Meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden (25-30th August 2019) - documentation


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Re: Documentation of SuSanA Working Group 5 meeting at World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm

Hi Daniel,

About that SuSanA Wiki page that you mentioned, that's actually an abandoned initiative (I was always against it; my experience is that Wikis with small numbers of editors and viewers doesn't work; you need loads, like on Wikipedia).

I am surprised that the URL link still exists ( - it goes to an empty page). It should no longer be linked from anywhere on our website but I just checked on Google and it's still a search result. We might have to ensure that page is either deleted or it gives a message of "the project of a SuSanA wiki no longer exists".

If you wanted a living document for a factsheet that can be edited by several people the Google docs might be a workable solution (unless contributors are from a country where Google is banned, like China).

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • ddiba
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Re: Documentation of SuSanA Working Group 5 meeting at World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm

Hi Elisabeth,
Thank you for the questions and for re-directing some of the ppts to relevant discussion threads.
The above points were suggestions raised from a brainstorm. They haven't been agreed upon as the way forward by the wider group and hence will still be explored further to determine feasibility and usefulness.

About the wiki, the person that came up with the suggestion was thinking about having more of a living document, rather than a static one that is updated after a decade. I guess that what they had in mind was like the SuSanA wiki (e.g. though I don't seem to see the content there anymore.
I welcome your suggestion of "adopting" some relevant Wikipedia pages. We'll look into it further, starting with the one you've pointed out.

Daniel Ddiba
Co-lead for SuSanA WG5: Productive sanitation and food security
Research Associate at Stockholm Environment Institute
Skype: daniel.ddiba
LinkedIn: Daniel Ddiba
Twitter: @DanielDdiba

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Re: Documentation of SuSanA Working Group 5 meeting at World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for this meeting documentation. I have a question about these two points:

○ The revised factsheet should not be more than 1 page
○ Could we have a wiki instead of a factsheet? Or can we have both?

You really want to cut down the 8-page factsheet to just 1 page?

What was meant with a "wiki" in this context? Do you mean a Wikipedia page? The Working Group 5 could "adopt" one of the existing Wikipedia articles and help to make it better. Like the one on "reuse of excreta":

(which was recently renamed to "reuse of human waste" by someone else but I am currently discussing going back to the original name; the beauty of collaborative working with many different authors...)


P.S. I have also re-posted three of the presentations from your Stockholm meeting into the relevant thematic sub-categories to draw more attention to them.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • ddiba
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Re: Documentation of SuSanA Working Group 5 meeting at World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm

Dear WG5 members and friends,
During the recent Stockholm World Water Week, members of WG5 participated in a couple of meetings to discuss issues related to the working group topic. The first meeting was during the working groups discussion session at the 28th SuSanA Meeting on 24th August 2019 at the History Museum. The other meeting was specifically a WG5 meeting and was held at the Quality Globe Hotel on 28th August. A summary of discussions and outcomes of the two meetings is shared below.

WG session on SuSanA Meeting - 24th August 2019
In this session, the questions discussed were; "How would you like the WG5 network to support your work? How will you make use of the WG5 network in your work?" The main issues discussed were the ones listed below;
▪ How to get policy makers and other stakeholders interested in resource recovery
▪ Share success stories from utilities that are implementing resource recovery
▪ Knowledge exchange about creating standards for governing resource recovery within sanitation at national and local levels

WG5 Meeting on 28th August 2019
Participation: the meeting involved a diverse set of participants from across academia, NGOs, public sector institutions and the private sector.

Presentations: an introduction to the meeting with an overview of WG5 was made by Daniel Ddiba, one of the WG5 co-leads. Afterward, brief presentations were made by some participants about ongoing work and projects which are connected to the WG5 topic in various parts of the world. There was a brief question and answer session after the presentation. Slides from these presentation are shared at the web links below:
▪ Daniel Ddiba (Stockholm Environment Institute) - Overview of SuSanA Working Group 5
▪ Mónica García Aguilar (Colombia - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/Stockholm Environment Institute) - Assessing governance for the implementation of resource-oriented sanitation and waste management practices in Chia (Colombia)
▪ Priska Prasetya (The Netherlands - Waste) - The SWFF - FINISH Mondial business model in Faecal Sludge Management for agriculture
▪ Scott Chen (China - Apple Farmer) - The Yang Cheng Toilet Revolution and Agriculture in China
▪ Vishwanath Srikantaiah (India - Biome Environmental Trust) - From Shit to Silk: the reuse of untreated wastewater and faecal sludge in a small town - the nudge approach

