Participate in the Global Online Survey for the 2020 Humanitarian WASH Gap Analysis [Message in EN/FR/AR/SP/PT]


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  • JohnA
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  • Water & Sanitation Engineer | Oxfam | Global Humanitarian Team
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Re: Participate in the Global Online Survey for the 2020 Humanitarian WASH Gap Analysis [Message in EN/FR/AR/SP/PT]

Have Your Say!  Global Online Survey for the 2020 Humanitarian WASH Gap Analysis

This message is in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Dear Colleagues,
This year the humanitarian WASH sector has taken on the largest and most inclusive humanitarian gap analysis study ever
conducted.  And now we want you to be part of it through an online survey. 
It’s important that we consult with the WASH development sector who often work alongside humanitarian WASH actors in responding to humanitarian WASH needs or have observed humanitarian WASH responses.
Have you ever noted something in a WASH response that should be better?  A gap that should be addressed?  A problem that
always seems to happen but should not?  Have your say by taking part in the Global Online Survey and sharing these gaps for this important piece of research for the sector.
By recording gaps in the survey, you will play a role in identifying the key areas of need in the WASH sector, which will be used to set priorities and take action for better humanitarian WASH responses.

The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete (but you are welcome to spend more time thinking of gaps!).  The survey will close on December 7th.
To ensure this message gets far and wide, we’d be grateful if you could share this message with all your sector colleagues and partners at global, regional and  field level, including those working in sectors related to WASH – Health, Shelter, Nutrition, Education, Food Security, Protection, Camp  Coordination, Camp Management, Logistics and allied issues/modalities eg Accountability (AAP) Environment, Cash. 
If you would like to be kept up to date and receive the results of the 2020 WASH Gap Analysis, enter your contact information in the form here:
To take the survey follow the link here:
Many thanks and we look forward to receiving your response.
Monica Ramos, Global WASH Cluster Coordinator
Andy Bastable, Head of Water and Sanitation, Oxfam
Cecilie Hestbaek, Elrha
La parole est à vous ! Enquête mondiale en lignesur l’analyse des lacunes WASH humanitaires de 2020
Chères/chers collègues,
Cette année, le secteur WASH humanitaire s’est lancé dansl’analyse des lacunes humanitaires la plus complète et la plus inclusive jamais organisée. Aujourd'hui, nous vous proposons d’y participer en répondant à une enquête en ligne.
Il est important pour nous de consulter le secteur du développement WASH qui travaille souvent en collaboration avec les acteurs du secteur WASH humanitaire pour répondre aux besoins pertinents ou qui ont étudié les interventions du secteur WASH humanitaire.
Avez-vous déjà trouvé qu’un aspect d’une interventionWASH pourrait être amélioré ? Y a-t-il des lacunes à combler ? Un problème qui semble se reproduire constamment au lieu d’être réglé ? Faites-nous part de vos opinions en participant à l’enquête mondiale en ligne. Les lacunes que vous mettrez en avant contribueront à la recherche la plus importante que ce secteur ait connu.
En mettant l’accent sur ces lacunes dans l’enquête, vousparticiperez à identifier les principaux besoins du secteur WASH, et nous utiliseronscette contribution pour définir les priorités et prendre des mesures pour mettre en place de meilleures interventions WASH.
L’enquête prend environ 15-20 minutes (maisn’hésitez pas à y consacrer plus de temps pour réfléchir davantage aux
lacunes !). Vous avez jusqu’au 7 décembre pour répondre àl’enquête.
Pour que ce message atteigne le plus de monde possible,nous vous encourageons à le partager avec tou-te-s vos collègues du secteuret avec vos partenaires aux niveaux mondial, régional et sur le terrain, etnotamment avec les personnes travaillant dans un domaine lié à l’eau, à l’assainissement et à l’hygiène – santé, abri, nutrition, éducation, sécurité alimentaire, protection, coordination de camp, gestion de camp, logistique et problématiques/modalités associées, par exemple redevabilité envers les personnes affectées, environnement, transferts monétaires.
Si vous souhaitez être tenu-e au courant et recevoirles résultats de l’analyse des lacunes WASH de 2020, veuillezsaisir vos coordonnées dans le formulaire suivant :
Pour répondre à l’enquête, cliquez sur le liensuivant :
Merci beaucoup ! Nous attendons vos réponses avecimpatience.
Monica Ramos, coordinatrice du Global WASH Cluster
Andy Bastable, responsable des activités liées à l’eau età l'assainissement, Oxfam
Cecilie Hestbaek, Elrha
2020 قولوا كلمتكم!إستبيان عالمي عن طريق الإنترنت لتحليل الثغرات في مجال الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة لعام

