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- Re: Micro flush toilet training in Ethiopia
Re: Micro flush toilet training in Ethiopia

Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)
Steve described an 80 page fabrication guide (English and Spanish) for the GSAP Microflush toilet. I'm wondering if you could find that guide and whether Susana could publish that in their information resources. Would be a shame for this to be lost as a result of his passing.
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You need to login to reply- handav
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Re: The potential of subsurface infiltration for the treatment of vermibed effluents generated by the Biofil toilet. (UNESCO-IHE/KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana)

I am Steve Mecca's granddaughter. You can reach out to the country directors to find MAKERs, depending on where you are - Eric Agyemang in Ghana at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Geoffrey Nyakundi in Kenya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You can also write to me at hannahdavis0220 at gmail dot com and I can send you several other email addresses.
I saw that some of the previous comments asked about the business model, so I'm linking here to a few of Steve's last paper's, one published posthumously. I hope this helps going forward.
Note by moderator: See also here Hanna's note about Steve's life: forum.susana.org/264-in-memorium/23189-stephen-mecca-s-passing
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You need to login to reply- spirus007
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Re: The potential of subsurface infiltration for the treatment of vermibed effluents generated by the Biofil toilet. (UNESCO-IHE/KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana)
Je suis tellement intéresser pour devenir un maker, je vous ai aussi écrit par email mais vous ne m'avez pas encore répondu.
S'il vous plaît, offrez moi une formation en ligne dans la mesure du possible.
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You need to login to reply- marrath
- Currently I am writing my master thesis on sustainable sanitation in developing countries with a case study in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. My study program is: Civil Engineering and Water Management
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Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)
Below are answers to your questions, which I've copied ;
Dear Steve,
...this is correct. Some new MAKERs have their own tool sets and with early sales can secure sufficient assets to get underway; however, we try to secure MAKER scholarships for those who have nothing to begin with. The scholarship/grant provides funds for a tool set and materials for their first two toilets.thank you for your reply. So if I understand correctly, the MAKERs are setting up their own enterprises and therefore need some funding in the beginning.
.....One needs to handle a pit to handle up to 8 liters per day of filtrateAs to the toilet, do you have an idea on how to estimate the soil infiltration rate (or soil type) that is necessary in case of a gravel pit?
...it is often installed on the ground and, though it costs a bit more, filtrate processing can be installed so that it is effectively a closed toiletI think you were saying in an earlier post that the toilet unit can be adapted to various environmental challenges (e.g. flooding, high groundwater level, high slopes, rocky ground). Is it possible to construct a raised version rather than in the ground in case of very hard/rocky soil?
...footprint is 3' x 6' with a 3' x 4' superstructure for the household version ..a bit larger for the school block stallsHow much space does the technology need, superstructure included?
...there are replacable components and superstructures reflect local customs , conditions and materials.How long would you estimate the lifetime of one toilet unit?
...our toilets have been installed where anal cleansing is the norm. there is no constraint here.the filter-digester should last 20 years What if water is commonly used for anal cleansing - is it appropriate in such a case?
.. instructions are provided on what can go into the system and what should not go in.. tissue, paper are fine synthetics, cleansers, plastics should not go in. Let's chat if you there is more you would like to know. Good luck with your dissertation work.For users of different materials (e.g. soft paper or bulky, such as stones, paper of magazines), a waste bin is provided I guess?
Note by moderators: This post was made by a former user with the login name smecca who is no longer a member of this discussion forum.
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You need to login to reply- marrath
- Currently I am writing my master thesis on sustainable sanitation in developing countries with a case study in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. My study program is: Civil Engineering and Water Management
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Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)

thank you for your reply. So if I understand correctly, the MAKERs are setting up their own enterprises and therefore need some funding in the beginning.
As to the toilet, do you have an idea on how to estimate the soil infiltration rate (or soil type) that is necessary in case of a gravel pit? I think you were saying in an earlier post that the toilet unit can be adapted to various environmental challenges (e.g. flooding, high groundwater level, high slopes, rocky ground). Is it possible to construct a raised version rather than in the ground in case of very hard/rocky soil?
How much space does the technology need, superstructure included?
How long would you estimate the lifetime of one toilet unit? What if water is commonly used for anal cleansing - is it appropriate in such a case? For users of different materials (e.g. soft paper or bulky, such as stones, paper of magazines), a waste bin is provided I guess?
These are all parameters in my assessment, would be great if you could provide some answers on that.
Kind regards,
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Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)
Note by moderators: This post was made by a former user with the login name smecca who is no longer a member of this discussion forum.
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Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)
..Steve This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note by moderators: This post was made by a former user with the login name smecca who is no longer a member of this discussion forum.
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You need to login to reply- marrath
- Currently I am writing my master thesis on sustainable sanitation in developing countries with a case study in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. My study program is: Civil Engineering and Water Management
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Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)

I am working currently on a decision-support model for sustainable and appropriate sanitation systems. My case study area is Arba Minch, Ethiopia. In this work, I am also considering to include the Biofil toilet as one of the technology options.
Do you know if Biofil toilets are available and already applied in Ethiopia? Or do you think that it is not appropriate since it is a company based in Ghana? But maybe other vermicomposting technologies would be appropriate for the use in Ethiopia?
I would like to hear what you think about this. It seems like you have a lot of knowledge about it.
With best regards,
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You need to login to reply- adanesew
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Re: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)
Kindly yours
Adane Sewhunegn
Lecturer of waste management and treatment technologies
Hawassa University, Ethiopia
Lecturer, Dept. of Public and Environmental Health
Hawassa University, College of Health Sciences
Hawassa, Ethiopia
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You need to login to replyRe: Prototype Microflush-Biofil Toilet Facilities (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project, USA and Ghana)
Steve: Thanks for the update on progress with the GSAP microflush programme, production of the fabrication guide and your filtrate processing system. Would you be able to make a copy of the guide available for me to review and give feedback on?
Diane: I agree with all your points. The open source model brings together a community of users and providers – where the users are in the drivers seat and set the agenda, while the providers only help to realize it. However, universal access is paramount to this model so that all developers have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the system. In this case a wiki would be a useful tool for development of the guide, with review of release candidates followed by publication of each release.
Thanks all for your replies
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- Vermitechnology
- Vermifilters for blackwater treatment, "worm toilets", "Tiger worm toilet"
- Re: Micro flush toilet training in Ethiopia