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- Your feedback and comments about the factsheet compilation
Your feedback and comments about the factsheet compilation

- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: The factsheet compilation is finished!
We took a few happy snaps in the office to share with you our excitement about these finished products. You see on this photo myself, Enno (responsible for the SuSanA DVD) and Bismark (our intern from Ghana who helped us since mid March with the factsheet compilation); Rahul is in South Sudan otherwise he should have been on the picture as well.
It is important to celebrate such happy moments...
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: The factsheet compilation is finished!
You may have already seen my announcement on the SuSanA facebook page, and also the news service "Sanitation Update" already announced it on Saturday:
The SuSanA factsheet compilation is finally finished!

You can access the online version here:
You can access the individual factsheets as separate pdf files here:
See here the announcement on Sanitation Updates (a very useful e-mail news service, by the way, run/supported by IRC and USAID):
And below see the graphic on the cover page, as well as the graphic about the working groups which we have discussed at great length here on this forum and via e-mail (and which now looks totally different, thanks to our graphic designer):
Graphic on cover page:
Schematic to show interrelationships of working groups and sanitation chain:
I have attached them as jpg files - feel free to use them in your own powerpoint presentations about SuSanA.
We have a very nice foreword by Uschi Eid (Vice Chair of UNSGAB; UNSGAB stands for United Nation Secretary General's Advisory Board for Water and Sanitation), for which I want to thank Uschi Eid very much, as well as her advisor, Nicole Kranz who helped us to make the connection!
I copy here what I wrote in the acknowledgement section of the publication:
We thank all the authors and contributors to these factsheets who have often volunteered their own private time, outside of their normal work commitments, to work on this. Their names are given on the following pages.
I also wish to thank my team at the SuSanA secretariat – which is hosted by GIZ in Germany – who were part of this factsheet compilation process since July 2011 and who have helped to raise the quality of the factsheets to a consistently high standard, in terms of content as well as layout: Enno Schröder, Martina Winker, Philipp Feiereisen, Christian Rieck, Doreen Mbalo and Bismark Yeboah. Special thanks are due to Leonie Kappauf and Rahul Ingle from my team who worked on numerous factsheets and the layout, as well as to Trevor Surridge who proof-read the entire compilation and gave detailed critical feedback on each factsheet. We are also grateful to Sunder Subramanian, a SuSanA member from India, for writing the first version of the executive summary.
And let me also list all the names again, it is so nice to see all these different people who contributed!
WG 1: Capacity development
Capacity development for sustainable sanitation
Spuhler, D., McCreary, C., Fogde, M., Jenssen, P.
WG 2: Finance and economics
Financial and economic analysis
Parkinson, J., Hutton, G., Pfeiffer, V., Blume, S., Feiereisen, P.
WG 3: Renewable energies and climate change
Links between sanitation, climate change and renewable energies
Ingle, R., Olt, C., Sundberg, C., Wendland, C., Reuter, S., Jurga, I.
WG 4: Sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health
Sanitation systems and technology options
Zurbrügg, C., Panesar, A., Rüd, S.
WG 5: Food security and productive sanitation systems
Productive sanitation and the link to food security
Gensch, R., Dagerskog, L., Winker, M., van Veenhuizen, R., Drechsel, P.
WG 6: Cities and planning
Planning of sustainable sanitation for cities
Lüthi, C., Lehn, H., Norström, A., Panesar, A., Rüd, S., Saywell, D., Verhagen, J., Ulrich, L., Ingle, R.
WG 7: Community, rural and schools (with gender and social aspects)
7a: Sustainable sanitation for schools
Abraham, B., Fogde, M., von Münch, E., Wendland, C.
7b: Integrating a gender perspective in sustainable sanitation
Wendland, C., Dankelman, I., Ruben, C., Kunze, I., Sommer, M., Mbalo, D.
WG 8: Emergency and reconstruction situations
Sustainable sanitation for emergencies and reconstruction situations
Johannessen, A., Patinet, J., Carter, W., Lamb, J.
