- Health and hygiene, schools and other non-household settings
- Health issues and connections with sanitation
- Research on health benefits with improved sanitation
- Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)
Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

- reidharvey7734
- I am a ceramic industrial designer focused on environmental health and development. Ceramics is ideally suited to addressing the urgent needs of low-income communities and countries. Those embracing ceramic developments will industrialize, gaining resilience and self-sufficiency.
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Re: Reply: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)
Thanks! I believe that Soil Haiti has also implemented the arborloo latrine, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arborloo . The arborloo latrine is beautiful, considering that all that's really needed that's not available in nature is the slab of the opening to the pit. The poorest can put this together once they get a little training, some shovels and basic implements.
All the best, Reid
Anthony Reid Harvey, ceramic industrial designer
Africa Prosperity Inc.
Niagara Falls, NY USA
Here is a video presentation that gives an overview of ceramic WASH and development interventions:
Harvey, Anthony Reid (2021): Sanitary stoneware toilets: production closer to the need. Loughborough University. Conference contribution. hdl.handle.net/2134/16941193.v1
Anthony Reid Harvey, ceramic industrial designer
Africa Prosperity Inc.
Niagara Falls, NY USA
Here is a video presentation that gives an overview of ceramic WASH and development interventions:
Harvey, Anthony Reid (2021): Sanitary stoneware toilets: production closer to the need. Loughborough University. Conference contribution. hdl.handle.net/2134/16941193.v1
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You need to login to replyRe: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)
Dear all, dear Benny,
I also like the approach that SOIL has taken in Haiti - it looks very impressive in that video! I wonder how it is doing now with all the problems in that country? What I'm also wondering is what is done with the urine in that approach - it doesn't say in the video.
For an example of an ecosan approach in Africa, you can have a look at the following links:
Wish you good luck,
I also like the approach that SOIL has taken in Haiti - it looks very impressive in that video! I wonder how it is doing now with all the problems in that country? What I'm also wondering is what is done with the urine in that approach - it doesn't say in the video.
For an example of an ecosan approach in Africa, you can have a look at the following links:
Wish you good luck,
Hanns-Andre Pitot
M.Eng. Environmental Pollution Control
presently in Seesen, Germany
M.Eng. Environmental Pollution Control
presently in Seesen, Germany
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- Marine Chief Engineer by profession (1971- present) and at present Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, Chennai, India. Also proficient in giving Environmental solutions , Designation- Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Head- Environment, The Vigyan Vijay Foundation, NGO, New Delhi, INDIA , Consultant located at present at Chennai, India
Re: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

Dear SusanA Member- Dr Benny :
We appreciate your information on Container Based Toilrt blocks
This can give us many varied wide range of models that can be used in many conditions:
- Toilet blocks when not available and with OD being done
- In disaster areas where power, water and. secured arrangements are not possible
Thanks a lot for information
Yours sincerely
Ajit Seshadri
We appreciate your information on Container Based Toilrt blocks
This can give us many varied wide range of models that can be used in many conditions:
- Toilet blocks when not available and with OD being done
- In disaster areas where power, water and. secured arrangements are not possible
Thanks a lot for information
Yours sincerely
Ajit Seshadri
Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, and
Head-Environment , VigyanVijay Foundation, Consultant (Water shed Mngmnt, WWT, WASH, others)Located at present at Chennai, India
Head-Environment , VigyanVijay Foundation, Consultant (Water shed Mngmnt, WWT, WASH, others)Located at present at Chennai, India
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Re: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

