2nd and 3rd Anniversary of SuSanA discussion forum! (2013 and 2014)


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  • F H Mughal
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Re: 3rd Anniversary of SuSanA discussion forum!

Dear Elisabeth,

Congratulations to you and other secretariat staff and achieving great progress :P :) B)
Do you have any plans for accelerating the progress further in future?

Good luck and keep it up - I like that candle-blowing cartoon!!!!!!!!!

F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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  • Roshan
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Re: 3rd Anniversary of SuSanA discussion forum!

Belated Happy Anniversary and Congratulation to all team members who made their effort for raising the profile of SuSanA Discussion Forum.

Very impressive graph and look forward to seeing similar growth in next anniversary. We need to bring more friends who really do the work in the field to disseminate the right information.


Roshan Shrestha,PhD
Senior Program Officer
Global Development Division
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Seattle - WA
Tel: +206 770 2453
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  • Elisabeth
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Re: 3rd Anniversary of SuSanA discussion forum!

Dear SuSanA Forum,

Also a happy birthday from me for your third birthday!

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You have come a long way since your second birthday (forum.susana.org/forum/categories/10-by-...ay-susana-forum#4987), continously growing and changing.

As every proud parent, I am monitoring your growth carefully, and it is impressive (even just in the last year you have grown by 1200 members!):

Of course you have your ups and downs ("terrible twos"?) but we know that you are always able to bounce back:

You have many supporters and an excellent godfather who has invested money in providing an environment to foster your growth (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) who is providing funds to Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 's sanitation program to operate the SuSanA secretariat since early 2007).

Also since end of 2012 another friendly godfather has come to the party and given financial support as well as additional friends who have supported your growth (forum.susana.org/forum/categories/139-in...ates-foundation#2599), and who will - with a bit of luck - continue to do so (your birthday present is in the making but not yet quite ready for announcement!).

Edit on 14 July 2014: this is the birthday present that I was referring to: further co-funding from the Gates Foundation:

It's been an honour and great pleasure for me - as one of the "parents", as well as now one of the moderators and community managers - to be with you and I look forward to exciting and stimulating times ahead with you, the SuSanA Discussion Forum and all its members, supporters and friends! Thank you.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Re: 2nd and 3rd Anniversary of SuSanA discussion forum! (2013 and 2014)

Dear SuSanA community,

today marks the 3rd Anniversary of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) open discussion forum! On behalf of the secretariat I would like to thank the community which has filled this forum with life and continues to invest energy in the multitude of great discussions.

It would be great to know how this open forum has helped people, please feel free to reply to this post and let us know, as feedback is always welcome.

With best wishes on behalf of the entire SuSanA secretariat
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum
Alone I can Say!
But Together We Can Talk!

Alone I can SMILE!But Together We Can LAUGH

Alone I Can Enjoy!But Together We Can Celebrate!


“To my sweet & loving SuSanA Forum friends”
May Everyone Happy Each Day Is Filled With Life’s Best Things For You!


Engineer Imran Aziz Tunio
Water Resource Engineer / Hydrologist
and GIS Specialist- SIDA
Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority
Hyderabad, Sindh Pakistan
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Member of SuSanA (www.susana.org)

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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Same feelings and regards here, same to you ;)

Engineer Imran Aziz Tunio
Water Resource Engineer / Hydrologist
and GIS Specialist- SIDA
Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority
Hyderabad, Sindh Pakistan
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Member of SuSanA (www.susana.org)

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  • Doreen
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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

I would like to wish the SuSanA forum a very Happy Birthday!! I still can’t believe that it has been 2 years! All the discussions in the forum have been very helpful particularly for us working in developing countries and the forum has truly become a powerful platform in the sanitation sector.
I am very proud of the forum and thank everyone who has dedicated their time to make it a success.

Best regards and greetings from Kenya,

Doreen Mbalo

GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Programme
Policy Advisor in Bonn, Germany
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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  • Mona
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  • Industrial designer with great interest in social innovations. Together with GIZ I designed the MoSan household toilet. Currently based in Zurich.
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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Dear SuSanA Forum, Happy Happy belated Birthday!

I'm very thankful for the support by the SuSanA team and the community! The MoSan toilets only became known by the forum, by your contribution, ideas and inputs! For me the forum is a great source for inspiration, collecting feedback and new insights! It helped me a lot to reflect on my work and find answers to new questions.

I just checked the statistics and I'm overwhelmed. The first thread about the MoSan toilets got 16.041 views, in total 64 replies and I'm the 20th most active user! Amazing! I'm very happy to be part of it!

Many thanks to the SuSanA Team, the readers and active users!
I'm looking forward to new discussions!


Industrial Designer from Germany
Working on the household sanitation solution called "MoSan"
Soon piloting in Kenya
MoSan - Mobile Sanitation

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  • ennoschroeder
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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Dear all,
it is also great for me to see what has happened with the forum until now and how this brought the idea of crowd intelligence in the middle of the sustainable sanitation community.
Succeeding Phillip as website manager and team member of the SuSanA secretariat I was involved in the creation of the digest service which I think helped all of us to make the amount of information better accessible.
I am really looking forward to seeing more and more people being part of the crowd!

And thanks to the forum managers - you are really doing a great job!

Have a nice evening and a great summertime!

Enno Schroeder
Freelance consultant
Hamburg, Germany
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Member of SuSanA (www.susana.org)

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  • christian.rieck
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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Dear all,

even though I am currently not so activly contributing to the forum, it is and has been of great value to my work. It keeps me update on trends, events, research and all sorts of opinion, since I usually screen through the weekly digest. It also provides a perfect base for getting valueable feedback from colleagues to some of my technical questions. I hope this forum continues to grow and to be relevant for the sanitation sector in future. Congrats to the community managers that are doing a fantastic job in the background!!!

Best regards,
GIZ Uganda
Enhanced Water Security and Sanitation (ENWASS)
Sanitation for Millions
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  • agbemedi
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Re: Reply: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Dear Dorothee,

Thank you very much. My congratulations to Susana and Dorothee for her initiative.
I know that she very Happy 2 years.When I saw her picture.

I want to invite her to think about the residential workshop

for the new members of the institution. The forum is for the specialists.?

God bless you and the team!

David Kossi Lébénè AGBEMEDI
Association "Initiatives pour le Développement Durable et Prospective (IDDP)"
Point Focal National Opérationnel du Projet FEM-Volta
Direction de l'Environnement
Tél:+228 935 96 88/234 46 13/732 64 21
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  • ecotransparency
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Re: Happy 2 year birthday SuSanA Forum!!!!!

Happy Bdayyy To You SuSanA Forum

Our Association is new in the platform but we can see how helpful this platform could be.
We hope you will continue to help sharing knowledge,allow interaction between organizations around the world. We need more platforms like this . ;)

Ecotransparency believes together we can make the change happens.

So Again

Happy birthday!

Raise your voice to reduce sanitation crisis, basic related diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid and malaria need to be eradicated. We need to take action now!

Eco transparency believes that sustainable strategies could help solve sanitation and water crisis.

Stand for social equity, for a community where each individual merge together and make the difference.
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