Terra Preta Sanitation Conference (Hamburg, Aug. 2013) - with WG 5 meeting -- feedback


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Re: Terra Preta Sanitation Conference (Hamburg, Aug. 2013) - with WG 5 meeting?

Dear Simon,

TPS-Conference brochure is ready for download -> www.terra-preta-sanitation.net/cms/index.php?id=58.

The contributes to the TPS-IC are available, but only for conference participants. I received my login information by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Perhaps conference andministration will provide you access to the publications.

Gerhard Pelzer
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Re: Terra Preta Sanitation Conference (Hamburg, Aug. 2013) - with WG 5 meeting?


I am writing because I am interested to check on the progress of the conference proceedings that may develop as part of the TPS conference earlier this year.

I am working as a volunteer WASH advisor in Cambodia and could not make the conference but I have been eagerly waiting these documents.

Elisabeth recommends here as a good place to find out.


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Re: Terra Preta Sanitation Conference (Hamburg, Aug. 2013) - with WG 5 meeting?

I found this feedback about the recent Terra Preta Conference on the WECF website (thanks to a Tweet by Madeleine):

It is quite interesting for anyone who is interested in Terra Preta and interested in the work that WECF is doing on this topic:

WECF have been working in the last 15 years on urine diverting dry or simply said ecosan toilets. Rostom Gamisonia (Georgia) and Anara Choitonbaeva (Kyrgyzstan) presented presented the astonishing results of their ecosan projects, in which more than 1000 households and 40 schools have adopted the ecosan technology and farmers are re-using its products as fertilizers and soil-improvers. Their projects show that UDDT's are suitable for rural areas, however urine diversion is still facing some barriers regarding re-use. Ms. Nadia Andreev from Moldova reported about her promising research results on the application of Terra preta made of ecosan products.

The conference presentations can soon be found on the website at: www.tps-ic.org.

I am encouraging those people who attended the conference to give us some feedback about your main learnings and take-home messages here. Thanks.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: Terra Preta Sanitation Conference (Hamburg, Aug. 2013) - with WG 5 meeting?

Dear all,

it is now official - there will be a SuSanA WG 5 meeting (food security and productive sanitation systems) integrated in the 1st International Terra Preta Conference (held in Hamburg, Germany).

Please find here the links to both events in our SuSanA event calendar: Please also check out this discussion (it is a bit longer - but it pretty well shows how interesting that topic is and how much need for discussion there is).

Have a nice evening and hope to see you there!
Enno Schroeder
Freelance consultant
Hamburg, Germany
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Member of SuSanA (www.susana.org)

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Terra Preta Sanitation Conference (Hamburg, Aug. 2013) - with WG 5 meeting -- feedback

Dear all,

Please find below the first announcement for the 1st International Terra Preta Sanitation Conference, which will be held in Hamburg, Germany, on 29th-30th August 2013 and that might be of interest for the group.

This might also be an opportunity for the WG5 to organise for a working group meeting within the frame of the conference given that we can get a reasonable number of WG5 members together. I would therefore like to ask those of you who are interested to kindly get back to me.

Further information related to the conference can be found below or on the following website: www.tps-ic.org

Thanks and best regards


Terra Preta Sanitation (TPS) is an issue of growing concern in the light of water & sanitation, climate change, energy as well as soil protection. The International TPS Conference aims at bringing scientists and practitioners together in order to present their results and to share their experiences.
The official call for abstracts is now available on the TPS website www.tps-ic.org. Abstracts can be submitted until 15th February 2013. The acceptance thereof will be notified to the leading author no later than 15th March 2013, following the evaluation by the scientific committee.
All papers accepted for presentation will be published in proceedings available at the start of the TPS conference. A selected number of papers of good quality will be considered for scientific publication, having been submitted to a regular peer-review process. Please do not hesitate to contact the organising secretariat when having questions (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)!
The conference is being organised by
· Hamburg University of Technology
WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future)
· UNESCO-IHE (Institute for Water Education)
· BDZ (Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralized Sewage Treatment)
· German WASH Network
Robert Gensch

Senior Project Coordinator - Capacity Development
German Toilet Organization
Phone: +49-(0)30-41934345
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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