Continuing her speech, the ambassador expressed the willingness of the United States to donate 250hand washing devices (HWDs) to 132 kindergarten and primary schools, thus enabling 72,000 children to benefit from improved hygiene. The project will also work with micro entrepreneurs to develop handwashing devices and other inputs to fight the spread of COVID 19 at a lower cost for the benefit of disadvantaged populations. This is an important action that contributes to the resilience of micro entrepreneurs to the effect of COVID 19.In his turn, Mr Imorou BACHABI, representative of the Ministry of Health, thanked the partners and recalled the interest of this new phase of extension of the project.This new extension phase of the SSD project is of great interest to Benin, which is resolutely committed to the response to COVID-19. For him, the objectives of this project are consistent with the national response strategy in place.Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d'Ivoire
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: PSI CI en synergie d’actions avec la Direction de l’Assainissement en milieu Rural (DAR)

Selon les résultats de l’enquête à indicateurs multiples (MICS) initié par le Ministère du Plan en 2016, le taux de défécation à l’air libre au niveau national était globalement autour de 22%. En milieu urbain, il avoisine 3% et malheureusement 39% en milieu rural. (source)

Pour contenir ces pratiques peu louables, le Ministère de la Salubrité et de l’Assainissement (MINASS) à travers son Département de la Direction de l’Assainissement en milieu Rural (DAR), a participé à la formation des agents recrutés pour assister les populations à faible revenu dans leur désir d’accéder aux services d’assainissement adéquats en milieu péri-urbain et rural. Cette initiative financée par USAID permettra au gouvernement ivoirien de relever le défi suivant consigné dans les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) alinéa 6.2 : « Assurer d’ici à 2030 l’accès de tous, dans les conditions équitables aux services d’assainissement et d’hygiène adéquats et mettre fin à la défécation en plein air, en accordant une attention particulière aux besoins des femmes, des filles et des personnes en situation vulnérable ». Cet atelier de formation a également servi de cadre pour renforcer la collaboration entre la DAR et la PSI-CI.

Il importe de signifiant qu’un Manuel Technique de réalisation des ouvrages d’assainissement a été élaboré et validé au cours de ces échanges, pour assurer une meilleure gestion des connaissances des techniciens engagés dans ce processus. Il demeurera un guide pratique de référence pour les Très Petites Entreprises (TPE) qui souhaiteraient réaliser et/ou construire des ouvrages d’assainissement de qualité.

Concernant la problématique de défécation à l’air libre, un autre atelier de renforcement des capacités a été organisé à l’endroit des agents communautaires constitués en très petites entreprises (TPE) dans le mois de Décembre 2020 à Yamoussoukro. Il a permis de former et encadrer les ménages choisis à la construction des latrines familiales améliorées en collaboration avec PSI-CI.

A la suite de ces orientations en salle, une phase pratique a été initiée pendentif laquelle les TPE ont pu assister à la mise en place d’une toilette dans le village d’Akpéssekro, situé à quelques kilomètres de la ville de Yamoussoukro. Cette pose faite en présence du Chef dudit village, de la DAR et des techniciens du Projet SSD de PSI CI servir à des heureux bénéficiaires pendentif de longues années.

Selon Madame BRAGORI Hélène Epouse YOKOLLY, Directrice de l’Assainissement en milieu Urbain (DAR) présente à cette activité ; « Ce partenariat avec PSI CI nous permettra d’accélérer l’accès et l’amélioration de l’assainissement en Côte d’Ivoire. Aussi, j’ai bon espoir que cette formation offerte à nos TPE favorisera l’éclosion d’activités pour un meilleur assainissement du cadre de vie de nos populations surtout ceux des milieux ruraux ».

Notons qu’à la suite de cette collaboration, les activités à venir sont les constructions des toilettes SaniPlus avec son système de lavage des mains au niveau des écoles en milieux urbains.

