Now available! on WSUP-website - free download: masters-level professional training module “WASH for Urban Low-Income Communities"


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  • PF4WASH is a research and advocacy initiative around domestic public finance for water and sanitation. Public Finance for WASH was set up in late 2014 by a group of individuals from Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), IRC & Tremolet Consulting.
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Re: Now available! on WSUP-website - free download: masters-level professional training module “WASH for Urban Low-Income Communities"

Hello Apurva and everyone here in this SuSanA forum!

Thank you for your interest in the urban WASH Master’s module. To obtain the full materials for all 16 units, you can complete the form attached and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This is the only requirement we are asking as it allow us to track the use of the materials. The materials are free to use.

If you are experiencing any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact us on the email above.

Best wishes!

Valeria Llano-Arias

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  • apurvasahu
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Re: Now available! on WSUP-website - free download: masters-level professional training module “WASH for Urban Low-Income Communities"

I could not find all of the material/units as listed in "content overview" section of ( i was able to locate only unit -1 on the following link (
Can you please guide further.

Apurva Sahu
Apurva Sahu
Sr. Engineer
M.Sc Sanitary Engineering

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  • pf4wash
  • pf4wash's Avatar
    Topic Author
  • PF4WASH is a research and advocacy initiative around domestic public finance for water and sanitation. Public Finance for WASH was set up in late 2014 by a group of individuals from Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), IRC & Tremolet Consulting.
  • Posts: 11
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Now available! on WSUP-website - free download: masters-level professional training module “WASH for Urban Low-Income Communities"

WSUP/WEDC have developed a teaching resource on urban WASH that is now available online for free, It aims at helping the urban WASH sector to professionalize. We hope it will be for academics and practitioners to use or adapt if they feel it can be of value to them.

In short: this is a masters-level professional training module called “Water and Sanitation for Urban Low-Income Communities”. It was primarily designed to give engineering masters students in low-income countries an overview of things they need to know in order to apply their technical skills in low-income communities, and that’s how WSUP and WEDC are currently using it, in partnership with universities in Africa and Asia. But of course it may be adaptable to other teaching contexts.

It’s designed for classroom delivery, over about 45 hours of contact time. It’s made up of 16 thematic units, and within each unit the materials essentially comprise a Powerpoint presentation plus Lecturer Notes outlining the unit’s aims and content, and providing guidance on how to deliver the class. Some units are flexible in content, to enable adaptation to local contexts.

It can be delivered as an off-the shelf package; or you might want to cut-and-paste parts of it into your own materials; or you might simply use it as guidance in developing other materials.

It’s absolutely free to download, but we do ask that you fill in a brief Use Request Form explaining who you are and how you might use it: evidently, it’s useful for us to be able to communicate this to the funder of the work (DFID).


For information, we expect to have a French-language version available within the next few months.

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The module was developed by (alphabetical order): Louise Medland, Guy Norman, Brian Reed, Pippa Scott, Regine Skarubowiz, and Ian Smout; inputs also came from Richard Franceys and Valentina Zuin.
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