42nd WEDC International Conference: Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services (13-15 September 2021, online) - deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 March


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Re: 42nd WEDC International Conference: Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services (13-15 September 2021, online) - deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 March

Dear Nida,
The conference proceedings are made available on their website; see here: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/wedc/conferences/previous/ 

Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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Re: 42nd WEDC International Conference: Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services (13-15 September 2021, online) - deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 March

Hi everyone,

I know the event has passed. I just want to know if the conference publish full paper for proceedings and are their proceedings Scopus indexed?

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Re: Funding opportunity to attend the 42nd WEDC conference - deadline 15th Feb

Hi Paresh, 

Thanks for your question. We would welcome applications from multiple authors and can consider covering the costs of multiple authors. 

Given the news today that WEDC are waiving the fee for participants from low- and middle-income countries, we don't anticipate that there will be need for our orginal offer of funding support to cover the registration fee.

But we welcome applications (emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to cover other necessary funds, such as internet credits. 


Alice Webb
Communications and Impact Officer
The Sanitation Learning Hub at the Institute of Development Studies

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Re: Funding opportunity to attend the 42nd WEDC conference - deadline 15th Feb

Hey Alice, 
Thanks for posting this opportunity.

Curious  how will the funding work for papers written through collaboration of 2 or more authors? 

Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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Re: Funding opportunity to attend the 42nd WEDC conference - deadline 15th Feb

Hi everyone, 

Calling early-career WASH professionals!

If you're interested in attending the WEDC conference, please do consider applying for funding support from the Sanitation Learning Hub. 

For successful applicants, the Sanitation Learning Hub will cover the cost of the registration fee, and provide feedback and advice on extended abstracts and presentations if required.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services: Future Challenges in a rapidly changing world”. Those selected will be expected to write an abstract and, if accepted, develop a presentation to deliver at the conference. In addition, selected authors will also be required to write a blog about your experiences and reflections from the conference.

The WEDC International Conference seeks to create a safe, open and honest exchange and debate of experiences of the WASH sector within our changing environment. Presentations should focus on innovations, experience, ideas and learning contributing to further thinking about achieving equitable and sustainable WASH programmes at scale, sharing successes and failures of approaches and field experiences including lessons learnt, or introducing new knowledge or innovations. We are most interested on papers that focus on:
  • How sanitation programmes have developed strategies to ensure equity and inclusion (particularly at scale).
  • Community perspectives on the links between climate change and sanitation and hygiene.
  • How to create resilient WASH systems in rapidly changing, fragile or post-emergency contexts.
  • How strong and successful sub-national government leadership can result in area-wide ODF coverage which leaves no one behind.
  • How to reach the hardest to reach/people and communities in challenging contexts.
  • Building learning and adaptation into sanitation and hygiene programmes.
  • Learning from failure in WASH.
Criteria for applicants:
  • Applicant must be an early career WASH professional, with up to five years’ experience in the sector.
  • Be available to participate fully in the conference 13-15 September 2021.
  • Those from low- and middle-income countries are encouraged to apply.
Application process:
If you meet the criteria above and are interested in applying follow the steps below: If you have any queries regarding this process, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Alice Webb
Communications and Impact Officer
The Sanitation Learning Hub at the Institute of Development Studies

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42nd WEDC International Conference: Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services (13-15 September 2021, online) - deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 March


WEDC(Loughborough University, UK) will be organising their annual WASH conference online this year: 13-15 September 2021.
  The WEDC International Conference is a valued andrespected platform for reflection and exchange of knowledge and ideas that are rooted in practice. The title this year recognises that we face a future that is uncertain as the world is challenged by the impact of external factors, particularly climate change. The WEDC International Conference seeks to create a safe, open and honest exchange and debate of experiences of the WASH sector within our changing environment. It supports learning and sharing, which is critical for progress towards global goals and aspirations. The open-access repository of conference contributions will also support the sharing of experiences beyond the event and into the future. Over three days, the 42nd Conference will comprise:
  • ONLINE PRESENTATIONS and interactive discussions of peer-reviewed content
  • A POSTER GALLERY for summaries of WASH projects and programmes
  • AGENCY EVENTS from international organizations working in the sector
  • ONLINE EXHIBITIONS: a unique and valuable opportunity for exhibitors to showcase
  • their cutting edge developments, products and services
... and the opportunity for delegates to meet and network in our virtual rooms
Typically attracting more than 400 participants from research, practice and policy communities across more than 40 countries, this
is truly a unique international event.
The event is planned to be in English, but if any organisations would be able to help support other languages, I’m sure that would be very appreciated by organisers and participants.

