New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation


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  • DianeKellogg
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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

The Container-Based Sanitation article is being re-worked right now, with the goal of finishing an update before 19 November. Please post here if you know of:
1. any recently published or about-to-be-published work on CBS.
2. open source photos that would help broaden readers' understanding of different types of containers
3. any CBS projects that could be described by citing published sources.

Wikipedia prefers journal articles, but published reports from credible organizations can also be cited.

Know anyone working with CBS systems, anywhere along the value chain? Please forward this request for information to them: not everyone reads the Forum every day and this request is time-sensitive.

With appreciation,
the Sanitation Wikipedia Team
Diane M. Kellogg
Partner, Kellogg Consultants
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  • kojohoward
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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Hello Elisabeth,
That is a very interesting point you raise there.

I think the main concept of the CBS system is containment of the excreta in sealable containers and transportation of the excreta off site for treatment (with emphasis on those two main activities along the sanitation chain).

The mention of portable toilets is because of the models adopted in provision of the service. I mean in the case of Clean team Ghana for instance, they provide the toilets for free and users pay periodically for collection of the excreta. Using portable toilets in this case makes it easy for the clean team to seize the toilets when users fault in payment.

I must say that the article should be changed to read "...usually portable toilets.." as you have pointed out that portable toilets are not used in all cases.

The UDDTs are usually descriptions of the toilet user interfaces. So a UDDT can also be used as an onsite composting latrine for instance.

Kojo Howard
MSc Student in Community Water and Sanitation, Cranfield University

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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

I would like to know whether container-based sanitation means using a portable toilets or not?

The article so far seems to imply portable toilets as it says in the lead:

Container-based sanitation (CBS) (or cartridge-based sanitation) refers to a sanitation system where human excreta is collected in sealable, removable containers (also called cartridges) that are transported to treatment facilities. Container-based sanitation is usually provided as a service involving provision of certain types of portable toilets, often dry toilets, and collection of excreta at a cost borne by the users.

In the examples section, I see the toilet by Sanitation First (formerly Whereever the Need) which for me is a single vault urine-divertin dry toilet with removable containers, as described here:

I would find it odd if anything that uses a container "safely" somewhere along the sanitation value chain is now called a "container-based system"? Is it in our interest to classify single vault UDDTs now as container-based sanitation?

If yes, the definition should be made clearer.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Thanks Kojo..
I do not have any idea.
I will let you know if anything comes up related to CBS.

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  • JKMakowka
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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

kojohoward wrote: You said
"Are there any examples that are included in larger scale collection of organic waste that is then transported to a centralized composting plant? At least theoretically that would probably make it more economic."
Could you please explain what you mean?

What I mean is that container based sanitation looks at the sanitation problem not as a on-site or a plumbing issue, but as a solid organic waste issue (which some special health safety concerns). So maybe you have come across some examples where it was tried to include container collection into municipal solid organic waste collection services?
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  • kojohoward
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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Hello Abraham,
Thanks for the feedback.

I will work on your suggestions to update existing models and describe the activities along the sanitation chain from containment to disposal and reuse.

Could you please recommend any sources where I could get information to add to the article.

Kojo Howard
MSc Student in Community Water and Sanitation, Cranfield University

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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Thanks for the feedback and the information on additional toilet designs.

I will work on linking the terms and jargons for clarity.

You said
"Are there any examples that are included in larger scale collection of organic waste that is then transported to a centralized composting plant? At least theoretically that would probably make it more economic."
Could you please explain what you mean

Thanks Kojo
Kojo Howard
MSc Student in Community Water and Sanitation, Cranfield University

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  • ablingan
  • Abraham Lingan
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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Dear Kojo,

Good start and please update the existing models of various types of Container-based sanitation systems around the world and also describe about the collection, transportation and disposal/reuse.

Abraham Lingan

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  • JKMakowka
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Re: New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Looks like a good start, although maybe still a bit heavy on sector jargon (for example "SDG" without a link to what that is).

Are there any examples that are included in larger scale collection of organic waste that is then transported to a centralized composting plant? At least theoretically that would probably make it more economic.

Additional container based toilet designs could also be shown and explained. For example this:
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  • kojohoward
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New Wikipedia article on Container-based Sanitation

Hello Everyone,

A new article on Container-based sanitation has been created in Wikipedia by myself and Elisabeth Muench with assistance from other Cranfield University team members. I am part of a team of 4 students from Cranfield University working with SuSanA in support of a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored project towards continued growth and development of SuSanA’s online knowledge-management and collaboration services.

This article was created with information from journal articles and reports in response to the growing discussions and need for alternative sustainable sanitation systems .

We wish to invite everyone to contribute to improve on the article.
Please find the article on Container-based sanitation in the link below

We would like to remind you that a team of students from Cranfield University would be available in an Adobe chat room on Wednesdays from about 10:00 to 18:00 GMT to assist you in editing. Please join us here (

Kojo Howard
MSc Student in Community Water and Sanitation, Cranfield University
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