Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum, 11th & 12th November - feedback and recordings from livestream now available


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Re: "Post Bonn" - Feedback and Highlights

Dear all,

You find the videos of the livestream on our Youtube Channel now - enjoy them!

@ Elisabeth: Mirror Sessions - "sector professionals in similar positions from the WASH and Nutrition sectors will sit with their counterparts and present their work. Hearing about the other respective sector allows for reflection (hence “mirror”) and inspires further discussion with other experts and participants on complementarity and collaboration between the sectors and the identification of joint indicators." (

Kind Regards,
Jasmin (on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat)
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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Re: "Post Bonn" - Feedback and Highlights

Glad you found our blog:! Thanks for sharing.

We also blogged prior to the event: and encouraged readers to post relevant resources on SuSanA.

Ones we'd like to share are:
  1. A briefing note we produced with LSHTM and WaterAid on the WASH-nutrition nexus:
  2. A policy brief we published with UNICEF on the impact of poor sanitation on nutrition

Hope these are of interest.

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Re: "Post Bonn" - Feedback and Highlights

I found another summary of the Bonn WASH & Nutrition Conference on the website of the SHARE consortium here:

It starts with:

Here, Jan Emmel and Robert Gensch, Project Coordinators at the German Toilet Organization (GTO), debrief us on the WASH & Nutrition Forum that they organized in Bonn, Germany, earlier this month.

And it ends with:

Wrapping Up

During the final panel, the panelists emphasized that there is a sufficient research base for strategic integration and advocated for the demystification of the integration issue by planning doable, feasible and creative actions. The Forum was unique in its composition and was a testimony to extremely high enthusiasm for closer linkages between the sectors. Several concrete commitments and a timeline listing dates during which further action can be taken to create sustainable collaborations were formulated.

Well worth reading if you're interested in the interface of WASH and nutrition.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: "Post Bonn" - Feedback and Highlights

Dear Reza, Jona and Jasmin,

Thanks a lot for posting your feedback about the Bonn WASH & Nutrition Forum here! Perhaps other participants could still chime in as well?

I would like to congratulate the organizers (e.g. Trevor) for doing their utmost to extend this conference beyond those who were physically present in Bonn, Germany - by encouraging discussion on the forum before and after, offering a live stream and then uploading the recordings! That's awesome. I wish every conference was organised in this manner so that more people can benefit, not just those who choose to travel to the venue.

I wasn't able to view the live stream at the time because I was on a slow internet connection in Australia. But now I am onto broadband again and look forward to watching the recordings of the presentations over the next few days. Thank you very much. (how was all this funded if I may ask (I mean the non-face-to-face part)? GIZ?)

I have two questions:
  1. I see that the videos are made available on this website: (see all the video links of the presentations here on the SuSanA website: What is this player meta fusion thing? It has the advantage that you've become independent of Youtube which is good (e.g. Mughal will be happy as he doesn't have access to Youtube in Pakistan). However, will the videos remain accessible there "forever"? What if someone searched for it on Youtube, is there any way of linking them to the other location? (probably not; but would it come up in Google searches?)
  2. And a very simple question: you mentioned a few times "mirror session". What is a mirror session?
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: "Post Bonn" - Feedback and Highlights

Dear SuSanA members,

Congratulations to the German Wash Network to the successful conference! Two highly productive days of mutual learning, critical reflections and first steps towards a better cooperation of the WASH and Nutrition sector! Thanks to everyone making this possible!

Thanks Jona for making a start - I also would like to share some of my personal highlights with you:

  • Dr. Ushi Eid (UNSGAB) opening the conference speaking wholeheartedly and making clear that “today’s forum is a timely and necessary initiative”. Real change, according to her, needs to include unorthodox activities to reach out and make people aware.
  • Thilo Panzerbieter (GTO) explaining the “formula” behind the conference: Our dissatisfaction, vision and first steps always have to be greater than our resistance - then we can make the sector cooperation a reality!
  • Catharina de Albuquerque (SWA) proving that you don’t have to be present in person in a room to energize and motivate everyone to bring the vision of the SDGs to reality! By giving a toilet paper role as a present to the new chair of SWA, she proves that there should be no taboo about the issue and that it simply has to be “grabbed” (and tackled) like a toilet paper role!
  • Florence Lasbennes (SUN Movement) taking her stand for all women: “A healthy, well-nourished women with access to appropriate sanitation gives birth to a healthy, well-nourished child – and this makes the world a better place, it is as simple as that!”
  • Stephan Simon (Welthungerhilfe) stepping up at the panel discussion and admitting that he was a little bit disappointed by the mirror sessions as they still represented “sectoral silos” with every sector separately reporting what they are doing. He demands that “thinking out of the box” still needs to be promoted strongly to make progress
  • Honorable Nahas Angula (Namibia Alliance for Improved Nutrition) reminding that all concepts dealing with health, dignity and welfare need foremost one thing: A human face!
  • Joséphine Quédraogo Baro (Director General, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources, Sanitation and Food Security, Burkina Faso) making the participants aware that people can eat a lot and still be malnourished as those affected often do not understand the linkage between poor hygiene conditions and diarrhea which is why a cooperation is essential for success in both sectors!

  • But not only the official program was very productive - Thilo Panzerbieter (GTO) asked everyone at the beginning to make at least one networking contact during each break and the participants were eager to fulfill his wish with heated discussions, inspiring conversations and reflecting chats at every opportunity.

    Very looking forward how the ideas of the forum are going to be realized and about the discussions that the topic will start in the forum! There also will be a TDS next year about WASH and Nutrition! We will keep you updated!

    Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
    Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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    Re: "Post Bonn" (WASH Nutrition Forum in Bonn in November 2015) - Feedback and Highlights

    Dear SuSanA members,

    After the conference in Bonn, I would like to thank the German WASH Network for organizing this event, the partners (SuSanA in particular) and the participants for making this meeting a success.

    I would like to recapture some of my personal highlights from those two days of intensive listening, discussing and learning.
    1. The mirror session on Global Humanitarian Clusters I found to be very interesting and interactive. Jean Lapègue ( ACF ) representing the Global WASH Cluster ( GWC ) and Josephine Ippe (UNICEF) from the Global Nutrition Cluster ( GNC ) sat together and started a discussion, not only presenting their clusters, but also entered into a dialog about possible learnings and windows of opportunity for future collaboration:
      • There are similarities between both clusters such as organizational structure, UNICEF as leading agency and the need for funding and visibility.
      • GWC can learn GNC about well working governance system and a membership commitment; GNC can learn from GWC about preparedness.
      • Strategic planning in both clusters needs stronger consideration of the other sector.
    2. A highlight that was not listed in the initial agenda was the message of Abigale Mupambi , representing CBOs, who, with a strong voice, demands better listening to the affected people in all sectors concerning their needs and their ambitions.
    3. Another highlight concerns the technical set up: It was a pleasure to listen to Catarina de Albuquerque (SWA) via Skype. Despite the fact that her flight to Germany was cancelled, she presented (among other topics) the importance of participating in the finalization of the SDG targets.
    Apart from useful and practical ideas for the way forward also as outcome from the workshops, the personal encounters during the breaks, before and after the sessions were great and inspiring. It was nice to finally see faces behind names!

    I am very much looking forward to the follow up package that will be available very soon here in the forum. The video material from the livestream of the conference is already available here .

    Best regards,
    Business Development Manager
    LAVESE - aquanesa solution

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    Re: LIVESTREAM - Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum, 11th & 12th November

    I just randomly checked some of the live feed from day 1 and 2. I found them as nearly perfect alternative to joining the sessions.

    The pluses are:
    - Vidoegraphy in general and excellent audio
    - Multi-window live video presentations making it possible to see the other side at the same time
    - Multi-window PPT and video to track what was going around the agenda

    What could have been done better:
    - Identity of the speaker being shown in a boxed text
    - identity of people being presented more than 3 seconds being shown in a boxed text
    - Greater representation of the audience while listening to the speaker.

    Overall, great job done!
    Reza Patwary
    WaSH Business Advisor
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    Re: LIVESTREAM - Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum, 11th & 12th November

    Dear all,

    Can you give us at the secretariat some feedback on how you have found the livestream during day 1.

    Thanks and regards
    Trevor Surridge
    Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
    Project Manager

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für
    Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,

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    • ClaireGaillardou
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    Re: Information on the agenda, speakers, etc of the Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum

    Thank you Dan to share this informations:

    Information on the agenda, speakers, etc of the Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum can be found on the USAID WASHplus & IRC Sanitation Updates at:

    Why should I watch the livestream of the Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum on 11th & 12th November, 10am CET? This innovative forum that will bring WASH experts and their Nutrition Expert counterparts together, but not only in the audience.