Note by Moderator: Translated with

According to the results of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) initiated by the Ministry of Planning in 2016, the rate of open defecation at the national level was globally around 22%. In urban areas, it is around 3% and unfortunately 39% in rural areas. (source)

In order to curb these unwelcome practices, the Ministry of Sanitation and Hygiene (MINASS), through its Department of the Directorate of Sanitation in Rural Areas (DAR), has participated in the training of agents recruited to assist low-income populations in their desire to access adequate sanitation services in peri-urban and rural areas. This USAID-funded initiative will enable the Ivorian government to take up the following challenge set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) paragraph 6.2: "Ensure access for all, under equitable conditions, to adequate sanitation and hygiene services and end open defecation by 2030, paying particular attention to the needs of women, girls and people in vulnerable situations". The training workshop also served as a framework for strengthening collaboration between DAR and PSI-CI.

It is important to note that a Technical Manual for the implementation of sanitation works was elaborated and validated during these exchanges, to ensure better knowledge management of the technicians involved in this process. It will remain a practical reference guide for Very Small Enterprises (VSEs) who would like to carry out and/or build quality sanitation works.

With regard to the issue of open defecation, another capacity building workshop was organised for community agents working in very small enterprises (VSEs) in December 2020 in Yamoussoukro. It enabled the selected households to be trained and supervised in the construction of improved family latrines in collaboration with PSI-CI.

Following these orientations in the classroom, a practical phase was initiated during which the VSEs were able to attend the installation of a toilet in the village of Akpéssekro, located a few kilometres from the city of Yamoussoukro. This installation made in the presence of the Chief of the said village, the DAR and the technicians of the SSD Project of PSI CI served the happy beneficiaries for many years.

According to Mrs. BRAGORI Hélène Epouse YOKOLLY, Director of Urban Sanitation (DAR) present at this activity; "This partnership with PSI CI will enable us to accelerate access and improvement of sanitation in Côte d'Ivoire. Also, I am confident that this training offered to our MSEs will encourage the development of activities for better sanitation of the living environment of our populations, especially those in rural areas.

It should be noted that as a result of this collaboration, future activities include the construction of SaniPlus toilets with its handwashing system in schools in urban areas.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Benin: micro-entrepreneurs do not envisage the end of SSD project

Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 2014, the Sanitation Service Delivery (SSD) program trains and encourages private sector actors (masons, plumbers, building technicians, etc.) to provide commercial delivery of affordable, quality sanitation products and services to low-income households in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire.

Implemented by Population Services International (PSI), the project trained and operationalized 34 micro-entrepreneurs to build sanitation facilities in 19 communes in Benin under the "WC Mimin" label. These include double-pit latrines for alternative use, improved single-pit latrines and defecation pots. To date, at least 19,000 sanitation facilities have been built by micro-entrepreneurs in Benin, compared to more than 8,500 in Côte d'Ivoire under the "Sani Plus" brand.

After an initial phase that lasted from 2014 to 2019, the project obtained a one-year extension from the donor. Before the new closing date of September 2020, the project team is multiplying its actions in order to make the micro-entrepreneurs more and more autonomous. These include encouraging micro-entrepreneurs to recruit their own sales force, approaching households directly, developing partnerships to increase the number of sales outlets and boosting their turnover. The long-term vision is to see these micro-entrepreneurs in sanitation continue the provision of sanitation products and services to households once the project is completed.

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In Benin, the micro-entrepreneurs have formed an association for greater efficiency. They created the UNION NATIONALE DES ENTREPRENEURS D'ASSAINISSEMENT MIMIN DU BENIN (UNEAM) with the mission to ensure the supply of "WC Mimin" sanitation products.

The first meeting of the members of this association was held during this first quarter. During the meeting, it was a question of defining a set of priority actions to be carried out to make this association more operational. UNEAM therefore wants to carry out advocacy in the cities where the SSD project carries out its activities in order to make itself known to the municipal authorities. The members of this association have also thought about mechanisms to mobilize funding from credit institutions in order to increase their activities.

In Benin, according to the 2018 national health survey, only 22% of the urban population uses basic sanitation facilities, while 26% of Beninese use shared toilets and 38% practice open defecation. Universal access to basic sanitation is not yet achieved, largely due to the lack of affordable, high quality and accessible toilets for consumers.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: SSD trains private operators on safe manual emptying technics

As part of its activities, the SSD Sanitation Service Delivery Project funded by USAID, has developed a latrine model whose faecal sludge containment system does not require the use of mechanical emptying. These are fairly modern means that are beyond the reach of populations in peri-urban areas and even in some urban centres. The training held during a workshop brought together operators from the Ouémé and Atlantic departments under the leadership of the Ministry of Health.

