The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)


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Re: The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)

Dear Carol and all,

Thank you very much for all your comments on the flyer on the forum and by e-mail. We are currently busy evaluating them all; I have split them into "things that can be addressed easily" (for the planned print run for the Stockholm World Water Week) and "things that will need further discussion" (for a possible further version to be done up later in the year). It is certainly interesting to see the different perspectives!

One thing that might be important to mention (in the direction of Chris and Wolfgang): as much as I like UDDTs and composting toilets (and reuse), we are very mindful that they should not in any way "dominate" the flyer, because we feel that it's important that SuSanA is seen as a very broad alliance, where (almost) any type of sanitation system (be it dry or wet, reuse oriented or not, with pipes or without) can have a place, provided it aims for sustainability. That's why I would not include a close up of a composting toilet or a UDDT or even a UDDT schematic. Already the flyer does include one photo of a UDDT (that picture with the flooding in Bangladesh) and it does include one reuse activitiy photo (spinach with Annie; photo by Peter).

(but I do agree that the one schematic is showing too many pipes; this was an artist's impression, I am going to suggest to remove all or most of the pipes)

Carol: As to upgrading the old flyer: We thought about that but we couldn't get our heads around what to do about the logos. The old flyer was printed in 2012 and we had only 170 logos on there. Now we have around 230 - how to get all those logos onto a flyer? That's why we opted to have no logos on the new flyer.

The new flyer will not be printed on A4 paper but needs paper a bit larger than A4, so that it can be folded correctly (like an altar). Once we have them delievered, I will post a photo here so that you know what it looks like.

But I agree with you, Carol, that we will have to think about creating a version that people can easily print on normal printers that only take A4 paper.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Re: The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)

Thanks, Elisabeth for links to the old flyer. The format was nice and simple - double sided "rack card". We made copies on white card stock and put old flyer in a lucite card rack so people could pick them up at events. (We were also very proud to be a partner and have our logo spreading all over the world!) :)

At large events like World Water Week you definitely need a colorful print flyer that makes people want to open it and read it. The "altar" folding very much contributes to that.

But for partners who want to promote the SuSanA library and Forum, something that we can print out ourselves is useful.

Has the secretariat thought of taking basic elements from the new 8-panel flyer and putting them into a simple two panel rack card? Then members and groups could print out copies as needed, or even attach as pdfs.
Carol McCreary
Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human (PHLUSH)
1240 W. Sims Way #59, Port Townsend, Washington 98368 USA

Toilet availability is a human right and well-designed sanitation systems restore health to our cities, our waters and our soils.

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Re: The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)


I agree with Mughal and Wolfgang.
// The graphics only show large, piped systems (which many of us consider less sustainable compared to decentralized, dry systems). I especially question the disorganized, huge pipes under the public park (and cementary?) on Page 1. Plus the words under the ground largely repeat the names of the work groups. This graph could be replaced by my next point.
// It would be great to include a simple and effective UDDT (which could be presented as a true cycle, see below).
// The blue cycle on Page 2 includes the word disposal and thus stops being a cycle. On further examination, it is not actually a cycle, but instead everything collides on reuse or disposal (!), thus this is shows the conventional, linear, throw-away thinking, disguised as cyclical. It also says interface, but shows no interface. I would say that this graphic does not make much sense, its print is too small, and should be revised to give a clear, simple message. If the goal is to name the working groups, this could be a simple list, with interesting graphics next to each. I would suggest that if it is presented as a cycle, it should be a cycle.
// The globe on Page 1 adds little or no content. I support Mughal's suggestion that this graphic include real data on membership (even if not flattened out to show the whole world).
// The graph showing increase in membership could also show increase in messages.
// A brief list of some of the more interesting or provocative subjects of messages may be worthwhile to include.
// What do you think about adding: Everyone is welcome and we would especially like to invite more psychologists, marketers, epidemiologists, agronomists, green builders, futurists, and tinkerers (and any other fields that we feel are under-represented)?

When people visit the website for the first time, is there an easy way for them to browse the most popular messages? This should be feasible combining the number of likes and the number of views.