    Also an important WASH Nutrition article was recently published:

    Preventing environmental enteric dysfunction through improved water, sanitation and hygiene: an opportunity for stunting reduction in developing countries. Maternal and Child Nutrition, Nov 2015. Authors: Mduduzi N.N. Mbuya*,† and Jean H. Humphrey.

    Full text:

    In 2011, one in every four (26%) children under 5 years of age worldwide was stunted. The realization that most stunting cannot be explained by poor diet or by diarrhoea, nor completely reversed by optimized diet and reduced diarrhoea has led to the hypothesis that a primary underlying cause of stunting is subclinical gut disease. Essentially, ingested microbes set in motion two overlapping and interacting pathways that result in linear growth impairment.

    Firstly, partial villous atrophy results in a reduced absorptive surface area and loss of digestive enzymes. This in turn results in maldigestion and malabsorption of much needed nutrients. Secondly, microbes and their products make the gut leaky, allowing luminal contents to translocate into systemic circulation.

    This creates a condition of chronic immune activation, which (i) diverts nutrient resources towards the metabolically expensive business of infection fighting rather than growth; (ii) suppresses the growth hormone-IGF axis and inhibits bone growth, leading to growth impairment; and (iii) causes further damage to the intestinal mucosa thereby exacerbating the problem.

    As such, the unhygienic environments in which infants and young children live and grow must contribute to, if not be the overriding cause of, this environmental enteric dysfunction.

    We suggest that a package of baby-WASH interventions (sanitation and water improvement, handwashing with soap, ensuring a clean play and infant feeding environment and food hygiene) that interrupt specific pathways through which feco-oral transmission occurs in the first two years of a child’s life may be central to global stunting reduction efforts.

    Dan Campbell, Knowledge Resources Specialist
    WASHplus Project
    1825 Connecticut Ave NW
    Washington DC 20009
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Phone: (202) 884-8887

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    Re: LIVESTREAM - Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum, 11th & 12th November

    Alright, so the live stream code will be built into this page here:

    In the meantime, I have placed a placeholder window that allows you to scroll through the current up to date agenda, so that you can take a look at which sessions you would like to tune into and watch live.

    There will be a twitter chat going, I will try find out if you are able to send in any questions you may have via twitter.

    The live stream will start at 10am on the 11th November CET, in case the daylight saving and clock changes have mixed you up use: to help you figure out at what time the session of your choice is starting and then TUNE IN! :)

    Enjoy the Bonn WASH Nutrition forum.
    Trevor Surridge
    Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
    Project Manager

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für
    Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,

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    Re: LIVESTREAM - Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum, 11th & 12th November

    Dear All

    There will be a live stream for the Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum.
    Watch this space for more details and the link.
    Busy building it all in.
    Just wanted to share the great news.

    Trevor Surridge
    Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
    Project Manager

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für
    Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,
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    • ClaireGaillardou
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    Re: ABC-ASSISTING BEHAVIOUR CHANGE-Review of experiences...

    In December 2013, ACF has published a manual on “ABC- Assisting Behavior Change” in two parts: “theories and models” and “practical ideas and techniques”, with the reviews and suggestions of “WASH people” like Julien Eyrard or John Adams.
    ( )

    LSHTM have their own a specific ABC methodology: “ABCDE: Assess Build Create Deliver and Evaluate” ( ).

    We also recently experienced in Burkina Faso a training by Bonnie Kittle on the methodology an adaptation of BA for behaviour change.

    There are many initiatives of barriers analysis for behavior change, and many other operational methods currently used on the field, and it is not easy to priorize one without having experienced before...
    Also I would like to ask you:
    • have you ever implemented an analysis of barriers for behavior change?
    • If yes, what type of methodology did you use (technical references please)?
    • What were the behaviors targeted by this analysis? How have they been identified?
    • Was it sectorial? Integrated?
    Ideally, is it possible to have an idea of the strengths/ weakness / Opportunities / Threats of the method? Would you recommend it?

    Thank you to share your experiences!

    (please lets continue the discussion on the WG12 forum:

    Best regards,

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