Upscaling of Ecological Sanitation in peri-urban area of El Alto city, Bolivia


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Re: Upscaling of Ecological Sanitation in peri-urban area of El Alto city, Bolivia

Is there more information on the composting process, such as any methods to protect the health of the workers involved with composting, and methods to protect stormwater runoff?

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  • groverhmc
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Re: Catalyzing Sanitation Businesses (Water for People, USA, Malawi, Uganda, India)

Dear Humberto and Kim,

It is very nice to hear about projects related with Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) being conducted in Bolivia, thanks for sharing this information.

I'm also from La Paz - Bolivia, and currently I'm living in India doing research related with FSM and constructed wetlands, that is why I would like to know where can I get more information about the project of modelling FSM.

Kind regards

Grover H. Mamani C.
MSc. Urban Water and Sanitation
The Netherlands
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: +919428621967(India), +31628476049(Netherlands), +59173006364(Bolivia)

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Re: Upscaling of Ecological Sanitation in peri-urban area of El Alto city, Bolivia

(Spanish translation now available for the El Alto case study, English speakers see earlier post above)

¡Estimados todos y todas!

Ya hemos sacado una traducción a español del interesante caso de estudio de El Alto en Bolivia!

Ver el caso de estudio de SuSanA en español en:

Este proyecto de saneamiento ecológico implementado por la ONG Fundación Sumaj Huasi es de gran escala en una zona peri-urbana en la ciudad El Alto. El proyecto ha desarrollado un sistema colectivo de recolección y tratamiento de excretas humanas para asegurar un seguro reuso en producción agrícola.

Algunos de las conclusiones generadas por el proyecto son:
- Los baños ecológicos secos con desviación de orina con contenedor es una opción viable para aumentar la cobertura de saneamiento en las zonas peri -urbanas de la ciudad de El Alto.
- El compostaje de materia fecal con lombrices rojas californianas produce abono orgánico seguro que cumple con los lineamientos de la OMS para ser usado en la producción agrícola de alimentos.
- Análisis de laboratorio de alimentos producidos con fertilizantes EcoSan muestran que éstos son seguros para el consumo humano.

Saludos cordiales,
Kim Andersson
Stockholm Environment Institute
Postbox 24218,104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
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  • MRonteltap
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Re: Upscaling of Ecological Sanitation in peri-urban area of El Alto city, Bolivia

Kim, this is fantastic, thanks a lot for sharing!!

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  • KimAndersson
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Re: Upscaling of Ecological Sanitation in peri-urban area of El Alto city, Bolivia

Dear all,

I’m pleased to announce that you now can find five documents about the large ecosan project in El Alto, Bolivia, which has been supported by the Swedish SIDA. Just follow this link:

Four of these documents are in Spanish by the Bolivian Knowledge Node on Sustainable Sanitation (, the fifth one is a case study in English:
Suntura, C., Sandoval, B. (2012). Ecological Sanitation in peri-urban area of El Alto city, Bolivia. Case study of sustainable sanitation projects, SuSanA, Fundación Sumaj Huasi, Stockholm Environment Institute (

It is a very interesting ecosan project (with UDDTs, collection service, centralized urine storage and composting) at a large scale (4500 users).

File Attachment:

El Alto Bolivien internal view by Sustainable sanitation , on Flickr

Here is the summary from the case study:
This case study describes the project of UDDTs construction in El Alto, Bolivia. The project developed by the NGO Fundación Sumaj Huasi (La Paz) and had financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), technical support from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and political support from Ministry of Environment and Water of Bolivia, Vice Ministry of Potable Water and Basic Sanitation, Federation of Neighbourhood Association of El Alto city (Fejuve), and local sub municipalities

The project has constructed 897 UDDT units and benefited around 4,485 persons. It was implemented in the District 7, a peri-urban area with an estimated population of roughly 27,000, composed mainly of Aymara indigenous people. The technology applied is a UDDT toilet with container, treatment of grey water at the household level, and collective management of the urine and faeces. Further tests with the sub-products guarantee total safe reuse of the nutrients and water.

The EcoSan approach was chosen due to its basic principle of zero or minimal use of water, an important adaptation measure in the face of rising temperatures and other climate change impact, while closing loops of water and nutrients. EcoSan also has been shown to be effective and lower in cost than centralised sanitation technologies. Further elements components of the project include collection, treatment and collective management of the products.

An important future challenge is how the collection system will be maintained once the financial support from Sweden is phased out. Will the municipalities in the area pick up on this idea and copy the approach?

Best regards,
Kim Andersson
Stockholm Environment Institute
Postbox 24218,104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
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Catalyzing Sanitation Businesses (Water for People, USA, Malawi, Uganda, India)

(note by moderator (EvM): I have moved this post to here, as it fits better here)

Dear Sherina and Dorothee:

I'm Humberto Caceres from La Paz, Bolivia. Right now I am involved in two initiatives too much closely to BDS and I would like to comment you.

The first initiative, is regardless Modeling Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) for Urban Areas in Bolivia. This task is undertaken with Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank. With this program, we had already identified the private firms participation in FSM in Santa Cruz City since 20 years ago. There are also some experiences in other cities as: Cochabamba and El Alto. I guess, it could be an important feedback for Sherina.

The second initiative is referred to the Sustainability of Ecological Sanitation Service. The Sumaj Huasi Foundation (a Bolivian NGO) is working in periurban area in "El Alto" City since 2008. They already built 1.050 ecosan baths and support two micro-enterprises to collect, transport and treat the faecal waste and urine. At present, I'm studding the economic and financial actors and factors to become a sustainable service because, the beneficiaries are poor people and they can't pay the entirely tariff. What do you think about this point? Do you know other sustainable ecosan services?

My best regards


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