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Key documents for the sub-category on capacity development

Sure, will suggest what can be updated. The top 5 learning material on capacity building can be a mix of theory and practice, spatially and thematically on some aspects of the main theme. Give me a week to suggest.
For the factsheet, I am willing to join in the effort to update it. Good to have a group going for this as suggested by you. We can take inputs from the larger group as well.
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Thank you very much for your suggestions .
The list of top 5 documents have not been updated since 2015 and I agree that we need to ensure to keep the list up to date.
However, we do not want just to expand the list but keep it limited to five items. Everything else can be found in the SuSanA library which since recently an improved set of search functions that are very helpful.
Your paper "Understanding Capacity Building: Getting the Basics Right" would be a good addition to the list of five. Which document would you remove instead?
Morever, I guess that as the main author of this paper you probably have a very good overview on currently up to date material relevant for capacity development for sustainable sanitation. Could you help us with making a "new up to date top five documents" list? You could simply post your suggestion in this thread and we then wait if other members do agree or have further suggestions.
This discussion reminds me also about another to do of WG1: the WG1 Capacity development factsheet is quite out of date and there was a plan to update it and also include parts of the WG1 position paper: SuSanA’s contribution to the Agenda 2030 (see attached).
Maybe you or anything else are motivated to contribute to the new version? If we can get a group of 5 people, we should start working on it!
Cheers, Dorothee
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Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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You need to login to replyHowever you need to put up some practical and up to date documents and reports that tell how capacity work including needs assessments and implementation of large capacity building initiatives in WASH have worked out. What was actually done, experience, strategies, lessons and recommendations.
Please find enclosed a Paper : Understanding Capacity Building: Getting the Basics Right
The Sanitation Capacity Building Platform Experience on Capacity Building Lessons of SCBP, for SACOSAN 7 next month. It documents lessons of Sanitation Capacity Building Work done by SCBP programme in India.
Depinder Kapur
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You need to login to reply1. Capacity Needs Assessment for FSSM.
2. Roundtable with Academia in India on FSSM Capacity Building
National Institute of Urban Affairs
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You need to login to replyThe most recent Capacity Needs Assessment Report prepared by National Institute of Urban Affairs is enclosed. It has not only the findings but also the research templates.
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Key documents for the sub-category on capacity development
This thread is a "sticky thread" which means it will always remain at the top of this sub-category. It contains a recommendation for new people regarding the most important five documents in the thematic area of "capacity development".
The selection of documents is based on inputs from Dorothee Spuhler and other members of the SuSanA Working Group 1 (see also this thread here: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/54-wg-...n-one-of-many-prizes). We are open to feedback if others think that other documents should be selected here.
Recommended top five documents in the thematic area of "capacity development", in reverse chronological order:
Cranston, P. (2014). Knowledge Management and Building Demand for Sanitation. Final report from a consultancy assignment for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program, Euforic Services, Oxford, UK
This document is the final report from a consultancy assignment focusing on Knowledge Management (KM) in the Building Demand for Sanitation (BDS) portfolio of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program. The document describes for example the approach to KM, the background and context for the consultancy assignment, and the KM options that have been developed through synthesis of these various inputs.
IWA (2014). An Avoidable Crisis - WASH Human Resource Capacity Gaps in 15 Developing Economies. International Water Association, London, UK
In this report, the first of its kind, the IWA provides an overarching recommendation for the development of national capacity development strategies that have high-level political buy-in with involvement from multiple actors to ensure sustained, adequate professional and technical capacity. The report also calls for concerted action at regional and global level to collect relevant human resources data, and perform further research to strengthen the evidence base on which action plans and strategies can be built.
GTO (2014). WASH Capacity Development - WASH ePaper, Issue No. 1. German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance, Germany
The first issue of the WASH e-paper examines the topic of WASH capacity development and provides a comprehensive overview of the latest basic and advanced training measures at both the national and international level. It also covers relevant WASH online platforms, blogs, newsletters, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and webinars.
Spuhler, D., McCreary, C., Fogde, M., Jenssen, P. D. (2012). Capacity development for sustainable sanitation - Factsheet of Working Group 1. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
This factsheet provides an overview on basic principles of capacity development and addresses current challenges and gaps in capacity development for sustainable sanitation, as well as possible strategies and instruments to address those. Furthermore it contains a list of examples and contact details of capacity development initiatives from the sector.
UNDP (2011). UNDP Practitioner’s Guide - Capacity Development for Environmental Sustainability. United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA
The purpose of this Practitioner’s Guide is to provide practical guidance to UNDP staff, partner countries and other development partners on the nature of environmental capacity and how to support capacity development for environmental sustainability (CDES). The guide builds on UNDP’s Practice Note on Capacity Development and Practice Note on Capacity Assessment and incorporates best practices from CDES experience to date.
You can find further important documents dealing with this topic here:
- SuSanA library filtered by Working Group 1 (Capacity development), see filter results here
- Issue 20 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (April 2014) on "Capacity Development": www.ecosan.at/ssp/issue-20-capacity-building/SSP-20_Jul2014.pdf
- Delivering Effective WASH Training - Resources by CAWST in Canada: resources.cawst.org/collection/deliverin...ning-workshop-kit_en
- Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies: ecompendium.sswm.info/
- Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox (SSWM): www.sswm.info
- Civil Society WASH Fund website (focus on Australia and Pacific region): www.cswashfund.org/
- WASHTech project in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Uganda (2011-2013): washtechafrica.wordpress.com/
- Capacity development: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacity_development
- Knowledge management: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_management
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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