Urine-diverting flush ceremic toilet for squatting (China)


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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

Dear all,

The urine collection from toilets in crowded places such as the railway stations traces back to the 1980s in China. Some medicine-related companies extract enzymes, protains and hormons from the urine, like urokinase, HCG and Human gonadotropin, etc. Urokinase is extracted from male urine and HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) and HG (Human gonadotropin) from female urine.


Kind regards,
Sam Shan

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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

hi, Elisabeth:

It is Urokinase as shown in the attached file.

molecular formula:C21H25BrN2O3
molecular mass:433.35

In China, many companies are producing Urokinase from the urine for cureing the thrombus. Now, China's toilet revolution in on the way to normal flush toilets eliminating the normal dry toilets where they used to collect the urine..

UDDTs are not popular in China at all.

best wishes

The general manager of SHEN ZHEN BLUE WATERS AND GREEN MOUNTAINS LTD , the sole importer of Separett AB waterless toilets in China.
Chen Xiang Yang, an apple dealer,is growing apples and cherries with the human waste collected from 31 school UDDTs donated by SOHO China Foundation, based in Tianshui City, Gansu Province , China. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel:0086 151 9380 3972
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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

Dear Scott,

Your posts are always so interesting! I think you are the only active contributor from China we have on this forum. Thank you for being with us!

Just a small question. You said:
"Only several hundred pans are being installed in Hainan island for collecting urine to make medicine"

What kind of medicine? I am thinking "Traditional chinese medicine" and quickly checked on Wikipedia:
There it says:

Traditional Chinese Medicine also includes some human parts: the classic Materia medica (Bencao Gangmu) describes the use of 35 human body parts and excreta in medicines, including bones, fingernail, hairs, dandruff, earwax, impurities on the teeth, feces, urine, sweat, organs, but most are no longer in use.[112][113][114]

But I guess that's not it? Are they perhaps extracting certain hormones from the urine? I was once part of a scheme in the Netherlands where a pregnancy hormone (hCG) was extracted from the urine of pregnant women which was then utilised to help other women with fertility problems: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_chorionic_gonadotropin#Production

So I am curious to know which medicine this is.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

Good morning Scott.
That attached pic is a much better design. The large sloping bowl (over generous to me) area at the front would allow a fast flow and the solids hole is large enough, although I would like to see sloped sides to this. One feature I do like is that the unit is narrow and not so much of a plate. Squat toilets by nature suffer from shoe scuffing whereas this design allows for the shoes to be away from the glazed surface and onto the tiled floor. This design would lend itself to glassfibre production.
I have a friend I Hainan at the moment so I'll get him to check them out.
Cheers Ross

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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

hi, Elisabeth:
Sorry for my late answer to you.
Yes, the black hole , a metal grid, at the front of the picture is for urine. It is a hole drilled on a normal flush toilet actually.
The cost is almost the same as a normal flush toilet.
The supplier is a company in Beijing. They equip this urine hole with a patented odour trap device which is the best in world , I think. Unfortuantely, they do not want sell the toilet to any countries before they apply the patent.
Only several hundred pans are being installed in Hainan island for collecting urine to make medicine in the publice toielts.
As i replied to Ross, even someone misused the the toilet, it would be very easy to flush it away because of the normal slope.
best wishes
The general manager of SHEN ZHEN BLUE WATERS AND GREEN MOUNTAINS LTD , the sole importer of Separett AB waterless toilets in China.
Chen Xiang Yang, an apple dealer,is growing apples and cherries with the human waste collected from 31 school UDDTs donated by SOHO China Foundation, based in Tianshui City, Gansu Province , China. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel:0086 151 9380 3972

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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

hi, Ross:
Thank you for your comments on the toilet.
90% cherries and apples were frozen to death while the tress were blossoming in mid April .We have never seen such a cold climate.
Possibly that is one of the reasons for us to discuss toilet design here to cope with the cliamte change.
This doulble flush toilets were made for several hundred public toilets in Hainan island. The purposes are :
1, reduce the urine flush water by women.
After the pee, they can leave and the urine woudl be flushed automatically with less than half a liter water.
2, collecting the urine as raw materials for making medicine.

The major advantage of this toiet is It can avoid the the pollution of solid waste to urine because it is made from a normal flush toilet with a hole drilled for urine on site.
Is is unavoidalbe that some people will use the urine diverting toilet not to our design ,..putting in their shit on the front bowl you are planning to design. It is very common that some pupils are doing this in UDDTs of the schools as shown in the attached picture, everyday.

It is better to have a slop for urine collection part instead of a bowl. It is easily washed away even if there are little solid waste there.

That is my oppinion.

best wishes
The general manager of SHEN ZHEN BLUE WATERS AND GREEN MOUNTAINS LTD , the sole importer of Separett AB waterless toilets in China.
Chen Xiang Yang, an apple dealer,is growing apples and cherries with the human waste collected from 31 school UDDTs donated by SOHO China Foundation, based in Tianshui City, Gansu Province , China. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel:0086 151 9380 3972

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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

My apologies if my reply is repeated.
It is interesting to see that apples and cherries are being grown with re-use principles in mind. Congratulation as to me it is the way forward.
I would like to make comments on the design of this ceramic squat plate from a manufacturers/ designers point of view. The deign is a "recess" type of shape having vertical sides all around that give rise to lodgement, cleaning and appearance problems. I would reshape the collection area from a recess to a bowl shape, having sloping sides all around and create a funnel shape for the solids hole. This would allow a better exit for the solids and make cleaning easier.
Just my personal view.

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

Hi Scott,

Thanks for this picture of a "urine-diverting flush squatting pan". The black hole at the front of the picture is for urine, yes?

Are you able to tell us more on this forum or is it a business secret? My questions would be:
- How much does one cost?
- Who is the supplier? Website?
- How many of these have been sold? Who is buying them and why?
- Does the urine get collected and reused?
- Do the users ever mess it up by squatting over it the wrong way around?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • scottchen
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What is the current summary on Urine-diverting Flush Toilets?

hi, Chris:
I do have a very creative urine-diverting flush ceremic toilet , very unique design with very good separation. There is no chance that the urine is to be pollutted by the solid waste.

Here is a photo:

Please send me email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.
best wishes
chen xiang yang
The general manager of SHEN ZHEN BLUE WATERS AND GREEN MOUNTAINS LTD , the sole importer of Separett AB waterless toilets in China.
Chen Xiang Yang, an apple dealer,is growing apples and cherries with the human waste collected from 31 school UDDTs donated by SOHO China Foundation, based in Tianshui City, Gansu Province , China. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel:0086 151 9380 3972
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