الزميلاتوالزملاء الأعزاء،

لقد أجرىقطاع الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة هذا العام دراسة هيالأوسعوالأكثر شمولًا على الإطلاق لتحليل الثغرات في مجالالعمل الإنساني. ونحن نريدكم أن تكونوا الآن جزءًا من هذا العمل من خلال استبيان
نجريه عن طريق الإنترنت.

منالمهم أن نتشاور مع قطاع تطوير الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة الذي يعمل في كثير من الأحيان
جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجهات الفاعلة الإنسانية في مجال توفير الماء والصرف الصحي
والنظافة في الاستجابة للاحتياجات الإنسانية أو الذي يراقب الاستجابات الإنسانية
في مجال توفير الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة.

هل سبق أنلاحظتم مسائل يمكن تحسينها في الاستجابة لمشكلات الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة؟
مثلا: ثغرة ينبغي معالجتها أو ربما مشكلة يبدو أنها تتكرّر باستمرار في ما لا
ينبغي ذلك؟ قولوا كلمتكم من خلال المشاركة في الاستبيان العالمي عبر الإنترنت
وشاركوا هذه الثغرات في إطار هذا البحث المهم للقطاع.

من خلالتسجيل الثغرات في الاستبيان، سوف تضطلعون بدور مهم في تحديد الاحتياجات الأساسية
في قطاع الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة، والتي سوف تُستخدم في تحديد الأولوياتواتخاذ إجراءات من أجل استجابات أفضل لمشكلات الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة.

سوف تستغرقالمشاركة في الاستبيان 15-20 دقيقة (ولكن يمكنكم قضاء وقت أطول في التفكير في
الثغرات!). وسوف يُغلق الاستبيان في 7 كانون الأول/ديسمبر2020. 

لضمانالانتشار الواسع لهذه الرسالة، سنكون شاكرين لكم مشاركتها مع جميع زملائكم في
القطاع والشركاء على المستوى العالمي والإقليمي والميداني، بما في ذلك أولئكالذين يعملون في القطاعات المتعلقة بالماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة - مثل الصحةوالمأوى والغذاء والتغذية والتعليم والأمن الغذائي والحماية وتنسيق المخيمات
وإدارتها والخدمات اللوجستية والقضايا/الآليات المرتبطة بها مثل المساءلة تجاه
المجموعات المتضررة والبيئة والنقد
والنظافة لعام 2020، فأدخلوا معلوماتكم فيالنموذج هنا:
للمشاركة في الاستبيان اتبعوا الروابط التالية

شكرًا جزيلًالكم ونحن نتطلع إلى تلقي ردودكم.

مونيكا راموس، منسقة مجموعة الماء والصرف الصحيوالنظافة العالمية
إنديباستابل، رئيسة قسم الماء والصرف الصحي والنظافة في منظمة أوكسفام
سيسيليهيستبايك، الراحة ELRHA (تعزيز التعلم والبحوث من أجل المساعدةالإنسانية).

¡Queremos saber su opinión!  Encuesta global enlínea sobre el análisis de deficiencias en materia de WASH en el sector
humanitario de 2020

