SuSanA at World Water Week 2022


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  • SuSanA secretariat currently allocates 2 full time person equivalents of time from members of GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Team: Arne Panesar, Alexandra Dubois, Maren Heuvels, Teresa Häberlein, Daphne Manolakos and Bettina-Sophie Heinz.
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Dear SuSanA members and friends,

We hope you are all doing well in the past one month after the amazing World Water Week 2022. Please notice that the 2022 content is freely available to everyone who bought a Full Access pass - until November 1st, 2022. Did you miss a session you really wanted to attend? Was there a topic you wish you had more time to explore? Do you want to follow up on a connection you made at the Week? You can still log back into the digital platform and browse all programme. and send messages.

We appreciate your support for SuSanA during WWWeek 2022, and we are looking forward to meeting you in the future events and conferences.

Best wishes,

SuSanA secretariat
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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  • Marine Chief Engineer by profession (1971- present) and at present Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, Chennai, India. Also proficient in giving Environmental solutions , Designation- Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Head- Environment, The Vigyan Vijay Foundation, NGO, New Delhi, INDIA , Consultant located at present at Chennai, India
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Dear SuSanA Members, 

Nice to note a brief on events done.
I refer with interest the mention of desludging pump
It would be an innovative device, if desludging pump be operable on pneumatic air - within 8B pressure.

Air compressors operable by manual pedalling means is done.
Then with pneumatic power pack being available will get apt to deal the subject Etc.

With well wishes.
Ajit Seshadri
Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, and
Head-Environment , VigyanVijay Foundation, Consultant (Water shed Mngmnt, WWT, WASH, others)Located at present at Chennai, India

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  • secretariat
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  • SuSanA secretariat currently allocates 2 full time person equivalents of time from members of GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Team: Arne Panesar, Alexandra Dubois, Maren Heuvels, Teresa Häberlein, Daphne Manolakos and Bettina-Sophie Heinz.
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Dear all,

from 29th of August to 1stof September, SuSanA participated in the On-site Exhibition at World Water Week 2022 - Thank you to all who joined and visited us at our booth!

The SuSanA booth was a welcome opportunity to showcase our network to a broad audience, engage with key stakeholders in the
WASH and development sectors, and to present ongoing projects and new innovations from partners and members of SuSanA. Throughout the week, the SuSanA booth served as a perfect meeting place for many members, partners and interested visitors
to promote sustainable sanitation to achieve the SDGs.
This year, the SuSanA booth was designed to offer all visitors a fun and interactive experience:
For example, we included a “flying library” with more than 30 current publications from the sector, which could be downloaded
via a QR code, and which reduced the amount of unnecessarily distributed paper during such conferences.

There was also a so-called innovation corner with products from partners and members, such as a mobile desludging pump, WASH board games and a portable water filter pump, which served as a great entry point for discussions with the SuSanA secretariat and partner representatives. In live demonstrations, SuSanA partners had the opportunity to present their innovations and products to the audience on site, which was a highlight and a welcome diversion during the week.

In addition, visitors could experience some of the challenges that need to be overcome to achieve the SDGs remotely at a virtual
reality station and read more about some of the invisible, tabooed, and stigmatized issues in connection with water and sanitation via the multimedia exhibition "Invisible Water" .

We would like to send a big thank you to all participants and all SuSanA partners for your engagement and contributions to the booth! We appreciated everyone for coming, joining our discussions and the cooperation during the World Water Week 2022. We were very pleased to meet our members, partners and other SuSanA enthusiasts and visitors during the week!
For more visual impressions, check out our photostream of the WWWeek here:
We would also like to hear your experience of the SuSanA booth! Let us know in the comments and share your impressions of this
year’s World Water Week :)
We look forward to hearing/ reading from you!
Arne, Alexandra, Maren, Teresa, Daphne and Yuxiao
On behalf of the SuSanA Secretariat
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Session report

Title: Who's responsible? Sorting out mandates for regulation of sanitation services

I have tried to add key points from each presentation and the panel discussion. It is possible that I have missed some other key points. Please see the link for details of the session.

Kate Medlicott
  • Sanitation is alarmingly off track; it will be the 22nd century by the time we achieve the SDG at the current pace. We will need to quadruple the pace to achieve the SDG target
  • Sanitation is a public good. For long, sanitation has been a task for households or businesses to deal with. Professionally managed and regulated services are needed.
  • Governments should be at the centre and lead the efforts. Regulators must work on the following five accelerators identified in the global acceleration framework.
Governance: Well-balanced regulations for all parts of the chain
Financing: Make sure public investments are used strategically to attract and optimise investments
Capacity development: There is a need for more skilled personnel across the sanitation chain as well as with the regulating authorities
Data: Build data systems necessary to monitor progress
Innovation: enable and encourage innovation through good performance criteria

