CLARA Simplified Planning Tool - to compare the real costs of various alternatives of water supply and sanitation systems in the pre-planning stage


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  • Langergraber
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Re: CLARA Simplified Planning Tool v1.6 - Updated version available

Dear Jonathan,
nice to hear from you,

I attach the following documents:

1. Ketema, A.A. (2015): Adapting and applying a simplified WASH planning tooll for cities in Ethiopia - Chapter 6: Water supply and sanitation systems pre planning and CLARA Simplified Planning Tool application. PhD thesis, BOKU University Vienna, Austria, pp.102-130.

Here the application of the SPT in Arba Minch, Ethiopia is shown.

2. Ketema, A.A., Lechner, M., Tilahun, S.A., Langergraber, G. (2015): Cost function development for Life Cycle Cost based water supply and sanitation system planning, Case study of Bahir Dar & Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 5(3), 502-511.

shows cost functions for Ethiopia developed from real costs.

3. Ketema, A.A., Langergraber, G. (2016): Statistical validation of the CLARA Simplified Planning Tool. Water Sci Technol: Water Supply 16(1), 193-201.

compares cost functions from #2 with results from the SPT.

Hope this helps,
best regards,
Dr Guenter Langergraber
Senior Scientist
Institute of Sanitary Engineering
BOKU University
Vienna, Austria

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Re: CLARA Simplified Planning Tool v1.6 - Updated version available

Dear Guenter,

Greetings from a fellow European!

Are the data sets such as unit costs from the case studies easily available (or does one have to go into the xls files to see what the unit costs are) ?

Are there any reports available that show the results from the financial analysis using the planning tool?

Do you have experiences to share to demonstrate how the planning tool has been used to support city sanitation planning/decision-making processes?

best regards,

Dr. Jonathan Parkinson
Principal Consultant – Water and Sanitation
IMC Worldwide Ltd, Redhill, United Kingdom
Skype : jonathanparkinson1

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  • Langergraber
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Re: CLARA Simplified Planning Tool v1.6 - Updated version available

We released an updated version of the CLARA Simplified Planning Tool (CLARA SPT v1.6). In v1.6 of the CLARA SPT we corrected some minor errors in the previous version of the tool and made some modifications that are based on the work of Ketema and Langergraber (2015a,b).
The country-specific CLARA SPT versions can be again downloaded as single zip-files including the SPT file itself (version 1.6 of the CLARA SPT is implemented in Microsoft Excel*, MS Excel* 2010 is required), the user manual and the "Technology descriptions") from .

Version 1.6 of the CLARA SPT is only available in English, users of the Franch version of the SPT are advised to only use CLARA SPT v1.6.

Ketema, A.A., Langergraber, G. (2015a): Sensitivity of results from the CLARA Simplified Planning Tool for different input parameters. Water Science and Technology 71(2), 234-244, doi: 10.2166/wst.014.497.
Ketema, A.A., Langergraber, G. (2015b): Three supplementary methods for sensitivity analysis of water supply system's life cycle cost using the CLARA Simplified Planning Tool. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, in press, doi: 10.2166/aqua.2015.126.

Best regards,
Guenter Langergraber
Dr Guenter Langergraber
Senior Scientist
Institute of Sanitary Engineering
BOKU University
Vienna, Austria

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  • Langergraber
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Re: CLARA Simplified Planning Tool

Dear F H Mughal,
thanks for the question.

In principal there are 2 steps to specify the SPT for another country:
1) Data / information needed form the country (to be provided by the person/organisation that wants an update):
a. Design assumption made for each technology have to be checked if they are applicable in the country (design assumptions are included in the Appendix of the User Manual).
b. Unit prices for the country have to be provided (this list is available and will be provided).
2) Update of cost functions (based on #1) and implementation of updated costs functions in the SPT (to be done by the SPT developers)

As #2 requires personnel resources from the SPT developers, the update of the SPT for new countries can not be provided for free of charge.
If you are interested for a country-specific SPT please feel free to contact me at for discussing details.

With best regards,
Guenter Langergraber
Dr Guenter Langergraber
Senior Scientist
Institute of Sanitary Engineering
BOKU University
Vienna, Austria

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Re: CLARA Simplified Planning Tool

Dear Dr Guenter,

SPT (Simplified Planning Tool) is specific to Burkina Faso; Ethiopia; Kenya; Morocco; and South Africa

How can it be made specific to other countries, e.g., Pakistan?


F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: CLARA Simplified Planning Tool

Dear Günter,

thank you very much for your post related to the CLARA Simplified Planning Tool.

The SSWM Toolbox team is very pleased to count with a Factsheet in our knowledge platform (, only devoted to present the CLARA SPT. For those local planners, who would like to have a direct access to it, please visit us at:

It is actually a very effective and simple way to compare different options for water and sanitation systems at an early planning stage! The fact that it is especially adapted to the different requirements in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco and South Africa, should not discourage others to revise it and use it as a reference!

Please let us know more about recent developments of the tool!


Leonellha Barreto Dillon

Project Manager
Seecon international gmbh
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  • Langergraber
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CLARA Simplified Planning Tool - to compare the real costs of various alternatives of water supply and sanitation systems in the pre-planning stage

Dear all,
I am happy to announce that the CLARA Simplified Planning Tool is available now.

The CLARA Simplified Planning Tool (SPT) provides a tool to local planners, which not only allows but even encourages the comparison of fundamentally different water and sanitation systems at a very early planning stage. Using the SPT requires a limited amount of effort from the planner and thus resulting in minimal cost for the client.

More information on the CLARA SPT is available at the CLARA website and at the SSWM Toolbox

The country-specific CLARA SPT versions can be downloaded for free as single zip-files from the CLARA website
Each zip file comprises:
  • The SPT file itself (version 1.5 of the CLARA SPT is implemented in Microsoft Excel®, MS Excel® 2010 is required)
  • The user manual
  • The "Technology descriptions"
Dr Guenter Langergraber
Senior Scientist
Institute of Sanitary Engineering
BOKU University
Vienna, Austria

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