Many governmental and municipal actors involved in the implementation of the SSD project also took part in this meeting. These are the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Managers based at the commune level, and hygiene agents based at the level of the health trainers in the target areas. The aim is to equip the well-diggers to be able to manually clean the full pits of the "WC MIMIN" toilets according to the standards after the whole resting and oxygenation process. This practice requires an appropriate knowledge of the hygiene standards and techniques to be respected in order to carry out a manual emptying in compliance with the "Vidange Mimin".
Indeed in local language ''Mimim'' means clean. This term has been used as the main brand name of the products and services developed within the framework of the SSD project. These are ''Mimin WC'' for latrines and ''Vidange Mimin'' for the mechanical emptying service of septic tanks.

In addition, it should be pointed out that the training was carried out as a preventive measure. Since 2017, the year of installation of the first Mimin toilet latrines, no pit has reached full storage capacity. This demonstrates the veracity of the value proposition that a pit could take at least two years before it is full.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: VTO affiliated to the SSD project trained on current norms and standards


More than 200 professionals VTO’s have had their capacities reinforced on the norms and standards in force concerning the handling of faecal sludge. This was on the occasion of a training workshop organized by the SSD Sanitation Service Delivery Project. Funded by USAID and implemented in Benin by the “Association Béninoise pour le Marketing Social et la Communication pour la Santé” (ABMS), the SSD project has three main objectives, one of which is to improve access to safe disposal of faecal sludge without human contact.
These VTO’s have therefore been trained in sanitation legislation, the dosage of disinfectants as well as the hygiene and safety regulations to be complied with. They are then trained and informed about the penalties and risks they face if they do not comply with the legal sanitation regulations.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Cote d'Ivoire: The Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Abidjan meets the beneficiaries of the SSD project.

Katherine BRUCKER, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Abidjan made a field visit to discover the sanitation facilities of the SSD (Sanitation Service Delivery) project.

The American diplomat was accompanied by a strong delegation from the USAID Côte d'Ivoire Office led by the Country Representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Dr Nancy LOWENTHAL and Margaret MCMORROW, Environment officer, Regional Economic Growth Office USAID REGO Accra. The visit took place in the commune of Yopougon where the SSD project has been operating since 2016.

Funded by USAID to the tune of $17.8 million, SSD is an urban sanitation project implemented by Population Services International (PSI) in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire over the period 2014-2020. This project aims to train and encourage private actors (masons, plumbers, building technicians) to provide commercially available and affordable quality sanitation products and services for the benefit of low-income households. These sanitation services are carried out under the brand name "Sani Plus"; a brand created within the framework of the SSD project activities.

This field visit organized by the SSD Côte d'ivoire team started at the ONAD disposal centre where wastewater (faecal sludge) collected directly from household septic tanks is discharged into a collector-receiver.

The delegation led by the Deputy chief of mission went to the districts of Micao, Gesco Ayakro and Lokoua. Disadvantaged neighborhoods, all located in the commune of Yopougon, where she met with two sanitation contractors affiliated with the SSD project These two contractors trained and equipped by the SSD project provide commercial delivery of "Sani Plus", sanitation products and services (construction of latrines, septic tanks, cesspools, double pit latrines) to the households that request them.

After more than 2 years of activity, they have managed to develop a real sanitation business. "Today, people are asking me to do their work. I can make between 3 and 4 septic tanks and lost wells per month and many more latrines with Sato Pan. Before I didn't have a bank account and now thanks to Sani Plus," said one of them, David Souemy.

Littering the puddles of sewage on the streets devoid of asphalt, the case manager walked through the alleys of these neighborhoods to visit three households. In each of the households, composed of 5 to 6 tenants, the microentrepreneur has built at least 4 latrines with Sato Pan. This innovative mechanism reduced odour and the presence of flies, as these households were using old traditional direct pit latrines.

The second contractor Bakayoko Seydou served as guide for this stage of the visit as he is the one who realized these different installations.

