Introducing PSI from the USA: A new partner organisation of SuSanA


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Re: Introducing PSI from the USA: A new partner organisation of SuSanA

By the way, our SuSanA partner PSI has a total of four projects in the SuSanA project database. You can find them via their partner profile page here (scroll down):

Their projects are (most recent first):

2014 - 2019
Sanitation Service Delivery (SSD)

Improving sanitation outcomes by developing and testing scalable business models that engage private sector service providers and by contributing to the creation of an enabling environment for sanitation in West Africa
Sanitation Service Delivery (SSD) is a USAID/West Africa regional urban sanitation project that is implemented by PSI in collaboration with PATH and Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP). The goal of the program is to improve sanitation outcomes by developing and testing scalable business models that engage private sector service …

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2014 - 2015
Using performance-based contracting to build a pay-for-use sanitation market in Monrovia, Liberia

Analyzing the specific opportunities for private sector providers at all points in the sanitation value chain and assessing consumer willingness to pay for those services
Population Services International (PSI) and Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) conducted in-depth landscape research to better understand the market system for sanitation and what conditions exist in the system to stimulate private sector performance, including public sector support. With the support of Hope Consulting, PSI conducted an analysis of …

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2013 - 2015
Project Prasaadhan - Business model development for fecal sludge management in rural Bihar, India

Developing commercially viable business models for pit emptying and combined service provision for emptying and disposal, treatment and/or reuse, fostering public-private partnerships for faecal sludge management
PSI and its partners Water for People (WFP), the WASH Institute and 3S Shramik, a local business offering portable toilets, fecal waste removal, transport and treatment services, are working to integrate the development of business models for FSM with their other existing project, “Supporting Sustainable Sanitation Improvements (3SI)” , which …

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2012 - 2017
Supporting sustainable sanitation improvements in Bihar through supply-side strengthening (3SI)

Increase access to and use of improved sanitation facilities and services and establish a sustainable, market-based supply chain for sanitation products and services in Bihar, India
In 2012, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, PSI launched 3SI: Supporting Sustainable Sanitation Improvements in Bihar, India. PSI with support from partners Monitor-Deloitte, PATH and Water For People is taking key steps towards improving sanitation access in Bihar by addressing constraints in supply and demand in order to …

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If you have questions about any of those projects, please put them either into this thread or into the thread where the project has previously been discussed (find it by clicking on the "read more" link for one of the projects, then scroll down to further links)

Perhaps I could also prompt the PSI people to provide updates about those projects on the forum (for the ongoing projects).

And if you work for an organization which is a SuSanA partner but doesn't have projects in the project database, how about getting them added now? You can do so via the partner profile page for which someone in your organization has the login. If in doubt just contact the secretariat: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Introducing PSI from the USA: A new partner organisation of SuSanA

We would like to welcome PSI from the United States as a new SuSanA partner organisation!

The following text is taken from their application form and which was written by the partner organisation themselves.

Description and Activities in Sustainable Sanitation:
PSI is a leading global health organization with programs targeting malaria, child survival, HIV and reproductive health. Working in partnership within the public and private sectors, and harnessing the power of the markets, PSI provides life-saving products, clinical services and behavior change communications that empower the world's most vulnerable populations to lead healthier lives.

Please visit for PSI’s activities in WASH.

Contact person:
John Sauer


Their projects in the SuSanA project database can be found via their partner profile:

[Posted by Jona]
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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