Sam Drabble
  • Designing a regulatory framework and deciding who regulates what component of sanitation services is a huge task as multiple aspects need to be regulated across the sanitation service chain which includes operational safety, worker safety, quality of service, economic aspects such as tariffs, etc.
  • Key principles of sanitation regulation include
Clarity of mandates for service provision as well as regulation
Accountability for OSS with a focus on containment
Strengthening transparency
Regulators could play a leadership role
  • Preliminary findings from a work-in-progress study
Regulatory responsibilities spread across multiple actors
Regulating industrial wastewater is a challenge
On-site sanitation is often left unregulated
Responsibilities for emptying are often not clear

Angela Kimani
  • Coverage of sanitation is far behind water supply across almost all countries in the African continent
  • Legal backing for applying regulatory instruments often completely lacking or only limited.
  • Further, regulating OSS is far behind regulating sewered sanitation. On the contrary, dependence on OSS is much higher than sewers.
  • Various models of regulation used include – regulation by agency, regulation by contract, ministerial regulation, and self-regulation.
  • Key challenges in regulation
OSS not prioritised
Inadequate legal backing
Overlaps and gaps in mandates
Inadequate (or no) finances for regulation
Regulation needs to be tailored for every situation due to diversity in service provision arrangements.
  • Key lessons
Regulation is key to improving sanitation services
Legal backing for regulating is critical
Clear guidelines for all stakeholders are necessary
Formalisation is necessary
No one-size-fits-all
  • Opportunities
Increasing momentum and good examples are emerging
Adoption of CWIS is a critical opportunity to introduce regulation
Acceptance for OSS
Legal environment is improving
  • Accountability mechanisms
Formal voluntary oversight structures – Water watch groups in Zambia
Representation in oversight or policy-making institutions
Substantive public consultations
Consumer groups - RWAs

Oscar Pinto
  • Different models of regulatory arrangements in Latin America… From single national regulators to multiple sub-national regulators depending on institutional history in the respective country
  • Agencies not served by networked sanitation are often out of reach of regulators
  • Often OSS is not considered a public service and hence lack regulatory oversight. In practice remains an important grey area regarding operations and control
  • Emptying services can be provided both by the public agencies and private service providers
  • Necessary to make the problem visible, sensitise stakeholders, and put sanitation on political leadership's agenda.
Panel discussion
  • The funders have in the past taken a piecemeal approach, and there is a realisation of the necessity to look at the entire enabling environment. This is necessary for sustained operations of projects
  • Reforms are unlikely to be completed within the project period; patience is key. The pace will be dictated by institutional arrangements, history, context, etc.
  • Lenders/funders need to look at long-term partnerships to allow reforms time for reforms, alternative lending modalities such as results-based or policy-based lending and sector programmes instead of projects are increasingly getting traction with donors and lenders
  • The convening powers of the IFIs can be strategically used to get all the stakeholders on one platform.
  • Capacity development of the local stakeholders need to be included in project finances
  • Regulators need to motivate service providers through incentives and recognise good performance
  • Capacity development to identify good data points, data collection systems as well as use of various data collection platforms (developed by regulators) is needed.
  • Consistency in terms of cycles of data collection are key to inform service providers about the regulator’s seriousness.
  • The regulators need to understand the behaviour as well as motivation of service providers to develop sound regulatory practices
  • It is necessary to make it easy for service providers to comply with regulatory requirements.
  • Monitoring is necessary for any regulatory framework to work.
  • Research priorities:
All the research presented today needs to be replicated in different contexts
Legal context is starting point in understand the existing (as well as missing) regulations
Feasibility as well as impact assessment of regulations.

Related Publications
  1. Citywide inclusive sanitation: Who is responsible?
  2. Citywide inclusive sanitation: How can accountability be strengthened?
  3. State of the world's sanitation: An urgent call to transform sanitation for better health, environments, economies, and societies
  4. Guidelines on sanitation and health
  5. WSS Regulation Landscape Across Africa
  6. Exploring smart enforcement within urban sanitation

Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

The session itself was pre-recorded. Yes, the session can be accessed from the conference platform (which I guess will need registration). Hopefully, it will be made open access soon. 

Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Hi Alexandra,

Thanks for your session report. I am very interested in this topic ("Science communication: how to communicate complex issues to the public"). I would have loved to have a seat on the panel as I would have explained how Wikipedia is trying to do just that for many topics (including on water security): communicating complex issues to the public by using Wikipedia! 
See e.g. the Wikipedia article on water security (which probably fails in some aspects as it's still overly academic and difficult to understand for non-experts). 

Is there a link to the full session content, e.g. the presentation slides and a recording of the session?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • SuSanA secretariat currently allocates 2 full time person equivalents of time from members of GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Team: Arne Panesar, Alexandra Dubois, Maren Heuvels, Teresa Häberlein, Daphne Manolakos and Bettina-Sophie Heinz.
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Session report

Science communication: how to communicate complex issues to the public
  • Marina Joubert, Science communication researcher, Stellenbosch University
  • Geoffrey Kamadi, Science journalist
  • Rebecca Ilunga, C40 Senior Manager, Water Security
  • Johannes Ernstberger, Press and engagement officer, Stockholm Resilience Centre 
Key take-aways:
To communicate scientific complex issues to the general public:
  • Create a narrative where cause & impact is not always immediate
  • Go beyond preaching to your own choir
  • People don't like to feel guilty: provide hope and concrete solutions in your discourse 
  • Find the balance between simplifying the message without losing credibility
  • Connect to your audience by creating emotions: take people along with you on your scientific journey, and remain honnest about your uncertainties and challenges at every milestones
  • Make sure to include everyone story

on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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  • SuSanA secretariat currently allocates 2 full time person equivalents of time from members of GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Team: Arne Panesar, Alexandra Dubois, Maren Heuvels, Teresa Häberlein, Daphne Manolakos and Bettina-Sophie Heinz.
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Re: SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

SuSanA booth 2022 - what's new?

