Sphere Handbook revisions; The deadline is looming! (31 May) - for those working in the humanitarian sector


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Re: Sphere revisions; The deadline is looming!

Dear SuSanA members who are working in the humanitarian sector with a focus on disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness and response,

Attached are the 2 standards that are probably of most relevance to SuSanA community; namely :

i) Excreta management standards; and
ii) WASH Hygiene standards

There are also other standards that many of us will be interested to review related to:

i) Vector control, solid waste management, water supply, and drainage; as well as
ii) Standards on WASH and nutrition, and WASH and health.

You will see the overall layout of the standards in the diagram in the file : "Changes in WASH standards" which compares the proposed standards with the previous ones.

Overall there is a lot to review but when broken down like this, there is not so much if we choose just to focus on 1 or a couple of standards to scrutinise.

Also attached is the information about the review process and the feedback form.

I am hopeful that those of us who are working in the humanitarian sector with a focus on disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness and response, will find to review and submit comments in the next few days.

The alternative is for members of the working group on Emergencies and Reconstruction Situations (WG8) to put forward their comments on the Forum to allow for some discussion prior to submission.

best regards,

Dr. Jonathan Parkinson
Principal Consultant – Water and Sanitation
IMC Worldwide Ltd, Redhill, United Kingdom
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype : jonathanparkinson1

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Sphere revisions; The deadline is looming!

Hello everyone,

The Sphere Project is a voluntary initiative that brings a wide range of humanitarian agencies together around a common aim - to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance and the accountability of humanitarian actors to their constituents, donors and affected populations.

The Sphere Handbook, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards in life-saving areas of humanitarian response.

I would like to bring to your attention that the Sphere standards are currently under review. There isint long left to review the proposed changes and have your say. Please take a look and give your feedback. There have been some key people working hard to get the revision process to this point and I know they would be grateful to have the inputs of the wider sanitation community.


The deadline for comments is the 31st of May.

Esther Shaylor
Innovation specialist - WASH and Education
UNICEF Supply Division
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