WG 9: Sanitation as a business and public awareness
9a: Sanitation as a business
Gröber, K., Crosweller, D., Schröder, E., Kappauf, L., Surridge, T., Panchal-Segtnan, A., Zurbrügg, C.
9b: Public awareness raising and sanitation marketing
Gröber, K., McCreary, C., Panzerbieter, T., Rück, J., Kappauf, L.
WG 10: Operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation systems
Müllegger, E., Freiberger, F., McConville, J., Samwel, M., Rieck, C., Scott, P., Langergraber, G.
WG 11: Groundwater Protection
Sustainable sanitation and groundwater protection
Nick, A., Foppen, J. W., Kulabako, R., Lo, D., Samwel, M., Wagner, F., Wolf, L.
The contributors and reviewers – apart from the authors – are gratefully acknowledged and listed below.
WG 1: Capacity development for sustainable sanitation
Halidou Koanda (WaterAid, Burkina Faso), Mariska Ronteltap (UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands), Elisabeth von Münch and Philipp Feiereisen (GIZ, Germany), Themba Gumbo and Nick Tandi (Cap-Net, South Africa), Sreevidya Satish (ESF, India), Christoph Lüthi (Eawag/Sandec, Switzerland), Robert Gensch (GTO, Germany), Annaliza Miso (XU SUSAN, The Philippines), Bipin Dangol and Bushan Tudalhar (ENPHO, Nepal), Günter Langergraber (BOKU, Austria), Tuula Tuhkanen (TUT, Finland), Katharina Conradin (formerly seecon, Switzerland).
WG 2: Financial and economic analysis
Madeleine Fogde (SEI, Sweden), Arne Panesar (GIZ, Germany), Markus Starkl (BOKU Vienna, Austria and IWA-SWMDC), Ayesha Irani (Luis Berger, Panama), Norbert Brunner (CEMDS, Austria), Valentin Post (WASTE, Netherlands), Alexander Krohs (RWTH, Germany), Annika Schöpe (formerly GIZ, Germany), Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany).
WG 3: Links between sanitation, climate change and renewable energies
Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany), Patrick Bracken (AHT, Germany), Mirko Hänel (TTZ, Germany), Dexter Lo (Xavier University, Philippines), Christoph Platzer (Rotaria del Perú, Peru), Rob Lichtman (e-systems, the Netherlands), Kim Andersson (SEI, Sweden).
WG 4: Sanitation systems and technology options
Elisabeth von Münch and Rahul Ingle (GIZ, Germany), David Del Porto (Ecological Engineering Group Inc, USA), Alexander Grieb (KfW, Germany), Ian Pearson (consultant, South Africa).
WG 5: Food security and productive sanitation systems
Moussa Bonzi (CREPA, Burkina Faso), Dierk Demand (consultant), Axel Drescher (University Freiburg, Germany), Philipp Feiereisen (GIZ, Germany), Jörn Germer (University Hohenheim, Germany), Richard Higgins (Nutrition Through Food, United Kingdom), Robert Holmer (AVRDC, Thailand), Ester de Jong (GWA), Håkan Jönsson (SLU, Sweden), Cecile Laborderie (ECODOMEO, France), Analiza Miso (XU SUSAN Center, the Philippines), Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany), Thilo Panzerbieter (GTO, Germany), Gerhard Pelzer (consultant, Germany), Gopal Poyyamoli (Pondicherry University, India), K. V. S. Prasad (AME Foundation, India), Anna Richert (consultant, Sweden), Arno Rosemarin (SEI, Sweden), Emery Sindani (SuSan Design, Kenya), Laurent Stravato (iDE, Burkina Faso), Christine Werner (GIZ, Morocco), Bismark Yeboah (GIZ, Germany).