About updating the WG5 Factsheet, the following were the outcomes of the discussions according to the guiding questions.
1. What do you see as the purpose of a factsheet? Who should use this factsheet, and for what?
○ The revised factsheet should not be more than 1 page
○ Could we have a wiki instead of a factsheet? Or can we have both?
○ The purpose of the factsheet should be to enable a simple understanding for all kinds of stakeholders about resource recovery practices, benefits and challenges

2. What should be removed or added within the previous structure/outline?
○ The revised factsheet should include examples of real-life business cases for resource recovery, perhaps with reference to the IWMI book of business models for resource recovery from organic waste
○ The revised factsheet should include specific recommendations for faecal sludge management analysis of end products if they are used for edible crops

3. What new ideas, examples, case studies, references etc which relate to productive sanitation would you like to see included in a new version of the factsheet?
○ Add a reference to WHO sanitation safety planning
○ Include some success stories about sanitation and food security from India and China
○ Include some rule of thumb calculations to estimate nutrients availability in faecal sludge generated by a certain number of population in an area
○ Include links to tools related to resource recovery and reuse of faecal sludge and organic waste
○ Include examples of regional and local regulations that promote the reuse of excreta and wastewater for different purposes e.g. from Latin America
○ Include some discussion about how to apply examples of social behavioral change towards more resource recovery
○ The factsheet could expand the discussion about resource recovery and aquaculture since fish is one of the best ways to grow protein. This is already being done in Asia and there could be examples from other regions in the world.
○ The factsheet could include some discussion about resource recovery in emergency contexts e.g. refugee camps

4. What can you contribute towards updating the factsheet? (Mention specific activity, timeline and include your contact info for follow-up)
○ A few participants indicated their interest in contributing to the process of revising the factsheet. If you would like to be involved, please contact the WG5 co-leads [gitchon(at)xu(dot)edu(dot)ph AND daniel.ddiba(at)sei(dot)org]

Next steps for WG5
The immediate next step is to explore hosting a webinar or two around the WG5 topic in relation to standards and regulation and how those affect resource recovery from sanitation and global, national and local levels. If you have experiences with standards in connection to resource recovery from sanitation and organic waste and would like to participate in such a webinar to share your knowledge, please get in touch with WG5 co-lead [daniel.ddiba(at)sei(dot)org]

Thank you to all who participated in these meetings and to the SuSanA Secretariat for the tremendous support in organizing the meetings.

Gina & Daniel
Daniel Ddiba
Co-lead for SuSanA WG5: Productive sanitation and food security
Research Associate at Stockholm Environment Institute
Skype: daniel.ddiba
LinkedIn: Daniel Ddiba
Twitter: @DanielDdiba

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Re: RE: [WG5] Meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm (Wednesday 28th August 2019 at 13:30 CEST) at Quality Hotel Globe

Dear Yuri,
Thank you for pointing that out. We shall rectify it.

Daniel Ddiba
Co-lead for SuSanA WG5: Productive sanitation and food security
Research Associate at Stockholm Environment Institute
Skype: daniel.ddiba
LinkedIn: Daniel Ddiba
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  • yvfdez
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Re: RE: [WG5] Meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm (Wednesday 28th August 2019 at 13:30 CEST) at Quality Hotel Globe


Factsheet 9a on the references: link seems to be broken.( See factsheet 9a „Sanitation as a business”)
(in this document:

Best regards

Yuri Villavicencio Fdez, Ing
Blvd. Centroamérica, frente 3ª entrada Col. Kennedy, contiguo a Pizza Hut.
Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., Honduras, C.A.

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  • ddiba
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Re: RE: [WG5] Meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm (Wednesday 28th August 2019 at 13:30 CEST) at Quality Hotel Globe

Dear Members of WG5 (and others interested in the group topic),

This is a reminder that you are cordially invited to join the next meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 on Productive sanitation systems that will happen in connection to World Water Week 2019.

Date: Wednesday 28th August from 13:30 to 15:00 Stockholm time
Venue: Quality Hotel Globe (2 minutes from the venue of the Stockholm World Water Week).
Focus of the meeting: Networking, updates on ongoing activities by members and discussion of WG5 collaborations over the next 12 months

If you are not in Stockholm, you can join the meeting online using this link:
You can click the link a few minutes before the meeting time to allow for set up. If you have not used Adobe Connect before, simply follow the prompts that come up when you click the link and you will set up easily. In case of any problem, send me an email: daniel(dot)ddiba(at)sei(dot)org

Preliminary Agenda:
13:30-13:40 Welcome and short introduction of participants
13:40-14:15 Part 1: Updates on ongoing work/projects by members (Speed talks of 5 minutes each)
 Monica Garcia (Colombia - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
 Vishwanath Srikantaiah (India - Biome)
 Chen Xiang Yang (Scott Chen) (China - Apple Farmer)
 Mwansa Nachula Mukuka (Zambia - Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company)
 Others in the room
14:15-14:50 Part 2: Discussion on updating the SuSanA WG5 Factsheet
14:50-15:00 WG5 outlook over the next 12 months and closing remarks

As a preparation for the discussion on the factsheet update, please download it and have a look ahead of the meeting: Factsheet of working group 5 (Gensch et al., 2012).