Best wishes,
Chris Canaday
Conservation Biologist and EcoSan Promoter
Omaere Ethnobotanical Park
Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador, South America
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Re: The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)

Dear Friederike, dear Elisabeth,

Thank you for presenting the new flyer and for giving us the opportunity to comment. is, among others, a pool of project presentations, scientific reports and guidelines on training and education, but also of information and discussion of practical ideas and improvements for sanitary solutions. However, our eyes capture information fastest by pictures, as you know. My impression at first glance is that the pictures of the new flyer show more deficiencies than solutions. I am missing a picture e.g. of a simple and nice dry toilet and maybe a picture of the final product, so that the connection to the plant photos can be made more obvious.

The pictures may tell a story and even may be recognized by people who do not read?
Best regards

Wolfgang Berger
Hedenholz 6
24113 Kiel, Germany
tel. +49(0)1724337875

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Re: The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)

Dear Elisabeth,

Flyer is nice. Good efforts by you and Friederike. If there is some room for improvement, then, please have a look at these minor points:

• The inverted commas in “What is sustainable sanitation,” are upside down;

• There is not much vivid difference between sanitation and sustainable sanitation;

• How about adding: “To help in promoting sanitation marketing,” under the objectives;

• Under: "What is SuSanA," please add where it is based and who are the funding agencies. Also include full postal/street address;

• I don’t see any significance and purpose of that globe. Perhaps, it can help if you can make it interactive – put the pointer on Pakistan and lo! It shows how many members are there;

• I do not know, what that diagram, next to the globe, says? There is a birdie on the lamp post. Seems like he/she is overseeing the work; :P ;)

• I suggest that instead of “Sustainable sanitation for a better life,” “Sanitation is dignity,” coined perhaps by UNWater, would be better;

• The diagram, next to the graph, shows urban sanitation – people – conveyance – treatment – reuse/disposal. Please show one for rural sanitation;

• I’m unable to appreciate the size of the flyer. Can you send me the hard copy by post? – Thank you

Flyer is an interesting output. Perhaps, under stage 2, you may like to think of develop an award-type structure – e.g., like Hollywood Oscar awards!! :P B) :cheer: :woohoo:


F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan
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Re: The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)

Just to add a little bit more information about this new SuSanA flyer that Friederike posted above:

The old SuSanA flyer was here (in English, French and Spanish):

The old flyer was very short and a bit outdated. Our idea was to have a more detailed SuSanA flyer where e.g. the forum could be mentioned in more detail.

The new flyer has 8 “pages” or panels. It will be folded like an “altar”. This means first the reader sees the front page, then two pages (they are the ones with the green background colour), then he/she opens it up further and sees 4 panels next to each other in the inside of the “altar” (these are the ones that have the photos on top). And then there is a back page with the contact info.

The goal of the flyer is to give people an introduction to SuSanA and to encourage them to become active in SuSanA through collaboration, discussion and the working groups.

Friederike and I worked together on this flyer together; we got feedback & guidance from Trevor, Arne and Arno and for the layout we used a professional designer. Funding for the designer and for printing 2000 flyers came from the GIZ sector program Sustainable sanitation budget, which is really great.

The general idea would be that in future, if anyone wants to distribute such a SuSanA flyer in their networks, they could obtain them from the secretariat (or print them themselves if it's larger numbers).

Maybe a translation into French and Spanish could be tackled at a later date if there is budget for it (?).

Right now, you can give us your feedback about the flyer here on the forum or send it by e-mail to the secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as soon as possible. For the purposes of the Stockholm World Water Week in early September, it is too late to make substantial changes to the flyer now (small things can still be fixed). But please send all your ideas and suggestions anyhow because we could consider a second edition (at least as a pdf file if not also printed).

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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The SuSanA Flyer - an updated version now available (February 2019)

We are happy to tell you that in the last few weeks the SuSanA secretariat (mainly myself and Elisabeth von Muench, with the help by a professional designer and inputs by Trevor, Arno Rosemarin and Arne Panesar) developed a new SuSanA flyer, which will be handed out at the upcoming Stockholm World Water Week for the first time!

You can see the final flyer in the attachment (maybe there will be some last minute changes before we print it).

In case you have ideas for small or for substantial changes, please do not hesitate and send them to the secretariat, as we can collect them for a possible second edition of the flyer later in the year.

(posted by Friederike, intern at GIZ and at the SuSanA secretariat)
Competence Center Water, "Sustainable Sanitation" Programme and
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) Secretariat

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Postfach 5180
65726 Eschborn, Deutschland

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