WG 7 meeting during AfricaSan5 in Cape Town, February 2019 - Minutes available


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WG 7 meeting during AfricaSan5 in Cape Town, February 2019 - Minutes available

Dear all,

the minutes of the WG 7 meeting are available now - please find them attached for download as well as below:
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1 - Welcome and opening, Round of introduction and expectations

Interests from the participants included:
Data, M&E, MHM, WASH in prisons, WinS in Africa, inclusive WASH integration, knowledge exchange, community involvement, behavior change, accreditation systems and accountability systems.

Question relevant for JMP data: What are the differences between WASH for households, schools and health care facilities?
The greatest problems and risks are associated with behaviours and failure of services, especially in maternity settings.
The aim should be to harmonize, standardize and to reduce complexity of the data, acknowledge how complex the situation in HCF is and tackle it in the discussion.

WASH in Institutions receives more attention in recent years and has clear targets and indicators in the SDGs
There are a number of best practices for WinS national M&E systems (India, Philippines). However, there is a lack of success stories for WASH in HCF.

While the WG 7 has worked a lot on WASH in Schools (WinS), WASH in HCF has not been tackled in the Working group. Participants of the meeting were encouraged to familiarize themselves with the targets and the Indicators of WASH in HCF and encourage their organisations to engage in the topic.

It was highlighted that collaboration with health care sector should be pursued. There are for example two global handwashing days – one in Health Care Facilities and one from the Global Handwashing partnership, which is observed by the Wash in Schools movement.
Handwashing is not limited to toilets, but concerns also kitchen, laundry and cleaning in general.

The JMP baseline report for WASH in Health Care Facilities includes 5 target areas, with clear defined indicators and related core and expanded questions.
1. Water
2. Sanitation
3. Hygiene
4. Health care waste management
5. Environmental cleaning

Further information, readings or links - Useful Monitoring tools:

WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP)

WASH in Institutions Facilities Evaluation Tool – FACET

WHO, UNICEF (2018). Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in health care facilities in the Sustainable Development Goals .

2 - Discussion of key-take-aways & results from the WinS session:
Use for programming / M&E

- Focus on Africa: more exchange between African countries and a community of practice is needed
- Two main challenges: Data availability and data quality. Data shows that services are mostly below basic.
- There are no school level data to really express % of schools per country reaching all 3 SDG WinS indicators
- Lack of standardization of data across partners working in countries – leads to different numbers and confusion, partners are not using the JMP suggested set of indicators
- Data are often only available for public schools. Less data is available for private schools (in addition, most preschools are privatised in Uganda, nearly impossible to get data).
- Lack of interest from private schools to participate in data collection, question to make it mandatory.
- EMIS is the standard data-gathering tool for schools. However, not all countries using the core and expanded indicators and related questions. The Ministries of Education are reluctant to make changes unless governments.
- EMIS collects the entire education data per country and the data is used for SDG monitoring
- Importance to include to education and WASH, no other SDG monitoring.
- The three star approach self-assessments tend to produce lower monitoring results compare to EMIS data. .One possibility is that the self-assessment produces more honest responses, which reflect the reality in schools.
- It is difficult to account for informal schools. Some schools are under trees. The number of schools in rural settings tends to be less accurate, as a result of ghost schools. There is a challenge that private schools use the EMIS.. The Governments should provide the framework to integrate private schools into monitoring system.
- Verification of data: compare national data sources with other data sources.
- Example from Mali: MaliSanya, a database that is currently further developed into a software and dashboard linking several existing databases. It will be used and maintained by the regulator and some indicators will be accessible to the public via a portal.

Further information, readings or links

The three star approach field guide:


EMIS database

3 - What’s up in Africa

Recent launch of revised SuSanA WG 7 Factsheet Sustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality – Scope and focus of Working Group 7

Follow up possibilities for WG7:
- One option for good exchange and discussions is to combine a webinar with the SuSanA online discussion format. This way, the content can be discussed over a longer period in a flexible manner for participants.

- The exchange between the Francophone and Anglophone Africa could be enhanced through cross-regional exchange platforms. A bilingual SuSanA webinar could provide this platform for exchange and learnings. The webinar could either include a live translation, or it can be recorded beforehand and made available in both languages. It was further noted that development agencies should bring in their government partners to these discussions.
One topic for such a webinar could do an overall stock taking on WinS policy and implementation on a national level, discussing progress and challenges from African countries.

The next WinS International Learning Exchange (ILE) will take place in November 2019 in the Philippines. The ILE is an international learning exchange for government partners and development partners exchanging their experiences with their WinS programs.

Further information, readings or links

Abraham, B., Monse, B., Schlenk, J. & Wendland, C. (2018). Sustainable WASH in Institutions and Gender Equality - Scope and Focus of Working Group 7 . Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

SuSanA online discussion Forum

GIZ, UNICEF (2017). Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools (WinS) - International Learning Exchange (ILE).

4 - General WG 7 updates:
- A WinS Case Story Collection Vol. III will be launched at World Water Week Stockholm 2019.
- A digital costing tool for O&M for WinS is being developed – it will be the digital version of the O&M Manual (see right side) costing estimations. It calculates costs for access to water and sanitation. The user needs to define the needs, the tool helps to calculate and plan for cost. Through different languages and currencies possible to adjust to local contexts.
All participants and SuSanA WG members are invited to test the beta version of the tool in order to have final launch in Stockholm 2019 (Tests in Jordan, Uganda and Pakistan at the moment).

The Handwashing Behaviour Change Think tank report from event held in October 2018 in Manila, Philippines, will be published soon.

Platforms for Networking: Yammer (B2B platform) and SuSanA

Further information, readings or links

Fit For School (2017). WASH in Schools Operation & Maintenance Manual - FIT for School . Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Interested people can contact Jan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Global Handwashing Partnership – 2018 Handwashing Behaviour Change Think Tank

Best regards,
I moved from the SuSanA Secretariat to the
Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) at UN-Habitat- visit at gwopa.org/ and follow @gwopa

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