Key documents for the sub-category on gender issues


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  • Elisabeth
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Key documents for the sub-category on gender issues

This is the new thread for the key documents of the sub-category on gender issues. This post contains key documents recommended for people who are new to this thematic area.

Recommended top five documents in reverse chronological order:

WaterAid Canada (2019). Water, sanitation and hygiene - A Pathway to Realizing Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls. WaterAid Canada

Based on the contributions of 17 organizations and individuals, this position paper presents the business case for WASH as a critical pathway to realizing the ambitions of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. It draws on examples from the WASH sector and demonstrates how the sector takes an evidence-based, innovative, gendered and rights-based approach to transforming the lives of women and girls, and the communities in which they live.

Cavill, S., Mott, J. and Tyndale-Biscoe, P., with Bond, M., Huggett, C. and Wamera, E. (2018) ‘Engaging men and boys in sanitation and hygiene programmes’, Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 11, Brighton: IDS

Discussions of gender in sanitation and hygiene often focus on the roles, positions or impacts on women and girls. Such a focus is critical to improving the gendered outcomes in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). However, current efforts to improve sanitation and change social norms may not always actively engage men and boys in the most effective way. This issue of Frontiers of CLTS focuses on men and boys: how to engage them (or not), how to mobilise them as allies in the transformation of S&H outcomes leading to sustainable and transformative change in households and communities and reducing gendered inequality.

Oxfam, HIF, WEDC (2018). Shining a Light - How lighting in or around sanitation facilities affects the risk of gender-based violence in camps (in English, French). Oxfam, HIF (Humanitarian Innovation Fund), WEDC (Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University), UK

In 2016, the Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) set up a research challenge asking: Does lighting in or around sanitation facilities reduce the risk of gender-based violence (GBV)? During 2017 and 2018, Oxfam and researchers from the Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) at Loughborough University carried out research to try to answer this question. This report presents the main findings from this research.

UNICEF (2017). Gender-Responsive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Key elements for effective WASH programming. UNICEF

Ensuring that women and girls have an equal role in the design, management and monitoring of the WASH ecosystem can be a strategic gender-mainstreaming practice that empowers women and girls while improving WASH outcomes. Gender diversity in decision-making is linked to more effective decisions, which is one of many evidence points highlighted in the growing field of gender lens investing, which offers expanded financing possibilities for WASH programming.

House, S., Ferron, S., Sommer, M., Cavill, S. (2014). Violence, Gender and WASH: A Practitioner's Toolkit - Making water, sanitation and hygiene safer through improved programming and services. London, UK: WaterAid/SHARE

By recognising both the risks of violence associated with WASH and the potential benefits of WASH, this toolkit aims to shine a light on this problem and encourage practitioners to recognise their capacity to make WASH safer and more effective. Effectively considering gender in the process of establishing sustainable WASH services can also contribute to the process of longer-term change in attitudes and relationships between men and women. This in turn can contribute to a transformative process that can help reduce vulnerabilities to violence.

You can find further important documents and website links dealing with this topic here: Please provide your feedback. What do you think of this selection? We can update it from time to time.


P.S. For more information about why we have created this sticky thread, please see here:
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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