Estimadas compañeras y compañeros:
Este año, el sector humanitario de WASH ha decididollevar a cabo el estudio de análisis de deficiencias humanitarias más amplio e
inclusivo realizado hasta la fecha,  y queremos que participen a través de una encuesta en línea. 
Es importante que consultemos con el sector deldesarrollo de WASH, que suele participar junto a los actores humanitarios en la
respuesta a las necesidades humanitarias de WASH, o analizar este tipo de respuestas.
¿Alguna vez han considerado necesario mejorar algúnelemento de una respuesta WASH?  ¿Hay alguna deficiencia o carencia que
debería abordarse?  ¿O algún problema que siempre vuelva a aparecer en vez de resolverse?  Díganos lo que piensan completando la encuesta global en línea e informándonos de estas carencias/deficiencias para incluirlas en esta importante investigación a nivel del sector.
Informando de estas carencias/deficiencias a través de laencuesta contribuirán a identificar los principales ámbitos de mejora en el
sector WASH, que se utilizarán para establecer prioridades y tomar medidaspara mejorar las respuestas WASH.
Necesitarán entre 15 y 20 minutos para completar estaencuesta (aunque pueden dedicarle más tiempo si desean reflexionar de una
manera más exhaustiva sobre las carencias/deficiencias).  Laencuesta concluirá el 7 de diciembre.
Con el fin de garantizar la máxima difusión de estemensaje, les agradeceríamos que lo compartiesen con sus compañeras y compañeros del sector, así como organizaciones socias a nivel global, regional y en el terreno, incluidas aquellas que trabajen en sectoresrelacionados con WASH: Salud, Refugio, Nutrición, Educación, Seguridad alimentaria, Protección, Coordinación y Gestión de campamentos, Logística, y modalidades/cuestiones asociadas, como la rendición de cuentas ante las poblaciones afectadas, el medio ambiente o el efectivo. 
Si desean que les mantengamos informados/as y que les enviemoslos resultados del análisis de deficiencias en materia de WASH de 2020,incluyan su información de contacto en este formulario:
Hagan clic en el siguiente enlace para realizar laencuesta en:
Muchas gracias de antemano por sus respuestas.
Mónica Ramos, coordinadora del Clúster Global de WASH
Andy Bastable, responsable de Oxfam de Agua y Saneamiento
Cecilie Hestbaek, Elrha
Dê a sua opinião! Sondagem Global Online para a Análise Humanitária de Lacunas de Água,
Saneamento e Higiene (WASH) de 2020

Caros colegas,
Este ano, o sectorhumanitário de WASH levou a cabo o maior e mais inclusivo estudo de análise de lacunas humanitárias alguma vez realizado. Gostaríamos  que também fizesse parte deste estudo respondendo a uma sondagem online. 
É importante consultarmos osector de desenvolvimento de WASH, que muitas vezes trabalha lado a lado com atores humanitários de WASH, dando resposta às necessidades humanitárias de WASH ou observando as respostas humanitárias de WASH.
Já observou algo numa respostaWASH que deveria ter corrido melhor? Uma lacuna que deveria ser resolvida?  Um problema que parece acontecer recorrentemente, mas que não deveria?  Dê a sua opinião participando na Sondagem Global Online e partilhando estas lacunas nesta investigação tão importante para este sector.
Ao apontar as lacunas queobservou, estará a desempenhar um papel importante na identificação das principais áreas de necessidade no sector de WASH, que serão utilizadas paradefinir prioridades e tomar medidas para organizar melhores as respostas humanitárias de WASH.
A sondagem tomará 15 a 20minutos do seu tempo (mas sinta-se à vontade para dedicar um pouco mais de
tempo a refletir sobre as lacunas).  A sondagem terminará em 7 dedezembro de 2020.
Para garantir que estamensagem chegue a todos, ficar-lhe-íamos gratos se partilhasse estamensagem com todos os seus colegas e parceiros no sector ao nível global, regional e no terreno, incluindo aqueles que trabalham em sectores relacionados
com WASH - Saúde, Abrigo, Nutrição, Educação, Segurança Alimentar, Proteção, Coordenação dos Campos de reassentamento, Gestão dos Campos de reassentamento, Logística e questões/modalidades afins, por exemplo, Responsabilização (perante
as populações afetadas) Meio Ambiente,  Assistência em Dinheiro.
Se desejar estar a par doestudo e receber os resultados da Análise de Lacunas de WASH de 2020, introduza
os seus dados de contacto no formulário:
Para responder à sondagem,clique nas hiperligações:
Muito obrigado. Ficamos aaguardar a sua resposta.
Mónica Ramos, CoordenadoraGlobal do Cluster de WASH
Andy Bastable, Diretor deÁgua e Saneamento, Oxfam
Cecilie Hestbaek, Elrha
John Allen | Water & Sanitation Engineer
Oxfam | Global Humanitarian Team

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Re: Launch of the Largest Humanitarian WASH Gap Analysis – Have Your Say!

