TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings


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Re: TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

Dear Katrin,

Thanks for providing this recommendation of 5 documents about the SDGs, and thanks to Evelyn for uploading them to the SuSanA library.

I have now set up a "sticky post" in the forum sub-category on the SDGS where I provide these documents as selected key reading. Please see here:

If anyone who was involved in the Thematic Discussion 3 (i.e. the one called "Sustainable Development Goals: enough to end the sanitation crisis?") has other documents that they would like to put forward, or links to other document collections on this topic, or particular websites that we should recommend please bring them to my attention so I can modify the sticky post accordingly. Thanks a lot.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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Re: TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

Dear SuSanA community,

We are happy to announce that all the background readings recommeded by Katrin about the SDGs are now in the library as well as the TDS synthesis

We hope you enjoy the material and let us know your comments!

Kind regards,
Evelyn, on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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  • Katrin
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Re: TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

Dear Elisabeth,

I just included the link for each document.

I looked at the readings and suggest the following as key documents:
1) WHO/UNICEF: WASH Post-20215
2) A new global partnership
3)GLAAS 2014
4) The MDG goals report 2015 OR 25 years of progress
5) Transforming our World OR Realising the HRWS: A Handbook

But I am curious to hear from others what they regard as key documents!

Dr. Katrin Dauenhauer
SuSanA Thematic Discussion Series Coordinator
Bonn, Germany

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

Dear Katrin,

I was just looking at your list of background readings about the SDGs because I want to select 5 that are recommended as key documents from this page which gives 5 key documents for all the thematic sub-categories of the forum:

Could you help me select five?

Also, may I suggest to the secretariat that the documents that Katrin listed are also included in the SuSanA library? At the moment, if I put SDG in the search field, I only get these eight:

Mind you, if I spell it out as "Sustainable development goals" I get 63 but this is more of a flaw in our search function as it's not searching for the three words together in one string, I think:

If it's too much effort to add all the documents that you identified as "background readings" as individual library entries, then a group library entry could be created. I think it's important that people who search the SuSanA library would find them.

Also, you have only provided the pdf files - could you also provide their website location please (by editing your post above)? I think that would be useful because often the organisation who places the pdf file on their website also gives further information and then one knows the context better.

Kind regards,
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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  • Katrin
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Re: TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

That is true, Joe!

Please note that not all the documents deal exclusively with water and sanitation. Where applicable I gave the page numbers of the parts that deal with WASH.

Also, some contain executive summaries ;)
Dr. Katrin Dauenhauer
SuSanA Thematic Discussion Series Coordinator
Bonn, Germany

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  • joeturner
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Re: TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

Wow, Katrin, that is a lot to read!

I'm really looking forward to the discussion :)

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  • Katrin
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TDS: SDGs: enough to end the sanitation crisis? - Background readings

Dear Forum Members,

As our next thematic discussion on Sustainable Development Goals is fast approaching, we would like to provide you with some background readings on the topic to help stimulate discussion.

A first group of readings focuses on Water and Sanitation, a second group contains SDG indicator lists and statistical notes, and a third group, finally, consists of readings that evaluate the success of the MDGs and address the transition towards the SDGs.


Realising the human rights to water and sanitation: A handbook (2014)

"This Handbook is the product of six years of work by the first UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to water and sanitation. It explains the meaning and legal obligations that arise from these rights, translating the often complex technical and legal language into accessible information.

This Handbook has been developed to:
- clarify the meaning of the human rights to water and sanitation;
- explain the obligations that arise from these rights;
- provide guidance on implementing the human rights to water and sanitation;
- share some examples of good practice and show how these rights are being implemented;
- explore how States can be held to account for delivering on their obligations; and
- provide its users with checklists, so they can assess how far they are complying with the human rights to water and sanitation."

You can access the handbook here

UN-water global analysis and assessment of sanitation and drinking-water (GLAAS) 2014 report: investing in water and sanitation: increasing access, reducing inequalities.

