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TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar


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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

Dear forum members,

the moderator of the thematic discussion, Roslyn Graham, conducted a very interesting interview with Patrick Bracken, one of the discussion leads, who was not able to attend the follow-up webinar.
You can now listen to and download the interview on the TDS page here (it is cut in three parts, all of them 9-10 MB big).
Thanks Patrick and Roslyn for making this available for us!

Lasse (on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat)
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

Dear Joe, Marijn and Sowmya,

thanks for the comments and the feedback. Marijn's suggestion of a "kick-off seminar" is similar to what was already discussed also within the secretariat.
So there will propably be some additional input before the next TDS webinar.

Lasse (on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat)
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

If the audio files have been downloaded into the computer first, could use bluetooth to transfer the files. I think all computers & smartphones have bluetooth - no need to use internet connection which is helpful if internet connection is patchy & well, we get to contribute towards saving expensive internet bandwidth for the system as well. :-)
Sowmya Rajasekaran
Verity SmartLife Solutions

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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

On a different note, I found the webinar very good, and i think that for future thematic discussions it would be a good idea to start with a "kick-of webinar". To me it seems that it would be an easy way to outline what the thematic discussion will be about. It would probably be a more accessible way for many people to get up to speed on the content of the upcoming discussion than reading a lot of documents.
Marijn Zandee

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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

I can see how one can listen to them easily on one's computer. But how would one easily get these mp4 files onto one's smart phone or i-pod? Could someone who knows these things please advise? That would be ideal, because people can then listen to them on the train, in the car, while waiting in line somewhere etc.

The *.mp3 files are the same as normal audio (music) files. So the simple (and maybe unhelpful) answer is that you use the same method as when copying music from your computer to your mobile device (mp3-player, smartphone). Normally, any mobile device will have a USB cable, that allows you to connect it to your computer. How you then transfer the files will depend a bit on the brand of your device and the software you are using.
Marijn Zandee

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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

I have just opened the page from the link above in my phone, clicked on the 'download' link and downloaded the MP3. It seems to work, although the sound quality is quite poor at times.

Whether this works will depend on internet connection speed and smartphone type - but on my (not very new) smartphone it works fine. Another method might be to email the mp3 to yourself (if you have email on your smartphone).
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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

Dear Lasse and team,

That's great, I am really happy with these first podcasts that SuSanA ever produced! (Marijn: I take your point about podcast versus audio recording, but I think the term "podcast" is used very loosely by people and as it's a well moderated webinar, I think its recording could qualify as being called a "podcast"; more about podcasts was discussed here previously: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/54-wg-...books-online-courses).

I can see how one can listen to them easily on one's computer. But how would one easily get these mp4 files onto one's smart phone or i-pod? Could someone who knows these things please advise? That would be ideal, because people can then listen to them on the train, in the car, while waiting in line somewhere etc.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

As Roslyn mentioned, the audio files of the webinar are now online.
Click here and scroll down to see the recording in .mp3 cut in five parts of 5-11 minutes. The files can also be downloaded by right-clicking on "Download" and selecting & "save link as" or "save target as" (the files are about 4-10 MB large).

Regards, Lasse
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

We would like to thank all those who were able to join the webinar discussion on March 26th!

The webinar has provided helpful input towards reviewing and revising the Functional Sanitation Ladder, particularly in terms of discussion regarding expanding bottom rungs of the ladder, reviewing the ladder indicators to ensure they relate to the SDGs and are relevant for decision-makers, and the consideration of add-on documents to the functional ladder.

Summary: For those who would like to review the webinar, or for those who were unable to attend, attached below you will find a summary of the webinar (also available at this link: here ).
A link to the powerpoint slides from the introduction presentation is included in the summary, or can be opened here .
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Watch the Webinar: You can watch the full webinar on YouTube, see video link at the bottom of this post. For those who attended the webinar, you may be aware that we had some sound quality issues during some of parts the webinar, so we have added subtitles to the video in the parts with compromised sound quality. There are instructions in the video description on how to turn the subtitles on.

to the Webinar: An audio file of the webinar will be posted on the SuSanA website next week. If you would like to listen to the audio file, please check back on this thread for updates of when it is posted.

We hope to continue this discussion and if you were unable to participate or comment during the discussion and would like to provide further input please feel free to post here on this thread.

Kind regards,


YouTube Video Link:
Roslyn Graham
MSc Global Health
Member of SuSanA www.susana.org
Newfoundland, Canada

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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

Dear F H Mughal and Marijn,

thanks for your comments. Yes, for now it will just be an audio file from the webinar. A proper podcast is a discussed option for future interviews/webinars/meetings though.
And yes, we will think of something additional to Youtube in order to make the video available to everyone.

Best regards

[posted by Lasse]
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

Dear all,

I agree with Kris and Joe, in that I would call the audio file just that: "Audio recording", rather than podcast. With a podcast, I think more of a "produced" thing, like an edited interview or radio show. To put it online, I guess Soundcloud could be an option. It would be nice if the audio file could be downloaded, so that people can listen to it while sitting in the sun with a coffee. (Or on the plane flying to a conference :P )

I think Mugal's point is also very valid, with more and more governments restricting access to youtube. Maybe the Susana secretariat could spend some time researching which video and audio channels are available in the largest number of countries?
One further advantage of Vimeo is that (in my experience) it works much better with stop-motion internet connections. When the net is there, it buffers longer stretches of the file you are trying to watch, and it seems less affected by short breaks in net connectivity.


Marijn Zandee

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Re: TDS: The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow-Up Webinar

Dear Roslyn,

Youtube is banned in Pakistan. Please use Vimeo format instead, if possible and convenient.

Thank you,


F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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