Three Star Accreditation Checklist for WASH in schools in Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao


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Re: Three Star Accreditation Checklist for WASH in schools in Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao

Dear Esther,

that would be wonderful to see how the Three Star Approach will be adopted in Papua New Guinea!

Currently Laos PDR and Cambodia are also working on it! I will share it as soon as i can!

Best wishes,
Marcel Siewert
WASH Advisor

GIZ Fit for School Regional

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  • Esther
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Re: Three Star Accreditation Checklist for WASH in schools in Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao

Dear Marcel

Exciting news about the achievement when the education department of ARMM endorsed the 3 star checklist.

Thank you for sharing the information. I have downloaded it to use as well. We are also doing the 3 star approach in Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.

We will share with you all about our work so you too can be informed.

Cheers :)

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  • MarcelSiewert
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Re: Three Star Accreditation Checklist for WASH in schools in Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao


the checklist is designed to provide schools/Sub National Levels a realistic guidance to improve WASH Situation - step by step.
The UNICEF/GIZ Three Star Approach highlights that the third Star is the National Standard - for sure not all schools are able to reach the third Star immediately - but they know how to go there.

The important fact is, that children have drinking water during the day, to stay hydrated. The responsibility for drinking water is in the beginning (1st Star) with the parents, and is shifted step by step to the School, on its way to the national standards (3rd Star). Mandatory provision of potable water in a 1st star level would overwhelm the schools and Sub national levels - and water treatment is more likely to happen in private households. A common practice in some countries!

At the moment several countries are working on the local adoption of the 3 Star Approach. UNICEF is supporting the Ministry for example in Pakistan. In Laos PDR the Fit Program joined forces with the UNICEF colleagues to support the School Health Task Force. In Cambodia an Alliance of several UN-partners, DPs and NGOs are looking forward to the endorsement of the 'Minimum Requirements for WASH in Schools' in June! of course, will the local adoption look different in all countries, but at the Core is the step wise approach for incremental improvement of WinS.

Best regards,
Marcel Siewert
WASH Advisor

GIZ Fit for School Regional

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  • JKMakowka
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Re: Three Star Accreditation Checklist for WASH in schools in Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao

Interesting, but the checklist seems to be not all that well thought off.

The list of water supply options does not correspond to actual typical supplies in rural Philippine schools and it will be difficult to fulfill the 3 star "potability" question if there are hardly any labs that can do the full testing requirements (and the official certificate is also only valid for 3 months anyways).

It's also a bit funny that they consider water brought from home (as opposed for example to water filtered at the school) to be the equivalent of potable water, when in fact it will most likely come from the same or similar shallow tube well as the untreated water in the school.
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  • MarcelSiewert
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Three Star Accreditation Checklist for WASH in schools in Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao

Dear All,

as you might heard the Department of Education ARMM (Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao) just endorsed the 3 Star Accreditation Checklist!

The Checklist is the local adaptation of the Three Star Approach for WASH in Schools, a step-wise way to reach national standards for WASH in Schools, in order to create a healthy environment for learners.
The adaptation reflects the circumstances in the Schools right now. DepEd ARMM created a realistic checklist, which indicates simple and doable steps for schools and sub-national levels to make hygiene activities in schools reality. At the same time, the checklist provide guidance to the education sector in prioritizing investments.

For DepEd ARMM the next step was to create the WinS Monitoring Form (also attached). The form is already field tested and will be used in the next School Year. Later on some indicators will be incorporated into the National EMIS (BEIS).

Best regards!

Marcel Siewert
WASH Advisor

GIZ Fit for School Regional

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