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- Emerging Water, Waste Water and Sanitation Priorities and Review of Learning Collaterals : National Consultation India
Emerging Water, Waste Water and Sanitation Priorities and Review of Learning Collaterals : National Consultation India

Emerging Water, Waste Water and Sanitation Priorities and Review of Learning Collaterals : National Consultation India

The national consultation is a starting point to identify current and future work priorities in the Water, Waste water and Sanitaiton, and the Perspective of developing learning collaterals that need to guide this work(to ensure that it does not become a normative output of training modules, practitioners guidance and report). Water, waste water and sanitation discourse today is dominated by a normative understanding : water as a resource and as a service, that needs to be “efficiently managed in an integrated way”. It ends up seeing water scarcity and quality issues, indiscriminately tied to urban resilience and climate change. Urban planning(Master Plans) formulation often ends up doing lip service to ideas of Green-Blue Infrastructure, Integrated Urban Water management and Water Security concepts. A plethora of frameworks and tools are being generated, that fragment rather than integrate all water and waste water issues and challenges we are faced with today. Failure of provisioning of basic infrastructure in the informal settlements is nowadays confused with failure of urban planning per se, and a lack of understanding and application of water conservation systems. Water, waste water and sanitation sector requires a trans disciplinary approach. An application of both political economy and political ecology perspectives. CSE’s capacity building initiative over the past decade and under the aegis of School of Water and Waste (SWW) – a unit established in 2018 combined together has 7000+ alumni – is focussed on bridging the policy to practice continuum in environment and development work in India and global south. CSE has many learning collaterals on Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning (WSUDP) and Green Infrastructure, City Sanitation Plans(CSPs), Decentralised Waste water Management and Local Reuse, Grey water Management Systems, Shit Flow Diagrams(SFDs), District Level Planning on FSSM in Rural Areas, Groundwater Recharge and Rainwater Harvesting for Source Sustainability, O&M Module for FSTPs, among others.
Depinder Kapur is Director Water Programme at Centre for Science and Environment. He has taight at Shiv Nadar University and has lead the Sanitation Capacity Building Platform(SCBP) of National Institute of Urban Affairs. His professional engagements have been with AKRSP(Program Officer Forestry), SPWD(Sr. Program Officer), CARE(Director NRM), Oxfam(Program & Advocacy Director), WaterAid India(Country Head) and WSSCC(National Coordinator) and as an independent consultant.
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