1). Container-Based Sanitation (CBS)- Example: Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods in Haiti > Uses containers to collect and treat human waste - Produces compost for agriculture and reduces water pollution - Video: vimeo.com/344985302 - Link: wwwsoil.orgHaiti has the lowest rates of access to improved water and sanitation infrastructure in the western hemisphereTherefore container-based sanitation CBS is a system where toilets collect human waste in sealable, removable containers that are transported to treatment facilities when full. In SOIL’s service, EkoLakay, families pay a small monthly fee and SOIL provides toilets, waste collection, and safe treatment of wastes; transforming it into compost2). Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS)- Example: BORDA (Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association) in India/ >Treats wastewater locally, producing clean water and nutrients for agriculture > Reduces water pollution and supports sustainable agriculture - _Link_; (www.scribd.com/document/335581953/DEWATS...-Trainin,,TVg-Manual) _Video_: ()3) Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan)- Example: EcoSan toilet in Sweden - Mimics natural processes to treat human waste - Produces compost and reduces water pollution _Link_: (washmatters.wateraid.org/blog/ecosan-toi...vulnerable-locations) - _Video_: ()4). Regenerative Urban Sanitation (RUS) - >Example: Rotterdam, Netherlands - Integrates sanitation, water management, and urban planning - Uses green infrastructure to reduce water pollution and improve public health - _Link_: (www.researchgate.net/figure/Scheme-of-th...-2005_fig1_303503026) - _Video_: ()
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Re: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

Hi Xavier,Thank you for your interest in the innovative toilet technology that utilizes urine as a flushing solution. I'm glad you found the concept intriguing.This eco friendly approach is the way to go! Here are some of the benefits I can highlight for example it; -Conserves water in water-scarce regions-Reduces odors and hygiene concerns-Offers a sustainable alternative to traditional flushing systemsWould you like to schedule a call to discuss further? My email is:bennyfilumba7@gmail.comBest regards,Benny
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You need to login to reply- Benny
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Re: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

Halo Mr Sam,Thank you for your enthusiastic support of the Regenerative Sanitation approach.I'm really happy to hear about the innovative flush toilet technology that has been successfully implemented in your country.The concept of using urine as a flushing solution is fascinating, particularly in water-scarce regions. I'd love to learn more about its design, functionality, and environmental impact.Collaboration sounds great. I'd appreciate the detailed information you offered. Let's schedule a call to discuss potential synergies between our projects.Kindly share some contact details or email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. look forward to exploring this further.Best regards,Benny
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Re: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

Hi Benny,
I cannot agree more with your Regenerative sanitation approach and I feel that I can add an innovative sanitation device applied in my country for more than 20 years with wide acclaims from the customers. It is called the flush toilet with urine as the flushing solution instead water. This toilet has solved the problems of odor complaints and hygiene concerns. Thus it is widely installed in mountainous and desert areas where the groundwater is scant. If you are interested in this device, please contact me, and I’ll give you more detailed info.
Best regards,
Sam Shan
I cannot agree more with your Regenerative sanitation approach and I feel that I can add an innovative sanitation device applied in my country for more than 20 years with wide acclaims from the customers. It is called the flush toilet with urine as the flushing solution instead water. This toilet has solved the problems of odor complaints and hygiene concerns. Thus it is widely installed in mountainous and desert areas where the groundwater is scant. If you are interested in this device, please contact me, and I’ll give you more detailed info.
Best regards,
Sam Shan
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Re: Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

Hello Benny,
The term ReGenSan sure has a ring to it. I am just wondering which organisation/ organisations have pioneered this approach? which countries and organisations have specifically adopted this approach?
I can tell you for sure that the approach in itself doesn't necessarily have anything new that sector practitioners have not already done/ aren't already doing. But it is still worth noting that this is a good composition of some notable sector initiatives. Similarly other approaches such as Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CIWS) have demonstrated great sector progress.
The term ReGenSan sure has a ring to it. I am just wondering which organisation/ organisations have pioneered this approach? which countries and organisations have specifically adopted this approach?
I can tell you for sure that the approach in itself doesn't necessarily have anything new that sector practitioners have not already done/ aren't already doing. But it is still worth noting that this is a good composition of some notable sector initiatives. Similarly other approaches such as Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CIWS) have demonstrated great sector progress.
SuSanA Forum Moderator
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)
Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
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LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chaiwe-mushauko-sanderse-21709129/
Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)
Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
Emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chaiwe-mushauko-sanderse-21709129/
Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse
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- President, Public Health Student Association-Levy Mwanawasa Medical University
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Revolutionizing Sanitation by Introduction of ReGenSan (Regenerative Sanitation)

