Is school sanitation in industrialised countries not good?


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  • Rémi Kaupp Executive Director, Container-Based Sanitation Alliance
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Re: Is school sanitation in industrialised countries not good?

I don't have a lot of memories from primary school, but I vividly remember the awful toilets, and indeed holding it in until reaching home. This, and the bullying that would happen there.
Not that it's a topic that captures much public / media attention, unfortunately.
Rémi Kaupp
Executive Director, Container-Based Sanitation Alliance

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Is school sanitation in industrialised countries not good?

Dear members,
Sharing an article  I recently came across, it discusses the sorry state of sanitary facilities in schools in Germany. The condition is so poor that more than half of pupils admitted they delay using toilets till they reach home. The following quote captures both the poor condition and its impact on learning 

“There was urine on the floor, which was very sticky, and it stank. The toilet was very dark and a lot of the toilet seats had been destroyed by vandalism. The mood was very depressing. It wasn’t very nice sitting in class with such a pressing feeling,”

I am glad that the situation has caught public attention, and work on improving it is already on the way.  The fact that the students and their parents are involved in making the situation better is certainly worth appreciation. I hope the situation turns better for all schools soon.

Honestly, I was surprised to learn about the sorry state of school sanitation in one of the most developed countries. That it is finally getting attention in 2024, almost a decade after monitoring under the SDGs, which incorporate sanitation in non-domestic settings, is also surprising.

I am curious to know about school sanitation in other industrialised countries, especially to understand if the case of German schools is the norm or an exception.

Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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