A user, Mrs. Konaté, wife of one of the property owners, said she was very satisfied with the Sani Plus latrines. "Before, in the house when you came back to the living room, the odors from the toilet were disturbing but now with Sani Plus there are no more smells," she added. A visit rich in emotion that allowed the project manager to communicate with these populations who live in rather precarious sanitation conditions and who find a way out with the intervention of the SSD project.

At the last stage of the visit, the project manager congratulated the Sani Plus contractors and the SSD project team for the work they are doing to provide better sanitation conditions for low-income households. "Let everyone use toilets," she said in her closing message at the end of the field visit.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: World Toilet Day: The Ministry of Sanitation invites SSD to exhibit its products

On (26th November) the 2019 World Toilet Day, The Ministry of Sanitation and Hygiene has invited the Sanitation Services Delivery Project (SSD) to exbibit its sanitation products such as Satopan and commercial services brand “Sani Plus”.
In Cote d’Ivoire, held in the village of Bodo, the theme of the celebration day was “"Do not leave anyone aside". Partnering with local entrepreneurs, SSD embodies the theme by stimulating the sanitating market and targeting low-income households.

Funded by USAID and implemented by PSI in Côte d'Ivoire and Benin, SSD project trains and encourages private actors (microentrepreneurs in sanitation) to provide commercial services of sanitation products and services under the brand name "WC Mimin" in Benin and "Sani Plus" in Côte d'Ivoire. SSD presented its improved latrines equipped with Satopan. It is a flap device that eliminates the presence of odours and insects while offering greater comfort to the latrine user.

In Côte d'Ivoire, access to sanitation remains a challenge. According to the 2017 JMP report, 25% of the national population practices open defecation. In response, more than 7,000 sanitation facilities have been built by private operators in households.

In her speech, the Minister of Sanitation and Hygiene, Anne Désirée OULOTO, invited private actors and NGOs such as PSI to make greater efforts to facilitate better access for households to latrines and sanitation products.

To celebrate World Toilet Day in Benin (28th November), SSD project team in collaboration with the BOÏCON municipality organized the celebration in the presence of government, local and customary authorities. The mayor of the municipality of Boïcon welcomed the awareness-raising caravan. During the celebration, the Team Leader’s SSD project in Benin, indicated that beyond the commune of Boïcon, several communes have benefited from more than 13,000 sanitation products, including 6,000 latrines made by the artisans trained by SSD project.

On World Toilet Day, SSD proudly showcased their progress in increasing access to innovative sanitation products in Côte d’Ivoire and Benin. World Toilet Day was also a reminder that in spite of the progress made in both countries, SSD should expand its reach to ensure that no community will be left aside in improved sanitation.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Sucess Story : A Female Sanitation Entrepreneur breakings Gender norms in Côte d'ivoire

On the occasion of World Toilet Day celebrated on November 19, the USAID-funded project Sanitation Service Delivery project introduces you to a woman entrepreneur trained by the project to built toilets for her community in Agboville.

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Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Sucess Story : Sani Plus: a new field of possibility for Tibus Kouassi

Engineer in Building and Public Works techniques, Tibus Kouadio is the Managing Director of a construction service company. With a staff of 25 employees, he designs architectural plans, carries out technical feasibility studies and supervises construction sites.
Indeed, business was going well enough for him. One of the projects he carried out provided him with nearly 20 million in profits. Suddenly, everything stopped. Markets have become increasingly rare.

A set of difficulties that led him to the crisis forcing him to lay off to keep only 5 positions. Unable to bear the maintenance costs, Tibus is also forced to resell the 4 public transport vehicles he owned.
As part of market development activities, the USAID-funded Sanitation Service Delivery Project (SSD) is working with city councils to establish a supply chain. The objective of the project is to train and engage the private sector to provide sanitation services to low-income households through commercial provision. "Sani Plus" is a brand of quality and low-cost sanitation products created by the project.
Going to Abobo City Hall for an administrative formality, Tibus discovers on a bulletin board, the call for proposals of the SSD project to recruit VSEs interested in sanitation marketing. "I thought to myself why not try," he said.

