- Health and hygiene, schools and other non-household settings
- Nutrition and WASH (including stunted growth)
- Advocacy and events on WASH & Nutrition
- Short film "No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH" World Water Week 2012
Short film "No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH" World Water Week 2012

- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: Short film "No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH" World Water Week 2012

Thanks for your responses.
Regarding your Point 4, do you have an update on the status regarding the attempt to create such a working group? I think connecting into the nutrition scene will be so important.
I happened to see this announcement in a recent WASH-plus newsletter about an event in the USA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) in early November. Would be good to know if you are already connected to those guys who will present there? I hope, once again, that presentations/papers/videos will be made available afterwards.
+++++++++++++FRIDAY, November 2, 8:30 -12:15
Building Blocks for Healthy Communities: Integrating WASH and Nutrition Interventions for Improved Health Outcomes
Convened by WHO, UNICEF, USAID, FHI 360 USAID/WASHplus Project Renuka Bery presenting on Why WASH Matters for Nutrition; Julia Rosenbaum presenting on Bangladesh Integrating of WASH into Infant Feeding
For a full list of all of the conference events, see whconference.unc.edu
For those who don't know WASH-plus, here is what it is (does not mention nutrition though):
About WASHplus - WASHplus, a five-year project funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, creates supportive environments for healthy households and communities by delivering high-impact interventions in water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and indoor air pollution (IAP). WASHplus uses proven, at-scale interventions to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under five years of age globally. For information, visit www.washplus.org or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Thank you very much for your positive feedback and for adding a new sub-section here on WASH and nutrition.
As to your Questions:
1. The whole seminar preparation as well as the movie documentation was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development through the GIZ international water policy and infrastructure programme.
2. Other activities of the German WASH Network are usually funded through contributions from its members. It is furthermore planned to finance the secretariat of the WASH network in the future through voluntary contributions from all member organisations (based on their individual evaluation how much the German WASH network is of value for their respective work)
3. It was in fact Thilo's voice

4. We tried to spread the film as widely as possible and are planning to create a working group on WASH and nutrition soon. It's then up to the working group to decide how to proceed...

Best regards
Senior Project Coordinator - Capacity Development
German Toilet Organization
Phone: +49-(0)30-41934345
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: Short film "No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH" World Water Week 2012

Awesome video, very well done! I was one of the 100 or so people who attended your session, and the video is an excellent summary of the event.
Also the full videos of Robert Chambers in particular are very important to have, in my opinion.
I have been interested in the link(s) between undernutrition and lack of sanitation and hygiene since quite a while. Fascinating topic. I liked your slogan "Growing tall with toilets!". Stunting is such an easily visible outcome of poor health... (people like me spoil the rule though; I am short despite growing up in a healthy environment...

So as one of the SuSanA discussion forum's admin persons I have already now re-arranged things a little: you see in the category overview that there is now a sub-section on "nutrition and WASH". You also find that we previously discussed this topic of tropical entheropathy here in the same category:
I think as an important topic, it warrants its own subsection which will hopefully be populated with more postings on this topic.
I just have 4 remaining questions:
- How was this highly professional movie and seminar preparation funded?
- Who funds this German WASH network?
- Who was the pleasant voice of the narrator (sounds like Thilo, but I think you should add the name to the end of the video)?
- How exactly can this video now be brought to the nutrition experts, any plans? One could e.g. try to start with nutrition experts at GIZ, UNICEF, WSP, Action contre le Faim, ... In fact most of the larger SuSanA partners would have nutrition sections which could - somehow - be approached with this message. Maybe they will tell us that we see it too simplistically? That WASH is but a tiny piece of the puzzle, which is in their eyes possibly negligibe? There is only one way to find out... And could we somehow get into one of their conferences or meetings somehow?
Again, thanks for a superb job and thanks for sharing!
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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You need to login to replyShort film "No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH" World Water Week 2012

at the World Water Week 2012 the German WASH Network and the Water Sanitation Program (WSP) of the World Bank conducted a Seminar with the title:
"No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH"
if you couldn't attend the seminar... no problem we produced a very nice short movie highlighting the outcomes of the seminar.
More information, summary, pictures and all the filmed presentations can be found at the German WASH Network homepage: Click here
We would be pleased if you can give us small feedback or if you like to share your knowledge about the topic with us...
please feel free to share the vid with persons who are interested in the topic!
cheers from the GTO
Phone: + 49 - (0) 30 - 41 93 43 44 / 45
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Find us and become a fan on Facebook - www.facebook.com/germantoilet.org
GTO is a member of the German WASH Network - www.washnet.de
The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.
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You need to login to reply- Health and hygiene, schools and other non-household settings
- Nutrition and WASH (including stunted growth)
- Advocacy and events on WASH & Nutrition
- Short film "No Food and Nutrition Security without WASH" World Water Week 2012