Key documents for the sub-category on schools (sanitation and hygiene in schools)


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  • alcamachog
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Re: Key documents for the sub-category on schools (sanitation and hygiene in schools)

Hello Elisabeth;

Thank you for the selection you have made. Right now I am working as a consultant work for making guidelines for water and sanitation facilities in schools situated in rural areas.

I will take into account the experiences you select.

Thank you very much.

Alvaro Camacho G.
Water and Sanitation Specialist
La Paz - Bolivia
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  • Elisabeth
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  • Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Key documents for the sub-category on schools (sanitation and hygiene in schools)

For more information about why I am creating this new thread, please see here:


This thread is a "sticky thread" which means it will always remain at the top of this sub-category. It contains a recommendation and orientation for newcomers regarding the most important five documents in the thematic area of "Schools (sanitation and hygiene in schools)".

Recommended top five documents in the thematic area of "Schools (sanitation and hygiene in schools)", in reverse chronological order:

Various authors (2015). Making WASH in Schools more Sustainable Volume II. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

(Volume I available here:

The stories presented here shall raise awareness about the importance of ensuring access to WASH and in particular sanitation in school settings among decision-makers, planners and practitioners working in and with schools and interested people around the globe. They will also shed light on the good work that is being done by SuSanA members and partners.

WASHplus (2015). Teacher’s Guide to Integrating WASH in Schools. USAID/WASHplus Project, Washington DC, USA

This Teacher’s Guide supports the teaching and learning about water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Zambian primary schools. WASH is part of the new national curriculum, which was launched in January 2014. This guide provides technical content for the teacher to familiarize himself/herself with the subject of WASH. It also provides ideas and suggestions on how WASH content can be integrated into classroom and out of class teaching and learning.

UNICEF, GIZ (2013). Field Guide: The Three Star Approach for WASH in Schools. United Nations Children's Fund and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn, Germany

The Three Star Approach for WASH in Schools is designed to improve the effectiveness of hygiene behaviour change programmes. The approach ensures that healthy habits are taught, practised and integrated into daily school routines. The Three Star Approach helps schools meet the essential criteria for a healthy and protective learning environment for children as part of the broader child-friendly schools initiative. It aims to address the bottlenecks that block the effectiveness and expansion of current WASH in Schools programmes.

Abraham, B., Fogde, M., von Münch, E., Wendland, C. (2012). Sustainable sanitation for schools - Factsheet of Working Group 7a. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

The aims of this factsheet are to:
1. Advocate for sustainable sanitation in schools in developing countries and countries in transition
2. Highlight existing challenges
3. Explore various innovations both in hardware and software using examples from developing countries.
4. Identify the common principles that are needed to achieve the desired outcomes.

Morgan, P., Shangwa, A. (2010). Teaching Ecological Sanitation in Schools - A compilation of manuals and fact sheets. Aquamor, Zimbabwe

These manuals were originally written as chapters for a book which is still being researched and compiled. In order to make the valuable information available for others to use and adapt, the chapters have been converted into manuals which can be used separately if required. Technical manuals include: Building toilets at the school, construction techniques for toilets, the garden and trees, outreach programs, open day at the school etc.

You can find further important documents and website links dealing with this topic here: Abbreviations used:
SWASH = School water, sanitation and hygiene
WinS = WASH in schools

Closely related topics that should also be aware of: Please provide your feedback. What do you think of this selection?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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