This report by UN Water and WHO, 108-pages in length (including a three-page “Main Findings” part), is the most comprehensive report on country efforts and approaches to extend WASH services to all, drawing on data from 94 countries and 23 external support agencies. The report lists 10 key finding, among them: Critical gaps in monitoring impede decision-making and progress for the poorest; national financing for WASH is insufficient; and lack of human resources constrains the sector.

You can access the report here .

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UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Program (JMP). 25 Years Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water. 2015 Update and MDG Assessment.

This 90-page report documents the progress made on the MDG goal to reduce by half the proportion of the population without safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Section A provides a progress update and MDG Assessment, while Section B looks at 25 years of WASH monitoring. The report highlights that while the target for safe drinking water was met in 2010, 2.4. billion are still left without access to improved sanitation facilities.

You can access the report here .

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WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP). WASH Post-2015: Proposed indicators for drinking water, sanitation and hygiene

This 8-page brochure summarises proposed indicators for monitoring the drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) elements of the SDG targets. JMP proposes to use a ‘service ladder’ approach to benchmark and track progress across countries at different stages of development.

You can access the brochure here .

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First proposed priority indicator list (June 2015)

In preparation of the first meeting of the IAEG-SDGs (1-2 June 2015), agencies were requested to provide inputs on the indicators for global monitoring within their area of work and expertise based on the list of indicators compiled earlier in the year and already assessed by countries. The first proposed priority indicator list is intended to summarize the current state of discussion on indicators on individual targets.

You will find the proposals made for Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all on pages 17-23.

For more information see here .

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List of Indicator Proposals (11 August 2015)

The list of proposals contains suggestions for global indicators for the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda based on inputs from international agencies and entities. It also presents the assessment made by countries of the indicators that were suggested in February on the basis of three criteria (feasibility, suitability and relevance). It provides a starting point for the deliberations of the IAEG-SDGs to identify the most appropriate indicators under the goals and targets, taking into account the relevant criteria for the selection of indicators, as well as the need for the coherent and comprehensive measurement of all goals and targets and the need to limit the number of global indicators.

You will find the proposals made for Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all on pages 38-49.

You can find the list here .

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United Nations Statistics Division. Compendium of statistical notes for the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The compendium contains 29 statistical notes as input to the deliberations of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG). The statistical notes provide the OWG with statistical background information on what data is or could be available to monitor possible goals and targets in the areas covered by the respective issue briefs, describing methodologies, data availability, data sources, challenges and limitations.

The Statistical Note on Water and Sanitation can be found on pages 39-45.

You can access the compendium here .

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The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015

The report looks at the achievement of the MDGs while acknowledging the shortfalls that still exist in many areas. With regard to water and sanitation the report states: (a) In 2015, 91 per cent of the global population is using an improved drinking water source, compared to 76 per cent in 1990; (b) Of the 2.6 billion people who have gained access to improved drinking water since 1990, 1.9 billion gained access to piped drinking water on premises. Over half of the global population (58 per cent) now enjoys this higher level of service; (c) Globally, 147 countries have met the drinking water target, 95 countries have met the sanitation target and 77 countries have met both; (d) Worldwide, 2.1 billion people have gained access to improved sanitation. The proportion of people practicing open defecation has fallen almost by half since 1990.

Information for Target 7.C: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation can be found on p. 58-59.

You can access the report here .

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A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development. The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (2013).

This 81-page report from 2013 presents the recommendations of the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel Of Eminent Persons on the development agenda beyond 2015. Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the Panel looked at what to keep, what to amend, and what to add.

See in particular page 42-43 for Goal 6: Achieve Universal Access to Water and Sanitation.

You can access the report here .

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Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The declaration on the Sustainable Development Goals to be adopted by the Heads of States at the UN Headquarters in New York, September 25-27.

You can access the declaration here .

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Dr. Katrin Dauenhauer
SuSanA Thematic Discussion Series Coordinator
Bonn, Germany

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