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- Key documents for the sub-category on composting processes
Key documents for the sub-category on composting processes

Re: Key documents for the sub-category on composting processes

Both books focus on composting garden residues and are very good introductions for beginners to gain first experiences. Human urine and animal manure are recommended for composting, but not human feces. Beside fundamental information, both publications show innovative solutions under different conditions. I recommend to start with composting of organic kitchen and garden waste, before handling and operating with feces. So a relationship and an understanding of the process can grow without risk.
Best regards
Hedenholz 6
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on composting processes

I've also really enjoyed the review that Joe provided about FAO's publication about FAO's farmers compost handbook, see here: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/70-com...ces-in-latin-america
Am contemplating adding that document into the list of Top-5 (even though the target audience is probably not really farmers, as Joe pointed out, even though the title makes it appear as such).
I am also contemplating if this sticky post needs to be split into two, namely:
- One for composting toilets
- One for composting that occurs in gardens or at semi-centralised compost plants, e.g. those operated by municipalities
The structure and explanations here on the forum now look like this:
Composting processes
Includes composting toilets as well as composting in separate units, piles, boxes or similar.
Composting toilets in general (not wet composting, not Arborloos)
This sub-category is about composting toilets in general, except for those using wet composting or Arborloos (they have their own sub-categories)
Vermicomposting digesters for flush toilets, with filtering of effluent
This category is about the technical systems of "wet composting" where a digester, reactor or vessel receives inflows from flush toilets
An Arborloo is a simple kind of composting toilet for rural areas where composting takes place in a shallow pit below the toilet seat or squatting pan and leaves are added after each use.
Vermicomposting for various types of waste streams
This category is about composting various types of ‘wastes’ (e.g. sewage sludge, fecal sludge, organic solid waste) using worms
What do you all think of this?
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You need to login to replyRe: Key documents for the sub-category on composting processes

There are two practical orientated books on composting in English language, which I can recommend for beginners:
The Rodale Book of Composting: easy methods for every gardener by Martin, D. and Gershunny, G. (ed.), Rodale Press Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1992
Compost by Thompson, K., Dorling Kindersley Limited, London, 2007
Both books include DIY systems for different kinds of composting e.g. vermicomposting.
Good to start on a small level too.
Best regards
Hedenholz 6
24113 Kiel, Germany
tel. +49(0)1724337875
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This thread is a "sticky thread" which means it will always remain at the top of this sub-category.
It contains a recommendation and orientation for newcomers regarding the most important 5 documents in the thematic area of "Composting processes".
Recommended top 5 documents in the thematic area of "Composting processes", in reverse chronological order:
Appalachian Trail Conservancy (2014). Backcountry Sanitation Manual, 2nd Edition. Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Green Mountain Club, USDA Forest Service, National Park Service, USA
This manual introduces a new, simple, and safe method of composting human waste in the backcountry: the moldering privy that is kind of a composting toilet. Its design saves money and labor. The A.T. Primary emphasis has been placed on composting systems, because they have been the most successful in the majority of backcountry situations. Besides the moldering privy the manual describes further composting systems and includes case studies.
Berger, W. (2011). Technology review of composting toilets - Basic overview of composting toilets (with or without urine diversion). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany
This publication explains the design and use of composting toilets which are either manufactured or owner-built. It also briefly describes external composting in a unit which is separate from the toilets (usually located in the garden).
Composting toilets should not be confused with urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs). In the latter type of toilet, only drying takes place but no biological composting activities occur. Composting toilets can be designed with or without diversion of urine; urine diversion simplifies the management of the leachate and can be implemented if there is a demand for urine as a fertiliser.
SOIL (2011). The SOIL guide to ecological sanitation. Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL), Sherburne NY, USA
This first edition of The SOIL Guide to Ecological Sanitation focuses on urine diversion toilets (also called UD toilets or dry composting toilets). For composting of human wastes see pages 79-114 (Part 4, 5 and 6 of the downloadable document). The document offers an operation guide for offsite composting and technical specifications for the offsite composting facility.
Morgan, P. (2007). Toilets That Make Compost - Low-cost, sanitary toilets that produce valuable compost for crops in an African context. Aquamor, Zimbabwe and Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden, ISBN 978-9-197-60222-8
This book describes how to make a range of toilets that also make compost. The compost is useful in the vegetable garden and can also be used for growing trees. The simplest are low cost pit toilets and a builder is not required once the householder has learned the basic methods of construction. The more complex toilets use a method known as urine diversion and a builder will be required to construct this type.
S. Rothenberger, C. Zurbrügg, M. Sinha, I. Enayetullah (2006). Decentralised urban composting in middle and low income countries - User's manual. Eawag-Sandec and Waste concern, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-906484-36-5
From the same authors as key document Number 5 there is a related publication:This book describes approaches and methods of composting on neighbourhood level in small-and middle-scale plants. It considers issues of waste collection, composting technologies, management systems, occupational health concerns, product quality, marketing and end-user demands. The reader is led step by step through the planning, implementing and operational stages of a decentralised composting scheme.
Rouse, J., Rothenberger, S., Zurbrügg, C. (2008). Marketing Compost - A Guide for Compost Producers in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Eawag, Switzerland
You can find further important documents and website links dealing with this topic here:
- Documents in SuSanA library: Filter by the technology "composting systems" which brings up these documents: www.susana.org/en/resources/library?vbl_...5D=&vbl_7%5B77%5D=77.
- Or put as a search term "compost" in the SuSanA library search field, which brings up these ones: www.susana.org/library?search=composting
- Six SuSanA case studies on composting systems: www.susana.org/en/resources/case-studies...5D=&vbl_7%5B77%5D=77
- Eawag-Sandec in Switzerland have done a lot of work on decentralised composting of organic solid waste and also co-composting of faecal sludge and municipal organic waste, see here: www.eawag.ch/en/department/sandec/projec...tralised-composting/ or here: www.eawag.ch/en/department/sandec/public...id-waste-management/
- Wikipedia pages on composting topics:
- Compost: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compost
- Composting toilet: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composting_toilet
- Vermicompost: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermicompost
- Uses of compost: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uses_of_compost
- List of composting systems: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_composting_systems
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- Sanitation systems
- Treatment of wastewater, sludges, organic waste, excreta
- Composting
- Key documents for the sub-category on composting processes