PhD programmes related to Sanitation in Europe, the USA or elsewhere


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  • AnanyaGh
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Re: Water and sanitation courses at US universities

Hi Elisabeth!

Thanks a lot for the information! Its great to be part of the forum, to discover, re-discover and dig-in to the pile of information present here!

Thanks for all the support.


- Ananya

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Water and sanitation courses at US universities

Dear Anyana,

This question pops up regularly on the forum and we already listed some places in the past. Therefore, I have moved your post into this thread here, and if you scrol up you will find previous information on exactly this question.

Hope this is useful. In the past, we mainly spoke about PhDs in European universities but most likely the US universities that offer courses and MScs in WASH also offer PhD topics in this field (see here:

Furthermore, if you look at the list of Gates Foundation funded research projects in sanitation, you will find many universities who are offering PhDs in this field (these are mainly for PhDs in technical areas of sanitation):
E.g. if I remember right, the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa was looking for PhD candidates recently (oh, actually it was only MEng, see here:

In the category "jobs and internships" you also find some universities who have advertised PhD, MSc and Postdoc positions in the past:

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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  • AnanyaGh
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Re: Water and sanitation courses at US universities

Hi Everyone,

I would like to know if anyone has any information about PhD courses on WASH on any one the US or European Universities. Please let me know in case there are and the relevant Departments present in the Universities, so that, I can get in touch and find out.



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  • CeciliaRodrigues
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Re: Fellowships available for Brazilian PhD and Postdoc Researchers at UNESCO-IHE

Thank you, Mariska!
The link you posted is not working, here is the working one:
I also attached the call for proposals.

Best regards,
Programme Officer at GIZ - Sustainable Sanitation Programme
and the SuSanA Secretariat

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  • MRonteltap
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Re: Fellowships available for Brazilian PhD and Postdoc Researchers at UNESCO-IHE

Dear Colleagues,

Our partner UNESCO Cat II institution in Brazil, HidroEX, in cooperation with the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technical Development, is offering a large number of PhD and Postdoctoral fellowships for Brazilian to come and do research at UNESCO-IHE. In total there are 30 postdoc fellowships, 15 sandwich PhD fellowships, and 5 full PhD fellowships. Details (in Portuguese) are available at The deadline for applications is 3 May!

We are working to get the word out about the opportunity by various means. If you have any colleagues or past students from Brazil who you think would be interested and qualified, please share this information with them as soon as possible.

I do not have much more information about the opportunity, but feel free to write if you have questions.

Best regards,
Mariska Ronteltap, UNESCO-IHE.

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  • CeciliaRodrigues
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Re: PhD programmes related to Sanitation

Dear all,

There is also the postgraduate professional diploma (PPD) in sanitation and sanitary engineering courses offered by UNESCO-IHE (online and Delft-based).

Here you can see the courses offered:

I am attaching a pdf with feedback from students on one of its online modules on ecological sanitation.

All the best,

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Programme Officer at GIZ - Sustainable Sanitation Programme
and the SuSanA Secretariat

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Re: Master Thesis Doctorates Internships

Dear Elmer,

I also hope to continue with our co-operation with the Philippines, such a great country! We now have Daniel doing the Masters in Environmental Engineering, more people will be welcome.


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  • Elmersayre
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Re: Master Thesis Doctorates Internships

This is great. Hope bright students coming from the Philippines will be interested...DAAD is active in the country...
Elmer Sayre
Water, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Development Fdn.
Libertad, Misamis Oriental
9021 Philippines
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  • Otterpohl
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Re: Master Thesis Doctorates Internships

Dear All,

At the Institute of Wastewater Management at Hamburg University of Technology ( we have worked with more that 100 person years on topics around Ecosan. We can host Mater Thesis work with us in the beautiful City of Hamburg or/and with partners eg in Ethiopia, Philippines, Indonesia, Senegal and others.

It is also possibe to go for a doctorate in this field with us, requirements are in and in addition you need to find funding (eg DAAD). An excellent grade in an appropriate topic is a must.

Internships ar e possible as well, funding will normally have to be organised from your side. Early application will make this feasible, last minute impossible.

We work on low cost systems with a new focus on Terra Preta Sanitation and on high tech eg with a clöosed loop system where toilets are flushed with the separated toilet wastewater after treatment.

Please see your website for more info. See our video series, too:

Kind regards

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Re: PhD programmes related to Sanitation in Germany, Austria or France

Thank you very much Elisabeth for your reply. It is very helpful.



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  • Elisabeth
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Re: PhD programmes related to Sanitation in Germany, Austria or France

Well there are lots of suitable universities in Germany, some in Austria, but I don't know of any in France (off the top of my head).
In Germany try e.g. Dresden, Weimar, Stuttgart, Hamburg (TUHH), Kassel, Darmstadt, Cottbus, Suderburg/Lübeck (?)
In Austria e.g. BOKU (Vienna)

See also this list of ecosan courses which we compiled a year ago and which will also give you hints of universities in this area:

And please also look at the lists in the factsheet of working group 1 (capacity development) of SuSanA, you can find it here in this factsheet compilation:

Or see the pdf file of the factsheet on its own:

Good luck!

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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  • awaisarifeen
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PhD programmes related to Sanitation in Europe, the USA or elsewhere

Dear All,

Can any one of you provide me information about any University, Graduate programme or Contact person for PhD studies related to Sanitation in either Germany, Austria or France?

I have applied for funding for PhD studies and need to get admission letter from universities from above mentioned countries for final approval of funding.

Awais Arifeen

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