Guidance needed for a drawing that I included in an article but that got deleted


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Re: Join us 19-20 March 2017 SuSanA's Wikipedia Edit-a-thon for World Water Day, Around the world, around the clock, together

Dear Chris,

you wrote:

Wikipedia is a bit of a mystery in its inner workings. Maybe someone can help me figure out the following problem.

I posted a drawing that I myself had made on the Spanish ArborLoo page, but it was deleted due to some concern that it had been plagiarized.

Yes, the inner workings of Wikipedia can be mysterious to new people. Even for me after 2.5 years of editing... This is why having a Wikipedia mentor is really helpful. Mine was (and still is) James Heilman . I offer to be the Wikipedia mentor for all SuSanA members (and of course you can be the mentor for others, too).

With this I mean: feel free to ask on the forum at any time if you have a question about Wikipedia (or e-mail me). Asking on the forum has the advantage that others can learn at the same time.

So about that sketch:
I also would have deleted it, too because it is far too detailed for Wikipediat-type images (but I would have left a detailed explanation for my deletion). Have a look at the other articles, you won't find that kind of image with lots of small text.

I think rather go for photos or for simple schematics.
About the plagiarism issue, the other editors were probably not sure if that schematic was really yours or if you had copied/adapted it from somebody else's work.

In general images or schematics can only be used in Wikipedia articles if they are your own and you are willing to release them under a CC BY SA licence (= open access licence), or if they are someone else's and they have made it available under the same licence.

All the photos that we have in the SuSanA flickr account have that licence so they can all be used! (they are here: and they are also available in Wikimedia Commons which is the database for images for Wikipedia)

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Guidance needed for a drawing that I included in an article but that got deleted

Hi Everyone,

Wikipedia is a bit of a mystery in its inner workings. Maybe someone can help me figure out the following problem.

I posted a drawing that I myself had made on the Spanish ArborLoo page, but it was deleted due to some concern that it had been plagiarized. I politely requested for it to undeleted and I got an alert linking to the following page, which has no mention of me or the ArborLoo:

... nor has this figure been restored to the Spanish ArborLoo page.

Also, could someone please explain the difference between an Edit-a-thon and simply requesting everyone to quietly edit on their own when they have time?

Edit: I attach the figure in question. I tried to add it again in Wikipedia, but it did not work, even with a different name, since the system is very clever.

Best wishes,
Chris Canaday

Added by moderator: a reply by Ruth is available here:
Conservation Biologist and EcoSan Promoter
Omaere Ethnobotanical Park
Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador, South America

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