WG 6: Planning of sustainable sanitation for cities
Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany)
WG 7a: Sustainable sanitation for schools
Eugene Dusingizumuremyi (KIST, Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda), Tabbie Mnolo (CCODE, Malawi), Agnes Mugure (formerly ROSA project, Kenya), Annie Shangwa-Kanyemba (Aquamor, Zimbabwe), Edward Bwengye (UNICEF, Zimbabwe), Hanna Sterve (formerly SEI, Sweden), Ron Sawyer (SARAR, Mexico), Christian Rieck (GIZ, Germany), Marielle Snel (IRC, the Netherlands), Margriet Samwel (WECF, Germany).
WG 7b: Integrating a gender perspective in sustainable sanitation
Elisabeth von Münch and Martina Winker (GIZ, Germany), Penelope Phillips-Howard (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom), Ian Pearson (consultant, South Africa), F. H. Mughal (consultant, Pakistan).
WG 8: Sustainable sanitation for emergencies and reconstruction situations
Madeleine Fogde (SEI, Sweden), Julien Eyrard (ACF, France), Gert de Bruijne (WASTE, the Netherlands), Daudi Bikaba, Andy Bastable, Tim Forster (all three from Oxfam, United Kingdom), Elisabeth von Münch, Doreen Mbalo, Leonie Kappauf (all three from GIZ, Germany), Deepa Patel (consultant, USA).
WG 9a: Sanitation as a business
Jürgen Eichholz (Saniblog, Germany), Trevor Mulaudzi (The Clean Shop, South Africa), Arne Panesar (GIZ, Germany), Claudia Powers and Katharina Kurianowski (both formerly WTO, Singapore), Marius Kriening (Ecoloove, India), Dorothee Spuhler (seecon, Switzerland), Aleksandra Drewko (TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany), Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany), Rafael Ziegler (GETIDOS, Germany).
WG 9b: Public awareness raising and sanitation marketing
Jürgen Eichholz (Saniblog, Germany), Surveyor Efik (Climate Change Network, Nigeria), Thorsten Kiefer (WASH United, Germany), Ajit Seshadri (The Vigyan Vijay Foundation, India), Jack Sim (WTO, Singapore), Saskia Castelein (WSSCC, Switzerland), Denise Scrase (WTO, Singapore).
WG 10: Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation systems
Jonathan Parkinson (IWA, United Kingdom), Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany).
WG 11: Sustainable sanitation and groundwater protection
Christian Olt (formerly GIZ, Germany), Jan Taat (Xavier University, Philippines), Rabani Adamou (FAST, UAM, Niger), Michael Klaus (National Environmental Protection Agency, Afghanistan), Ian Pearson (consultant, South Africa), Declan Page (CSIRO, Australia).
We have also printed the publication, I should receive the first batch from the printing company today. If you want to order a hardcopy (free of charge), please send us an e-mail on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If there is high demand for harcopies, then we will look into finding a cheaper printing company maybe in India.
And of course it is never too late to correct any little typos or errors (the online version at least can easily be updated), so feel free to tell us! Also any feedback is welcome as usual.
Uff, now I am just happy it is all completed - a major output of the SuSanA network for the year 2012!
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
CoverSuSana_72dpi.jpg (Filesize: 397KB)
Schematic_...2dpi.jpg (Filesize: 424KB)
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- I manage the Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project) and previously coordinated the Climate-friendly sanitation services in peri-urban areas of Lusaka project in Zambia. My background is in Management, Economics and Information Systems.
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I have been a passive reader of this thread to date.
My comments on the graphics from the designer:
1. I think the cover pages (SuSanA-title-2.3) look great!

2. I think a number of the WG titles need to be shifted a bit on the graphic (SuSanA_Grafik_2.3).
My suggestions for slight shifting of WG titles (starting with WG 7 moving clockwise around the graphic)
WG 7 title should be moved slightly down to be more in line with the house (I am aware that there are space and overlap considerations here, but I think it can be moved down a bit still).
WG 9 should be centred in alignment under the caption "Conveyance" i.e. moved slightly left from its current position.