This year's World Water Week conference in Stockholm aims to set an example in terms of sustainability and goes paperless. Challenge accepted!! SuSanA on-site booth is going to be as innovative and interactive as it is environmentally friendly. Don't miss out on all the fun activities we have planned for you.

Experience the challenges of achieving the SDGs by immersing yourself in a 360° virtual world at the VR station.
Check out the latest publications and tools at SuSanA's digital desk and floating library.
See, touch and try out the most innovative products developed by SuSanA partners to meet the needs of sanitation.
Spin the wheel of fortune to test your sanitation knowledge and try to win one of the many prizes. 
Finally, don't miss the demonstrations where SuSanA partners will present their new products :
  • Wednesday 31.08 from 10.00 to 11.00 CEST : Viva con Agua invites you for a short demo of their WASH!Game 
  • Wednesday 31.08 from 14.00 to 15.00 CEST : Practica will demonstrate their mobile pit emptying unit, the PuPu pump 
  • Thursday 01.09 from 11.00 to 12.00 CEST : SLU will showcase their RECLAIM game 
  • Thursday from 13.00 to 14.00 CEST : IRC will demonstrate how to use and navigate the WASH systems Academy and their free online courses offering 
See you at the booth, we are looking forward to meeting you and exchanging with you

Alexandra and Daphne
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat


Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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  • SuSanA secretariat currently allocates 2 full time person equivalents of time from members of GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Team: Arne Panesar, Alexandra Dubois, Maren Heuvels, Teresa Häberlein, Daphne Manolakos and Bettina-Sophie Heinz.
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SuSanA at World Water Week 2022

Dear SuSanA members, partners, and friends, 

SuSanA will be present at the World Water Week 2022 in Stockholm, and we are excited to share with you that we are planning to have several informal gathering events and an on-site SuSanA booth, to host two side events for female water and sanitation professionals and to be convenor of four sessions during the WWWeek! Let us know who of you will be on-site during the WWWeek and share your participation and activities here . Please find a short description of the aforementionned activities and events below or check out our event page here :
  • SuSanA Face-to-Face Meeting (Sun, 28.08 1.00-4.00pm, SEI offices): We invite allSuSanA members present in Stockholm for an informal meeting on Sunday prior to the on-site conference to discuss and reflect on the past, present, and future of SuSanA. See you at the SEI headquarter’s offices where we will be waiting for you at the SEI lounge.
  • Game Session (Sun, 28.084.30-6.30pm, SEI offices): Right afterthe meeting, we’ll offer for all gamers at heart in our SuSanA community the opportunity to test two innovative board games relevant for our sector, namely the WASH!Game from Viva con Agua and the RECLAIM Game from SLU. May the best win, but let’s not forget to have fun!
  • SuSanA drinks and dinner (Sun, 28.08 from 6.00pm, Djurgårdsbron - Sjöcafé): Any plan for Sunday evening? For those who wish, let’s have drinks and dinner together before the start of the on-site conference! Make sure that your contact is in the Stockholm WWWeek attendance list ( here ), so we can keep you updated.
  • SuSanA Booth (August 29th to September 1st; venue Norra Latin): Visit ouron-site SuSanA booth, to meet, connect and exchange as well as supporting us in advocating for sustainable sanitation as key contributors of the SDGs. We’ve got a lot of surprises in store for you, including a Virtual Reality station, an innovation corner, a game area and even demos. The plan and programme of the booth will be shared with you shortly, make sure that your contact is in the Stockholm WWWeek attendance list ( here ), so we can keep you updated.
SuSanA's as a Convenor
SessionDate & TimeSession FormatConvenor(s)Link
Beyond Words: Art, Music, Sport, Celebrity for Change in WASHWednesday 24 August 13:00-14:20OnlineDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
One Drop
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
Viva con Agua
WASH in Schools Network  
Driving professionalisation and performance for a sustainable urban water cycleWednesday 24 August 15:30-16:50OnlineDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
World Resources Institute  
Resilient Sanitation in Jordan – Overlooked but Key for Healthy (Talk Show)Tuesday 30 August 11:00-11:30Online & On-siteDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
Water Authority of Jordan  
WASH in Schools (WinS) - Linking Education, Health, and GenderWednesday 31 August 16:00-17:30Online & On-siteDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Joint Monitoring Programme
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
United Nations Children’s Fund
WASH in Schools Network  
You can also reach us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to share with us your planned sessions that we and the SuSanA community should not miss.

Stay tuned for any updates!

Best regards, 


on behalf of the SuSanA Secretariat
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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