Webinar: CLTS and Sustainability - summary and presentations available


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Re: Free webinar: CLTS and Sustainability

I took part in this webinar (CLTS and Sustainability) and just found out from Jamie that the webinar is nicely summarised and the presentations available here on their website:

(no recording is available due to technical problems during the webinar)

Here is the webinar summary; to get the hyperlinks to the presentations use the link above:


The CLTS Knowledge Hub hosted a webinar on CLTS and Sustainability on Wednesday 24th June 2015. Speakers included Antoinette Kome, Sue Cavill and Robert Chambers.

Sue kicked it all off by outlining what was meant by sustainability and what it is that we would like to see sustained, ie ODF status of whole communities maintained over time. She mentioned the four major studies that the edition of Frontiers was based on: Plan International’s ODF Sustainability Study, UNICEF CATS Evaluation and WSP studies in Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Robert then outlined the different types of sustainability: institutions and processes, physical and technical and social and behavioural that were identified. He ended by introducing five critical areas that need further action and research:
  1. How and when to phase in sanitation marketing?
  2. Post ODF engagement of government, NGO, donors and others?
  3. How to ensure equity and inclusion
  4. How to transform social norms
  5. Monitoring, learning and changing

Download the CLTS and Sustainability slides Sue and Robert presented:

Antoinette Kome from SNV then took over and presented the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All Results Programme which is currently running in 13 countries across Africa and Asia. She listed demand creation, sanitation supply chains and finance, hygiene behavioural change communication and WASH governance as all being important to ensure long term support for household and school sanitation and hygiene. Different examples were given from programmes showing the way that SNV has been strengthening these four activities. The presentation ended suggesting that we currently do not think sufficiently enough about what happens after the finish line: post-ODF. In order to do this we should be building the capacity for sustainability into programmes, making sure we maintain sanitation and hygiene in local agendas, addressing practical problems affecting sustainability and monitoring progress.

Download Antoinette's presentation:
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • Petra
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Webinar: CLTS and Sustainability - summary and presentations available

Sustainability is without doubt one of the most burning subject matters that subsumes many of the issues that we are seeing in CLTS and wider WASH practice.

On Wednesday 24th June, from 14.00-15.30 BST (convert to your time zone here www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html), the CLTS Knowledge Hub will offer a webinar on the subject. Sue Cavill, an independent WASH expert, and Robert Chambers, CLTS Knowledge Hub, will be introducing the topic drawing on lessons learnt from Frontiers issue 4- Sustainability and CLTS: Taking Stock (www.communityledtotalsanitation.org/reso...nd-clts-taking-stock). They will give a brief synthesis of where we are and present some of the priority areas for learning.

This will be followed by a presentation on SNVs Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All Results Programme (SSH4A), supported by the UK Department for International Development. Designed to ensure long-lasting improvements in community health and quality of life, the programme is working in fifteen countries across Asia and Africa. The programme has four integrated components. The first, sanitation demand creation, is building the skills of CLTS facilitators and working with authorities to organised and steer demand creation activities. The other three components include improving capacity for supply chains and finance, behaviour change communication and WASH governance.

Register for this free webinar now
Petra Bongartz
independent consultant

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