A few months after his training on the construction of Sani Plus sanitation products, Tibus said he was impressed by the level of quality with which the works are carried out. For him, the process used to make a lost well with concrete nozzles is quite innovative.
A rigorous worker, respecting the quality standards of the Sani Plus brand, Tibus has begun to make a name for itself in the sanitation marketing sector. He was doing more and more works. Although the revenues generated by the sale of Sani Plus products were quite lower than the costs of building large real estate projects, Tibus did not give up.

"I would rather earn a little bit every day than win big once and have nothing left after that," he continues. This''Sani Plus'' contractor currently has at least 115 sanitation facilities (toilets, septic tanks and cesspools) built in the municipality of Abobo. This generated a turnover of more than eleven million CFA francs. In addition, Tibus has created a second company exclusively dedicated to the Sani Plus sanitation products business. This company employs 7 full-time young graduates whose salaries are financed through the sale of sanitation products.

According to him, the money generated by the sale of Sani Plus sanitation products is very useful to him. "Often I take Sani Plus' money to do bidding on public contracts, and that helps me a lot," concluded Tibus Kouadio.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Sharing Experience : know how SatoPan and Double Pit latrine works !

USAIDssd wrote: Do you know how a SatoPan works? 🤔🤔🤔Ah ahhhhhhh ! Do you also know how a double-well latrine works? 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂♂️🏃♂ Don't panic 😂😂😂 This is the opportunity to discover it in this 2min video #Sanitation #USAIDFundedProjet #SSD

Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: Sharing Experience : know how SatoPan and Double Pit latrine works !

Do you know how a SatoPan works? 🤔🤔🤔Ah ahhhhhhh ! Do you also know how a double-well latrine works? 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂♂️🏃♂ Don't panic 😂😂😂 This is the opportunity to discover it in this 2min video #Sanitation #USAIDFundedProjet #SSD

Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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  • SSD is a sanitation program funded by USAID, which aims to create sustainable sanitation market for the urban poor in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. This market will elicit a demand for sanitation services and a reliable supply of high-quality sanitation products and services.
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Re: SSD Entrepreneur Success Story in BENIN

Ismaël and the Mimin brand: Journey from Lost Hope to Pride

Cap on head and wearing a bright blue WC Mimin vest, Ismaël Amouh is proud to stand in front of his new work tool. A beautiful mustard-colored van, which he acquired thanks to the profits generated by the sale of sanitation products, WC Mimin latrines.
As trained sanitary plumber, Ismaël Amouh, 64, is a father of three children. Before finding Minin, he alternated between digging pits and plumbing jobs to pay his daily expenses. His monthly income was around 150,000 CFA francs.

During an awareness campaign of the SSD team in Apro-Missérété municipality in Benin, Ismaël discovered WC Mimin latrines. Mimin (meaninin 'clean' in the local language in Benin) are toilets that manually flush with two alternating offset pits and a seated user interface that includes a SATO pan. This improved latrine eliminates odors, andkeeps away flies and other insects that spread disease. Its target market is low-income households living in urban and peri-urban areas in Benin.
After Ismaël received training by the project team, SSD immediately started producing Mimin latrines and offering a new product to his customers. "When they understood that with Mimin brand products (defecation jar and Mimin toilet), there is no smell and insects, customers started to grow in numbers," said Ismaël.

Having only started with five workers, Ismaël has now grown his business to hire 20 workers to meet the high demands of his customers. He produces an average of 70 sitting latrines (defecation pots) per week. Today, his activities generate a monthly income of 350,000 CFA francs, "Thanks to WC MIMIN, I was able to buy a vehicle that is also a communication channel for me, because I have put up WC MIMIN posters and everywhere I go people come to get information from me" said Ismaël.
To date, Ismaël Amouh has 25 stores where he exhibits his products. Equipped with a loudspeaker and a microphone, he organizes promotional activities to offer his products directly to households.

Minmin is a brand of sanitation products and services that corresponds to a quality label at affordable prices. This brand was created as part of the Sanitation Services Delivery (SSD) project activities. Funded by USAID, and implemented by Population Services International, this project aims to catalyze the private sector to provide quality and affordable sanitation products and services to low-income households living in the urban areas of Benin and Côte d'Ivoire.
Learning and Communication Manager SSD|PSI Côte d’Ivoire

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