Improving sanitation and restoring dignity


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Re: Improving sanitation and restoring dignity

Hi Cecile
It makes us trust members sad to note that you are 'distrustful' of the project.
Its okay, you are free to hold your views but we would like to reiterate that we are a bunch of committed individuals who have our own way of thinking and we are on a mission to do something for the cause of manual scavengers. We will strive to make the project work for the betterment of our unfortunate brethren.
Good luck to you in your ventures.
Nirmala and all trustees

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Re: Improving sanitation and restoring dignity

Hi Isard,

Here I am talking in my own name and not on behalf of SuSanA.
I am not convinced by the "project" because there is no project. As you say "once the funds are generated we will engage with the right experts to implement the best possible solutions as and when required." Your answers to my questions consist of general statements which we can all agree on but I don't see a transparent strategy and action plan. Yes scavenging is inacceptable and solutions should be found but I don't see any solution in what you propose.

The way I feel is that the video uses human misery to raise money. The website looks the same to me, with pictures of doctors in white blouses to reflect an idea of "seriousness" but nothing serious and accountable behind it.
I do not see a real well structured project to upgrade sanitation.

I am not convinced and I would even say I am distrustful, once again in my own name.


Cécile Laborderie
MAKATI Environnement
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Re: Improving sanitation and restoring dignity

Dear Cecile
Sorry I forgot to address one of the points raised in your reply. Yes, we did speak to leading organisations involved in eye and organ donation which are Shanker Netralaya and MOHAN respectively. They were very excited and are looking forward to a successful outcome of our program. We are still keeping our hopes alive that some leading organisation will soon come forward to help us kick start the proposal in a huge way and make it a reality.
Many thanks and regards

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Re: Improving sanitation and restoring dignity

Thank you Cecile for taking the time to watch the video keenly and respond with so much clarity and detail.
I would like to highlight that broadly we wish to create a mass awakening to the issues and get everyone involved. All fund raising schemes need not be be directed only towards large corporates. Even the common man would be happy to contribute in a small way towards a cause. We want to give them the opportunity to be part of a movement. This in turn will be a catalyst to drive the political will towards solving this burning issue at the earliest. In this century to continue this abominable practice of manual scavenging is simply unacceptable by any standards. So let us think out of the box and solve this problem somehow if we truly belong to a civilized society.
Various technological options exist for biotoilets, dry latrines, etc and once the funds are generated we will engage with the right experts to implement the best possible solutions as and when required.
With regards to the calculations, these are (and can only be) hypothetical- it is impossible to actually predict now how the project will shape up. Just to quote an example- look at the ice-bucket challenge - something so random - caught the fancy of so many individuals and was able to raise a staggering 115 million dollars for the cause of ALS! Can we not all of us collectively join and do something to solve these social problems that have existed for far too long and relieve our suffering brethren of so much misery?
Thanking you

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Re: Improving sanitation and restoring dignity

Dear Nirmala,

I watched carefully the video you diplayed and I also consulted the website of your organisation Isard Trust. The video obviously reflects important problems such as sanitation and organ donations but the solution you propose that is fostering people to buy an organ donation card for 50RS as a fundraising option for sanitation is far from being "a simple to complex multiple sociale issues".

From what I can see there are lots of gaps in the information provided in the video and misleading calculations. Could you please clarify the following points ?
- What are the "bio toilets" solution proposed by your organisation to find a solution to sanitation in trains in India?
- The video suggests to "replace dry toilets to proper toilets". Could you give details about this solution? Is dry toilet really the problem here ? As far as I can see the problem lies with collection, transport and proper treatment of "night soil", not with the fact that the toilets are waterless. But let us know more about the concrete development of your project.
- I do see anywhere in the video nor on the website any link with public health institutions in India. The idea of an organ donor card is a good one but how is this integrated with local, regional or national health institutions? Have your worked with them? What do they think about the project? What is their point of view on the fact that the money from the donor card would go to fund a sanitation project?
- I find the calculation displayed misleading : you say if 20% of 1.2 billion Indians puchase an organ donor card, this means 24 million x 2 visions restored and 24 millions x 9 lives saved. This would mean that each person purchasing a donor card will automatically give 9 organs and 2 eyes to people expecting organs ? Could you explain this calcultation?

Thank your for your answers.

Cécile Laborderie
MAKATI Environnement
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Improving sanitation and restoring dignity

Dear esteemed members
We have a very novel idea whereby we wish to involve our entire country, India to be part of the sanitation movement. We would like you all to view the following video to understand our strategy:

( please watch only in HD! U can tweak it on You-tube)

As you can see from the video, its a simple solution to complex multiple social issues. We wish to promote an emergency 3D donor card among the masses and inspire them not only to become organ/eye donors but also to join the clean India campaign. Every Indian will eventually feel proud to have participated in achieving the 100% sanitation goal in India.
Our immediate requirement is to kick start the project and connect to any of the e-portals such as amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, Myntra, timesnow, naaptol, etc etc or even teleshopping networks. Through these portals it will be easy to ensure that the card is delivered to the individuals in every part of the country. Thus organ donation and eye donation will get an immense boost and with the funds generated we wish to help build/ maintain as many toilets as possible and also contribute to improving sanitation in railways. We are looking forward to connecting with someone who can help us launch the project on a mega scale. Once it takes off, the project is meant to be self sustaining.
Eager to know your views on the project.
Founder, ISARD trust

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