Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)


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  • Florent
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Re: Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)

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  • KaiMikkel
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Re: Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)

Florent - I came across these folks located in South Africa that manufacture injection molded UDDT seats (among other ecosan components):




Florent - Je suis tombé sur ces gens situés en Afrique du Sud qui fabriquent moulé par injection UDDT sièges ( entre autres composants ecosan ):


Kai Mikkel Førlie

Founding Member of Water-Wise Vermont (formerly Vermonters Against Toxic Sludge)

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Re: Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)

The different products available should all be in the SuSaNa wiki , nicely categorised, listed and described, with links to the source and availability. There are interesting new things popping up on this forum all the time, but getting lost to forum archives because the knowledge is not being transferred to the wiki.

Dean Satchell, M For. Sc.
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  • Florent
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Re: Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)

Bonjour Elisabeth,
c'est bien un fournisseur que nous cherchons pour l'entreprise en charge de la construction.
Merci pour la source Aqua-San. Je vais demander à l'entreprise en charge des travaux de prendre contact avec eux.
Mes appréhensions portent sur la qualité des plastiques. Il s'agit de toilettes scolaires et nous recherchons du matériel très résistant.
Aujourd'hui, je travail à distance avec un entrepreneur burundais et un partenaire opérationnel en charge du contrôle des travaux. La situation est effectivement très préoccupante.
Bien à toi.
Hello Elizabeth,
it is a supplier we are looking for the company in charge of construction.
Thank you for Aqua-San source. I will ask the company in charge of the work to contact them.
My concerns relate to the quality of plastics. These school toilets and we are looking for the very resistant material.
Today, I work remotely with a Burundian entrepreneur and an implementing partner in charge of controlling the work. The situation is indeed very worrying.

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Re: Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)

Hi Florent,

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. You are looking for a "constructor", or a supplier of UDDT seats? UDDTs seats in plastic are quite easy to source nowadays, aren't they?

E.g. in Rwanda there is Aqua-San (I think they're connected to Kentainers in Kenya?).

I saw them at a booth at AfricaSan3 and took this photo:

File Attachment:
IMG_9485 by SuSanA Secretariat , on Flickr

More photos from their booth can be seen in this set:

Then there is also Envirosan from South Africa - perhaps they already have distributors outside of South Africa?

There is actually so much happening with UDDTs in Rwanda these days. Arno promised to post an update about their public UDDTs in Kigali soon... I will remind him.

Are you still working in Burundi now? Has the security situation improved? I know that staff from the GIZ water program had to leave Rwanda. :-(


P.S. I have merged a couple of earlier posts into this thread as they seem to be related.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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  • Florent
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Re: Looking for constructor of UDDT seat in Tanzania or South Africa (and Burundi)

je recherche le contact d'une société qui construit des sièges à séparation d'urine en Tanzanie ou en Afrique du Sud pour équiper des écoles d'un projet au Burundi.
Si vous connaissez un constructeur merci de me contacter.
Bien Cordialement,
Hello, I search the contact of a company which built seats to separation of urine in Tanzania or South Africa to equip schools in a project in Burundi.
If you know a manufacturer please contact me.
Well cordially,

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  • Florent
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Re: Chaise pour toilettes type UDDT au Burundi ou bien au Rwanda (in French) - Chair UDDT kind in Burundi or in Rwanda

nous construisons actuellement des toilettes Ecosan à Gitega via une entreprise de BTP Burundaise et je suis à la recherche pour celle-ci d'un fabricant de dispositif de séparation en Afrique centrale (Tanzanie ou au pire afrique du Sud).
Si vous avez des contacts je suis preneur.

we are building the Ecosan toilets via Gitega Burundi construction company and I am looking for it a separation device manufacturer in Central Africa ( Tanzania or worse south Africa ) .
If you have contacts I 'm interested.
Thank you.

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Re: Chaise pour toilettes type UDDT au Burundi ou bien au Rwanda (in French) - Chair UDDT kind in Burundi or in Rwanda

Bonjour Vessela,
Bienvenue sur le forum !
Pouvez vous préciser ce que vous entendez exactement par "chaises". S'agit-il de sièges de toilettes sur lesquels on peut s'assoir ?
Au Burundi il y a le programme sectoriel eau (PROSECO) de la GIZ dans lequel plusieurs types de toilettes ont été testés dont des UDDTs. Je pense que vous pourriez obtenir des informations sur des fabricants / artisans formés à la fabrication de toilettes à double cuvette.
Au Rwanda c'est la coopération belge (CTB) qui a mis en oeuvre un programme ecosan.
Bonne continuation,


google translation

Hello Vessela,
Welcome to the forum!
Can you clarify what exactly you mean by "chairs". Is this toilet seat on which to sit?
In Burundi there is the Water Sector Program (PROSECO) GIZ in which several types of toilets were tested including UDDTs. I think you could get information about manufacturers / craftsmen trained in the manufacture of toilet double bowl.
In Rwanda it is the Belgian Cooperation (BTC) has implemented an ecological sanitation program.
Good luck,
Cécile Laborderie
MAKATI Environnement

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Chaise pour toilettes type UDDT au Burundi ou bien au Rwanda (in French) [Chair for UDDT types of toilets in Burundi or in Rwanda]

Afin d'accomplir un projet dans deux écoles eu Burundi, je suis à la recherche d'une entreprise qui produit des chaises pour des toilettes type UDDT au Burundi, ou bien au Rwanda.
Est ce que je peux trouver d'information à ce sujet parmi les membres de Susana?
Merci! Bonne soirée à toutes et à tous,
Vessela Monta, IRHA


Translation by Google Translate:

To complete a project in two schools were Burundi, I am looking for a company that produces chairs for UDD toilets like in Burundi or Rwanda.
Is what I can find information about it from members of Susana?
Thank you! Good evening to you all,
Vessela Monta, IRHA

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