Hi John,

All the best with this gap analysis! I remember when the one from 2013 came out (we have it in the SuSanA library here ).
I thought it might help people get interested in your new analysis if they are reminded of the outcomes from 7 years ago, so I copy them here:

The most significant gaps identified in emergency WASH were:

1. Latrines in locations where no pits are possible (urban, high watertable/flooding)
2. Community participation and empowerment of vulnerable groups, including monitoring and evaluation from the outset
3. Latrine emptying and desludging
4. Hygiene promotion and the importance of understanding context, including socioanthropology issues
5. Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and sanitation marketing
6. Urban alternatives for excreta disposal
7. Exit strategies and sustainability issues from the outset
8. Final sewage disposal options after desludging and treatment
9. Further development of non-toilet options/ early response/mobile
10. Hand washing hardware and Promotion and sustainability (including soap) and non-soap options
11. Water Treatment, particularly bulk and point of use household filters, including cost and sustainability issues
12. The need for low-tech WASH solutions acceptable and sustainable by locals

From this list it is clear that excreta disposal issues such as latrines in areas where pits cannot be dug, desludging latrines, no-toilet options and the final treatment or disposal of the sewage are the areas in which people have identified gaps in emergency responses. Unsurprisingly, given current patterns in urban migration and the nature of recent emergency responses, urban sanitation in particular was identified as a major gap. The other major issue highlighted was weak community participation and the critical importance of designing appropriate hygiene Promotion activities for each context. Sustainability also emerged as an important issue for all WASH activities, as did the emergency development continuum, the importance of better preparation and resilience and the need for exit strategies and environmental considerations. 

And I copy from your website an answer to a question I was going to ask:

Why are we doing a follow-on gap analysis?

Significant change has happened in the seven years since the first WASH gap analysis in 2013.  Humanitarian needs have evolved, research and innovation has moved ahead, and new gaps have likely emerged.
The Global WASH Cluster will analyse the results to see how the WASH sector can best respond to those priority gaps identified. Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund ( HIF ) will use the results of the study to identify which gaps can be best supported through innovation and potentially be included in its WASH innovation priorities, and we hope the results may influence other innovation funders in choosing which areas in the sector require investment.

I'll be great if SuSanA and the WASH sector can get closer together with the humanitarian sector. So thank you for joining SuSanA and posting about your gap analysis here.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • JohnA
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  • Water & Sanitation Engineer | Oxfam | Global Humanitarian Team
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Launch of the Largest Humanitarian WASH Gap Analysis – Have Your Say!

Dear sanitation colleagues,

I am John Allen, with Oxfam's Global Humanitarian WASH Team, and I'd like to share the message with you below on the launch of the 2020 WASH Gap Analysis.

We’re setting out on what we believe to be the largest and most inclusive humanitarian gap analysis study and we want the whole humanitarian and sustainable development WASH community to be part of it.  For communications in French  and Arabic , please the Global WASH Cluster webpage .

A partnership made up of the Global WASH Cluster, Elrha, Oxfam and Cranfield University have come together to carry out a study on WASH gaps.  Gaps help us understand what is most restricting the humanitarian sector’s potential to meet essential needs, minimise WASH-related diseases, strengthen resilience response, and restore life with dignity to people in emergencies.  The results of this study should help us to orientate innovation and investment choices in the future.

What makes this different to other gap analyses is that we aim to consult with people at all levels. In particular, we are making efforts to make sure that people affected by crisis have the opportunity to identify gaps in a safe, accountable and ethical way, directly influencing what is prioritized globally. A project of this ambitious scale can only be successful with the support of global WASH community.  We welcome participation from the WASH practitioners around the world, including those working on sustainable development.  There are three ways you can help support the WASH Gap Analysis:
  1. Sharing literature (reports, assessments, etc) that identifies WASH gaps and secondary data of gaps identified by people affected by crisis.  This grey literature, which will be anonymized, is being compiled now.  You may share relevant documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Participating in a global online survey, to be launched at the end of August, where you will be able to provide your views on WASH gaps.
  3. Facilitating discussions, either with people affected by crisis or with WASH practitioners.  For this we are looking to work with organizations in countries affected by crisis to support facilitating these discussions from September to October.
Please stay tuned for more information about this project, including the online survey that will be launched in August.  If you would be like to be kept up to date on the project, then please sign up here ,or visit the GWC webpage for the WASH Gap Analysis Project .  More information on field consultations is also available on the GWC website.  We hope to keep in touch, including to announce the start of the online WASH Gap Analysis survey.  If you have any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .   

We look forward to having you involved in the largest and most inclusive humanitarian gap analysis ever conducted! 

Global WASH Cluster, Oxfam, Elrha, and Cranfield University
John Allen | Water & Sanitation Engineer
Oxfam | Global Humanitarian Team

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