relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?


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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear Deo

Thanks alot for your photo ,and afew cases here may have some similarty in health realted issue, illegal disacharge solid waste and sewage ,the problem invisibile waste but with bad odore smelling may consequences of anaerobic digestion and process.

best regards

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  • fppirco
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear patnayeja

Thank you for your mail and explanation which is true about bad odor and illiegal discahrge of sewer. It certainly will be a serious concern in the large cites in developing countries with poor sanaitation plan.

I also thanks of all send comments offer remediation and from Susan forum admin as well as.

Mohammad Mojtabei
P.o Box:91865-358
Researcher and consultant

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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

i have just noticed that my city , Blantyre, Malawi is experiencing bad odours due to illegal discharge of various effluents, broken down sewers and domestic waste. in turn there are bad odours i almost all streams within the city boundaries. These are natural water channels. Thanks for such an informative topic. And thank you admin and all those who commented for the very good comments.

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  • F H Mughal
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear Mr. Mohammad,

The following link gives some details:
The Use of Oxidation Ditches for Treatment -

Please contact my friend: Glolam Abbas Kazemi ("Gholam Abbas KAZEMI" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Assistant Professor of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, PO Box 316- Post Code 36155, IRAN , Ph: + 98 273 3392204, Fax: + 98 273 3394419. He may be able to help you.


F H Mughal (Mr.)
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear Mohammad,

It good if the if disease transmission is under control. My concern can be explained further by this photo attached.


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  • fppirco
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear F H Mughal

Thank you so much for your comments and information , your comments about using of aeration box is very intersting, Can you please send any referrence,photo or any links?

I thank in advance

with best regards;

Mohammad Mojtabaei
P.O Box:91865-358
Researcher and consultant

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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?


Thank you so much for your comments but about these cahnnels only bad odor impaction is the first priority and other risk factor fortunetly such as disease transimission are under contor.

with best regards;

Mohammad Mojtabaei
P.O Box:91865-358
Researcher and consultant

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  • fppirco
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear Cecilia

Thank you very much for your comments and invaluable information , I confirm your comments we must look whole sanitation and apply intergrated remediation but something is very impotant complexity is the low volume waste water resources but in high numbers and variety which intervent and you need put decentearl waste water and sanitation .

I follow your comments and information which also kindly offer by others ,hope to reach practical and applicable solution.

I also like to reach to decenterlised saniation and waste water with focusing water recycling and reusing.

with best regards

Mohammad Mojtabaei
P.O Box:91865-358
Researcher and consultant

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  • F H Mughal
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

There is an relatively simple and easy remedy for the odour-emitting water channels, assuming that the channels contain a mix of rainwater, sewage, grey-water and storm-water.

Anyone going from Bangkok city to the Asian Institute of Technology by road, will find on the right hand side, water channels that carry aerators, in the shape of cage rotors. The tips of cage rotors are submerged about 15 centimetres in the water. The cage rotors revolve at an speed of about 80 rpm. The splashes they cause, aerate the water and, this prevents odours. Odours are caused by stagnant or slow-moving waters, or if they heavily polluted, organically. The best solution in such cases is aeration. If there is a good gravity flow, cascades (just like the steps of an staircase) can be used, over which the water travels and, this provides a good aeration as well.

F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear Mohammad,

You seem to be disturbed by bad odor but these channels are posing a health problem to the communities living in city slums. Most channels meander through the city slums where you find concentration of settlement of the most disadvantaged people. A long the channels these communities do carryout all sorts activities including cooking, selling food, even use the water for some activities like washing etc. You will also see kids playing along these channels and time they accidentally drop what they are eating,for example sugarcane into the channel but recover the items and continue eating. I have ever seen this happening.
So we should also think about protecting the population who reside along these channels, they suffer the bad odor + infections.

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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Hi Mohammed,

It is hard to think about good transport and treatment systems without taking into account how the black water is collected and the user's interface. Only with information about these aspects, we can think sanitation as a whole system.

I recommend you to have a look at the 'Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies', published by Eawag. Here is the link:

Here is one example of how the options are discussed:

Furthermore, the factsheet of the SuSanA Working Group 4, on sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health, is also a good resource:

I hope that these publications will help you to find out better technical options, adequate to your context and region.

Programme Officer at GIZ - Sustainable Sanitation Programme
and the SuSanA Secretariat

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  • fppirco
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Re: relation between bad odor and poor sanitation in urban chanels, comments and remedation?

Dear Cecília

Thank you for your reply , yes you understood true ,these are rain water channels and you know becuase we are located in semdi arid annual raing rate is about 250 mm and about almost time these channel are dried or very low water contents.
mixing with sewage and some waste preapre for anaerobic digestion with bad odor .

but something is critical, how can collected these low volume sewage(in site),neutralise and recycling them again?

since 2008 I was in Honnover for saniation and water reources protection I have been working (theorical and research & introduction) on saniation for using as water safety anhygine and using in our water scarce region

with best regards

P.O Box:91865-358
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