Imagine a world where sanitation systems don't just keep us healthy, but also help the environment and support sustainable development.
Welcome to ReGenSan, a groundbreaking approach that's changing the way we think about urban sanitation. The truth is, traditional sanitation systems are failing. Every year 829,000 people die globally due to poor water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions (WHO, 2020). It's time for a change. ReGenSan offers a comprehensive solution that combines social, environmental, resource recovery, and technological elements to create sustainable sanitation solutions. ReGenSan has three interconnected parts: the Social-Ecological System (SES), which involves community-led initiatives and cultural sensitivity to address social and environmental factors; the Resource System (ReS), which recovers and reuses valuable resources like biogas from wastewater treatment plants; and the Technology System (TeS), which transforms waste into valuable resources using innovative materials and decentralized treatment.
African countries can greatly benefit from ReGenSan by improving sanitation services and community health in informal settlements, where 60% of urban populations live (UN-Habitat, 2020). Additionally, ReGenSan can help create sustainable cities through urban planning, reduce waste by 30%, and promote green growth. It can also address water scarcity and improve water quality, essential for agriculture and economic development. Furthermore, ReGenSan empowers local communities to take ownership of sanitation solutions, fostering social and economic development, and attracts investment and creates jobs in the sanitation sector, contributing to economic growth.To make this happen, we need to work together across different fields, including governance, social and cultural factors, technology, marketing, and finance. We also need guidance and tools for policymakers and practitioners to implement integrated approaches. Additionally, fixing broken systems and understanding complex dynamics are crucial. For instance, 80% of wastewater is released into the environment without adequate treatment (UNESCO, 2019), highlighting the need for improved sanitation infrastructure.
Four key components are necessary for success: Continuous Improvement (CiM), Knowledge and Skills (KaS), Sanitation Infrastructure Standardization (SIS), and Integrated Functional Sanitation Value Chain (IFSVC). These components ensure effective record-keeping, learning, facility integrity, and collaboration. ReGenSan is more than just an approach - it's a game-changer.
Join the movement and help ensure everyone has access to safe and effective sanitation services, improving public health and environmental sustainability. Together, we can revolutionize sanitation and create a better future for Africa and the world.
Welcome to ReGenSan, a groundbreaking approach that's changing the way we think about urban sanitation. The truth is, traditional sanitation systems are failing. Every year 829,000 people die globally due to poor water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions (WHO, 2020). It's time for a change. ReGenSan offers a comprehensive solution that combines social, environmental, resource recovery, and technological elements to create sustainable sanitation solutions. ReGenSan has three interconnected parts: the Social-Ecological System (SES), which involves community-led initiatives and cultural sensitivity to address social and environmental factors; the Resource System (ReS), which recovers and reuses valuable resources like biogas from wastewater treatment plants; and the Technology System (TeS), which transforms waste into valuable resources using innovative materials and decentralized treatment.
African countries can greatly benefit from ReGenSan by improving sanitation services and community health in informal settlements, where 60% of urban populations live (UN-Habitat, 2020). Additionally, ReGenSan can help create sustainable cities through urban planning, reduce waste by 30%, and promote green growth. It can also address water scarcity and improve water quality, essential for agriculture and economic development. Furthermore, ReGenSan empowers local communities to take ownership of sanitation solutions, fostering social and economic development, and attracts investment and creates jobs in the sanitation sector, contributing to economic growth.To make this happen, we need to work together across different fields, including governance, social and cultural factors, technology, marketing, and finance. We also need guidance and tools for policymakers and practitioners to implement integrated approaches. Additionally, fixing broken systems and understanding complex dynamics are crucial. For instance, 80% of wastewater is released into the environment without adequate treatment (UNESCO, 2019), highlighting the need for improved sanitation infrastructure.
Four key components are necessary for success: Continuous Improvement (CiM), Knowledge and Skills (KaS), Sanitation Infrastructure Standardization (SIS), and Integrated Functional Sanitation Value Chain (IFSVC). These components ensure effective record-keeping, learning, facility integrity, and collaboration. ReGenSan is more than just an approach - it's a game-changer.
Join the movement and help ensure everyone has access to safe and effective sanitation services, improving public health and environmental sustainability. Together, we can revolutionize sanitation and create a better future for Africa and the world.
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