New WG 03 co-lead: Sören Rüd (GIZ) - WG3 is SuSanA Working Group 3 on Renewable energies and climate change


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Re: New WG 03 co-lead: Sören Rüd (GIZ) - WG3 is SuSanA Working Group 3 on Renewable energies and climate change

Hi Elisabeth,

thanks a lot for your message and the additional information. In the working group, we currently focus on editing and finalizing the new factsheet on sustainable sanitation and climate change. In my point of view, the document gives a good starting point for further discussion on the subject, so once it is finished, we should check which sub-topics (also in the mentioned section) need further follow-up. I am especially interested in co-benefits of mitigation and adaptation projects for the general development agenda (incl. the interlinkage between mitigation and adaptation), e.g. in cities.

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: New WG 03 co-lead: Sören Rüd (GIZ) - WG3 is SuSanA Working Group 3 on Renewable energies and climate change

Hi Sören,
Nice to see you back in the SuSanA circles! Meanwhile, SuSanA is no longer in the baby and toddler phase but perhaps in the midlife-crisis phase, contemplating new challenges and opportunities for the future. :-) (see the thread: Shaping SuSanA's Future - survey and Sphaera's consultancy report on accelerated organizational change for SuSanA

Do you have any particular plans for WG3?
As you mention climate change you might find this sub-category interesting, and perhaps there are discussion threads worth reviving or "pushing" there:

I also highly recommend to all WG leads to make use of their mailing lists (yours is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and to see which Wikipedia articles your working group members would be willing to help with.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • Soeren
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New WG 03 co-lead: Sören Rüd (GIZ)

Dear SuSanA WG 3 members,

after taking over the “Water and wastewater companies for climate mitigation” (WaCCliM) project from Astrid Michels in August, I am also looking forward to engage in WG 3 on Renewable energies and Climate Change as co-lead.

At GIZ, I started in 2006 in the ecosan programme and had the chance to participate in the baby and toddler phase of SuSanA. In the last nine and a half years, I worked in Mexico on topics related to cities, environmental management and climate change.

Throughout this time, I especially pursued cross-sectoral approaches for challenges in development. It is the same for the WaCCliM project which focusses on the advisory of urban water and wastewater utilities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving their services and protecting the environment in four countries.

I am looking forward to discuss with you the interlinkage of sustainable sanitation and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Best regards from Bonn,
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