Wg 10 should move slightly downwards
WG 6 is oddly aligned, I would move it down below the "pipe" of the image for "treatment"
WG 3 should be on the intersection line between "treatment" and "reuse or disposal"
WG 5 should be on the intersection line between "reuse or disposal" and "collection, storage, basic treatment"
WG 11 is good where it is.
Last thing, IMO the image chosen for "treatment" gives the graphic a flavour of a centralised treatment plant.
Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
Project Manager
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,
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I like the design of the graphic (although I would have kept O&M in the centre...) and I like the design of the cover.
Only remarks:
- Remains the design visible if you are printing black/white copies?
- The cover page looks quite African (what I can live with) and it is a pitty than Annie has closed eyes...)
Cheers DS
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: Graphic showing how the working groups are related
The factsheet compilation is very, very close to completion now, in fact we are already discussing how many copies we should print initially and whether in colour or black and white.
We have engaged a designer to help us with the cover and back page, as well as the graphic showing how the working groups are interrelated. He has come up with some nice stuff, I think, and I would like to invite you for a last quick round of comments (no major changes are possible anymore because our contract with him is only small, but incremental changes or corrections are still possible until Wednesday).
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Please log in or register to see it.
What do you think?
(for those of you who are new to this thread, you find the factsheet compilation here online (but be aware, this is not the final version yet, which you see online):
Oh and if you are interested in ordering a copy of the book (free of charge), please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We should have it in our hands by about 2 weeks from now.
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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- Freelance consultant since 2012 (former roles: program manager at GIZ and SuSanA secretariat, lecturer, process engineer for wastewater treatment plants)
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Re: Graphic showing how the working groups are related
Just about the genesis of this schematic: It was Rahul's idea to add the sun. I had the idea to use the clouds and the sanitaiton chain, and it was Christian's idea to use the background picture from Sanitation 21 which had also been used by Sandec together with the sanitation chain. So a real team effort. (and Leonie and Dorothee had done some groundwork with earlier designs, which we disarded though in the end (sorry))
We have now given this to a professional designer to add the finishing touches and beauty!
Stay tuned and keep commenting, it is not yet too late to make some modifications.
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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You need to login to replygood idea to bring in the sun! I think for the first three topics it fits them well, but I liked O&M where it was before, in the centre of the system/functional groups. Why can't it stay there?
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You need to login to reply- rahulingle
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I very much like that picture, Elisabeth, good job to the one (or the few) who created it. I don't want to be picky, but I'm afraid that Systems & Health gets blown out of the picture by the next storm... can you drag it into the centre of the picture, above Conveyance? Cause it also relates to the functional groups creating a system. What do others think?
Cheers, Andrea
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Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human (PHLUSH)
1240 W. Sims Way #59, Port Townsend, Washington 98368 USA
Toilet availability is a human right and well-designed sanitation systems restore health to our cities, our waters and our soils.
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You need to login to reply- Elisabeth
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Re: Graphic showing how the working groups are related
We are busy right now getting the factsheet compilation ready for printing.
(I mean this document, but note this is not the current version, a little bit out of date: www.susana.org/lang-en/library?view=ccbktypeitem&type=2&id=1229)
In the executive summary, we had a graphic to show how the working groups are related to each other and to the "sanitation chain". We have now created a new version of this graphic and I would like to ask for your feedback. It looks like this:
I have also attached the ppt file below in case someone wants to get creative and improve it.
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Do you like it?
And I also wanted to react to some of the older postings above:
At Dorothee:
- We have already one forword by Uschi Eid (see link above to read it). Perhaps one foreword is enough, although I do like your suggestion of asking someone from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Spelling rules: it should all be British English
- Your other suggestions are also very good and will be taken on board by Rahul.
I like your suggestions, but I think we need a separate discussion on this, as it is not directly related to the facthsheet compilation.
At Mughal:
I don't think we need a new working group on this. It is pretty much included in Working Group 4 (Systems and health), that's where I would also see the hygiene and water component.
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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