If you are going to be in Stockholm for WWWeek and are working with productive sanitation and resource recovery – please register here and join us!

If you have any question or suggestion for the meeting, please post them on the forum by REPLY-ALL to this email. This message has already been posted to the SuSanA Forum.

Daniel (SEI), Gina (Xavier University), and Mintje (SuSanA Secretariat)
Daniel Ddiba
Co-lead for SuSanA WG5: Productive sanitation and food security
Research Associate at Stockholm Environment Institute
Skype: daniel.ddiba
LinkedIn: Daniel Ddiba
Twitter: @DanielDdiba

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  • ddiba
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Re: Meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm (Wednesday 28th August 2019 at 13:30 CEST) at Quality Hotel Globe

Dear Members of WG5 (and others interested in the group topic),

You are invited to join the next meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 on Productive sanitation systems that will happen in connection to World Water Week 2019.

Date: Wednesday 28th August from 13:30 to 15:00 Stockholm time
Venue: Quality Hotel Globe (2 minutes from the venue of the Stockholm World Water Week).
Focus of the meeting: Networking, updates on ongoing activities by members and discussion of WG5 collaborations over the next 12 months

Preliminary Agenda:
13:30-13:40 Welcome and short introduction of participants
13:40-14:15 Part 1: Updates on ongoing work/projects by members (Speed talks of 5 minutes each)
▪ Mónica Carlota García Aguilar (Colombia - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
▪ Vishwanath Srikantaiah (India - Biome)
▪ Chen Xiang Yang (Scott Chen) (China - Apple Farmer)
▪ Mwansa Nachula Mukuka (Zambia - Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company)
▪ Others in the room
14:15-14:50 Part 2: Discussion on updating the SuSanA WG 5 Factsheet
14:50-15:00 WG5 outlook over the next 12 months and closing remarks

As a preparation for the discussion on the factsheet update, please download it and have a look ahead of the meeting: Factsheet of working group 5  (Gensch et al., 2012).

If you are going to be in Stockholm for WWWeek and are working with productive sanitation and resource recovery – please register here and join us!
If you have any question or suggestion for the meeting, please post them here on the forum or contact: daniel(dot)ddiba(at)sei(dot)org

Daniel (SEI), Gina (Xavier University), and Mintje (SuSanA Secretariat)
Daniel Ddiba
Co-lead for SuSanA WG5: Productive sanitation and food security
Research Associate at Stockholm Environment Institute
Skype: daniel.ddiba
LinkedIn: Daniel Ddiba
Twitter: @DanielDdiba

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Re: Proposed meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden (25-30th August 2019)

Will be in Stockholm and will be happy to share experiences on one of the worlds largest treated wastewater transfer for agricultural use happening in my city Bengaluru, India. 770 million litres per day of treated wastewater will be transferred to fill around 300 lakes and be used for recharge of groundwater and then be used for agriculture.

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Re: Proposed meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden (25-30th August 2019)

I will go to the world water week to make a presentation on how I equip a village with waterless toilets made by Separett AB of Sweeden.
Sorry for my late reply.
best wishes
The general manager of SHEN ZHEN BLUE WATERS AND GREEN MOUNTAINS LTD , the sole importer of Separett AB waterless toilets in China.
Chen Xiang Yang, an apple dealer,is growing apples and cherries with the human waste collected from 31 school UDDTs donated by SOHO China Foundation, based in Tianshui City, Gansu Province , China. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel:0086 151 9380 3972

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  • marianacchrispim
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Re: Proposed meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden (25-30th August 2019)

Dear members,
I am also interested in attending this meeting (participation in person). I expect networking and to join discussions about projects of resource recovery implementation in large cities in developing countries, especially about phosphorus recovery (at wastewater treatment plant scale); methods to support decision making and planning; challenges related to the transition to water resource recovery facilities.
Kind regards
Mariana C. Chrispim

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  • monicagarcia7
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Re: Proposed meeting of SuSanA Working Group 5 at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden (25-30th August 2019)

Hii Daniel,

I will be in Stockholm and I can do a short presentation of my topic to share with the group :)


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