Le WEDC (Université de Loughborough,Royaume-Uni) organisera cette année sa conférence annuelle WASH en ligne :
13-15 septembre 2021. La conférence internationale du WEDC est une plateforme appréciée etrespectée de réflexion et d'échange de connaissances et d'idées qui sont ancrées dans la pratique. Le titre de cette année reconnaît que nous sommes confrontés à un avenir incertain alors que le monde est mis au défi par l'impact de facteurs externes, en particulier le changement climatique. La conférence internationale WEDC vise à créer un échange et un débat sûrs, ouverts et honnêtes sur les expériences du secteur WASH dans notre environnement en mutation. Elle soutient l'apprentissage et le partage, ce qui est essentiel pour progresser vers les objectifs et les aspirations mondiales.
Le dépôt en libre accès des contributions de la conférence favorisera également le partage des expériences au-delà de l'événement et dans l'avenir. La 42e conférence se déroulera sur trois jours :
  • Présentations en ligne et discussions interactives de contenus évalués par les pairs
  • Une GALERIE D'AFFICHAGE pour les résumés des projets et programmes WASH
  • ÉVÉNEMENTS D'ORGANISATION des organisations internationales travaillant dans le secteur
  • EXPOSITIONS EN LIGNE : une occasion unique et précieuse pour les exposants de présenter leurs développements, produits et services de
... et la possibilité pour les délégués de se rencontrer et de nouer descontacts dans nos salles virtuelles
Cet événement international unique en son genre attire généralement plusde 400 participants issus des milieux de la recherche, de la pratique et de la politique dans plus de 40 pays.
Il est prévu que l'événement se déroule en anglais, mais si desorganisations pouvaient aider à soutenir d'autres langues, je suis sûr que cela serait très apprécié par les organisateurs et les participants.


WEDC (Universidad de Loughborough,Reino Unido) organizará este año su conferencia anual WASH en línea: 13-15 de
septiembre de 2021. La Conferencia Internacional del WEDC es una plataforma valorada yrespetada para la reflexión y el intercambio de conocimientos e ideas
arraigadas en la práctica. El título de este año reconoce que nos enfrentamos a un futuro incierto, ya que el mundo se ve desafiado por el impacto de factores externos, especialmente el cambio climático. La Conferencia Internacional WEDC pretende crear un intercambio y un debate seguro, abierto y honesto de las experiencias del sector WASH en nuestro entorno cambiante. Apoya el aprendizaje y la puesta en común, que es fundamental para avanzar hacia los objetivos y aspiraciones mundiales. El repositorio de acceso abierto de las contribuciones de la conferencia también apoyará el intercambio de experiencias más allá del evento y en el futuro. Durante tres días, la 42ª Conferencia incluirá
  • PRESENTACIONES EN LÍNEA y debates interactivos de contenidos revisados por expertos
  • Una GALERÍA DE PÓSTERES con resúmenes de proyectos y programas WASH
  • EVENTOS DE AGENCIAS de organizaciones internacionales que trabajan en el sector
  • EXPOSICIONES EN LÍNEA: una oportunidad única y valiosa para que los expositores muestren sus avances, productos y servicios de vanguardia
... y la oportunidad de que los delegados se reúnan y establezcancontactos en nuestras salas virtuales Este evento, que suele atraer a más de 400 participantes de lascomunidades de investigación, práctica y política de más de 40 países, es realmente un evento internacional único.
Está previsto que el acto se celebre en inglés, pero si algunaorganización puede ayudar a que se hable en otros idiomas, estoy seguro de que los organizadores y los participantes lo agradecerán.

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