Engineered Sanitary Landfill Design in India


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  • AjitSeshadri
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  • Marine Chief Engineer by profession (1971- present) and at present Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, Chennai, India. Also proficient in giving Environmental solutions , Designation- Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Head- Environment, The Vigyan Vijay Foundation, NGO, New Delhi, INDIA , Consultant located at present at Chennai, India
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Re: Engineered Sanitary Landfill Design in India

Dear SuSanA Member desirous of Landfill making :
Some ideas to slot in if it can be done, and wanted in approved design Etc.
Are they fine in having Sanitary L/Fills on Urban peripheries : 
And in each Mount have devices termed as NBSs. Naturally Based solutions The tentative plan for NBSs is as below :

1.  A few sections of Sanitary  L/Fill to double up as BGPs = Bio gas plants
2. Mega sized compost dumps. Bio waste to compost.. if vermi have worms as bi product. Can be used for organised fishing Etc.. by communities. 
3. Other wastes to be segregated, and handled Etc.
Especially Sanitary Pandemic related Etc. 
For safe incineration with safe guards Etc. 
It's voluminous nowadays.. audit the size, capacity Etc for Bio medical waste  Etc..Indeed ideate for NBSs..
4. A large flower garden to be evolved amidst the land-fill, for aesthetics.. And farms on medical herbs .. floral..
These points are held in planning.
Well wishes to Members

Prof Ajit Seshadri 
Did. 13th July 2022
Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, and
Head-Environment , VigyanVijay Foundation, Consultant (Water shed Mngmnt, WWT, WASH, others)Located at present at Chennai, India

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  • javedsaikia
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Engineered Sanitary Landfill Design in India

We are working on a Project to design a Engineered Sanitary/Scientific Landfill In India. We are looking more design related study material and suggestion in this regard. Any advise from the SWM Experts?

Javed Saikia 
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