Evaluation findings on DFID-funded WASH programme using Payment by Results


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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Evaluation findings on DFID-funded WASH programme using Payment by Results

Hi Joseph and all,

Your website and blog posts provide a wealth of information about learnings from these Payment by Results (PbR) type programs. A wonderful resource, and anyone interested in PbR should invest some time to read through all that. Thanks for sharing!

For example this blog post:  Lessons from implementing the WASH Results Programme #1: Intentions and key features
To set the scene:

The WASH Results Programme output targets for December 2015:
·       1.2 million people with access to clean drinking water sources
·       4.3 million people with access to an improved sanitation facility
·       9.3 million people reached by hygiene promotion activities

Scale – Each supplier contract was relatively large, averaging £ 25 million. This is much larger than typical WASH programmes implementing by international NGOs (INGOs).

The three programs that used this delivery mode and which were evaluated are:

South Asia WASH results programme (SAWRP, Plan)
Bangladesh and Pakistan
SuSanA project database link:  www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/projects/database/details/255

Sustainable WASH in Fragile Contexts (SWIFT, Oxfam)
DRCand Kenya (Liberia dropped)
SuSanA project database link:  www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/projects/database/details/254

Sustainable sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A, SNV)
Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, and Nepal (South Sudan dropped)
SuSanA project database link:  www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/projects/database/details/253

From a knowledge management perspective: They have all been included in the SuSanA project database but they have not been discussed in the discussion forum (which suprises me a bit, given that they were such large programs).

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • ABDOUAZIZ's Avatar
  • I am Cameroonian, field Epidemiologist/ Researcher with a lot of passion about the WaSH issues. Co-Funder of an Association "Solidarity for the Development and public health Initiatives" (SOLDIS) in growing with a lot of projects in hospitals, schools, etc. for wich we need the funding partners.
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Re: Evaluation findings on DFID-funded WASH programme using Payment by Results

Merci infiniment pour ces éclairage Mr. Joseph TOMPSON. 
Je suis Camerounais, j'ai travaillé dans un programme similaire dans le domaine de la santé publique qui a apporté d'agréables résultats. 
Je m'investis à fond avec un groupe (une association nouvellement lancée) intervenant dans le WASH. Nous souhaitons ardemment être enrôlé dans ce type programme (Pbr) en Afrique à l'extention. Au Cameroun, nous avons identifié pas mal de projets dans les hôpitaux et les zones rurales et péri-urbaines.
Très cordialement !

English translation added by forum moderator via google translate:

Thank you very much for these enlightening words. Mr. Joseph TOMPSON.
I am Cameroonian, I worked in a similar program in the field of public health which brought pleasant results.I am fully involved with a group (a newly launched association) involved in WASH. We ardently wish to be enrolled in this type program (Pbr) in Africa with the extension.

In Cameroon, we have identified quite a few projects in hospitals and rural and peri-urban areas.
Very cordially!
Abdou Aziz, MPH-Ph.D (Public Health and Hygiene)
field Epidemiologist/Researcher (Cameroon)
E-MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Re: Evaluation findings on DFID-funded WASH programme using Payment by Results

Hi Elisabeth,

Thanks a lot for your interest in the programme - glad you enjoyed the webinar (please find the slides attached)!

There were indeed lots of questions coming through, and as always with these things, never enough time to get to them all. We're keen to keep those conversations going however, and plan to get as much learning into the sector as possible. So there's more to come - hopefully soon - watch this space!

The programme is already in its extension phase and activities are starting to wrap up, coming to a formal end in March 2021.

Many thanks,

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Evaluation findings on DFID-funded WASH programme using Payment by Results

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention and welcome to the SuSanA Discussion Forum!
I just had a look at the webinar recording here on your website:  washresultsmve.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/...-results-evaluation/

I like the way the recording shows the slides, voice and the chat field. The chat is often the most interestig part and I saw active participation there. Did you manage to answer all the questions that were raised in the chat? If so, is that documented somewhere? If not, could we continue the discussion here in this thread?

Also, I couldn't find where the presentation slides could be downloaded?

Will there be a second phase of DFID’s WASH Results programme, or has it perhaps already started?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • josephthompson
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Webinar May 15th 1pm BST: Evaluation findings on DFID-funded WASH programme using Payment by Results

I am writing on behalf of the Monitoring, Verification and Evaluation provider for the DFID-funded WASH Results Programme to invite members of this group to join a webinar on 15th May, 2020 at 1pm BST at which the findings of the evaluation of the Payment by Results programme will be shared.

We would be delighted if you could join us and put your questions to the panellists who have experience of commissioning, managing, implementing and verifying the WASH Results programme: Leonard Tedd (DFID), Guy Howard (University of Bristol and formerly of DFID), Katherina Welle (Itad) and Antoinette Kome (SNV), alongside members of the Evaluation Team. Please register in advance for the webinar here:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar including how to submit questions in advance.

About WASH Results

Last year ePact completed the evaluation of the first phase of DFID’s WASH Results programme - a £112 million programme focused on enabling first time access to water and sanitation services. A defining feature of the programme design was that it used a payment-by-results (PbR) funding modality, and this was the first large-scale use of PbR within the WASH sector. 

The evaluation focused on the influence of the PbR modality on outcomes and the behaviour of the organisations implementing the WASH Results programme. It will be of interest to organisations and funders considering using PbR in future programmes. 

The evaluation found Payment by Results is a viable option for funding WASH programmes at scale but needs to be used carefully and the report makes a range of recommendations about use of this funding modality. Other key areas of learning include a focus on WASH at scale, focus on programming for sustained outcomes and monitoring WASH outputs and outcomes.

The executive summary of the evaluation is available, with the full evaluation report, at DFID’s research for development portal www.gov.uk/dfid-research-outputs/wash-re...ion-synthesis-report   Additionally, a series of blog posts reflecting on the key findings has been published at washresultsmve.wordpress.com/ .

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