IWRM Development Worker, WRMA TCA in Embu, Kenya


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IWRM Development Worker, WRMA TCA in Embu, Kenya

Dear colleagues and friends,

The water program in Kenya is looking for 2 Integrated Water Resources Management Development Workers / EHs, in Kisumu and in Embu; please find the ToR attached. More info is available via www.giz.de (but only in German).

Note that all nationalities, except Kenyans (Kenyans can't apply as an EH in Kenya ....), can apply for the job.

Could you forward the ToR to motivated, qualified, English speaking non-Kenyans who could be interested working with us?

Thanks for your support and wish you a lovely day,
Anne Marie

Anne Marie Ran
Water Sector Reform Program, GIZ Nairobi, Maji House
Component Water Resources Management
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: +254 (0) 728 720 140
I: www.giz.de/

The Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA) is the lead agency in the management of water resources in Kenya, as per the Water Act 2002. Her main task is to manage, regulate and conserve our water resources, to ensure stakeholder participation, to enhance equitable allocation of water and to guarantee environmental sustainability. WRMA, with its head quarter in Nairobi, is a decentralized organization, divided into 6 regions according to the main drainage basins of the country. Each region has a regional office and a number of sub-regional offices to ensure vicinity to the water users.

The WRMA Tana Catchment Area (WRMA TCA) is one of the six regional offices of WRMA with the head quarter in Embu. The TCA is managed at ground level through the following sub-catchment offices : Kitui, Muranga, Kerugoya, Garissa and Meru. Since 2007, the German International Technical Cooperation (GIZ) is supporting WRMA Tana with international and national technical advisors.

Overall goal
The overall goal of the development intervention is to increase the capacity of WRMA Tana and the WRUAs in implementing their tasks.

The target group of the development intervention consists of different groups:
- the personal of WRMA, mainly the technical staff in the regional head office and the sub-regional offices
- 10 selected WRUAs as they are the key vehicle for mobilizing users and stakeholders, and implement catchment protection activities.

The intended results on target groups are:
- WRMA Tana takes transparent and well founded decisions for water management purposes (e.g. allocation, protection and conservation, investment planning)
- Increase of revenue for WRMA Tana due to better management and use of hydrological and financial data, distribution and follow up of allocation and discharge permits and sensitization of the population
- Reduction of conflicts related the utilization of water resources among users in Tana catchment area due to a transparent distribution of water between users.
- Increase in the protection of the catchment area due to implementation of sub-catchment management plans by the WRUAs
- Use of the best practices of the WRUAs and WRMA by others.
- Information about the performance results of WRMA Tana is available to the public and WRMA national

The Development Worker will directly work together with the WRMA regional and sub-regional colleagues. The regional technical manager will be his / her counterpart.

The main tasks consist of:
- Support the extension and good use of the hydrological network and hydrological data in the catchment
- Strengthen the capacity of WRMA in the implementation and use of Water Allocation Plans and Abstraction and Pollution Surveys
- Support the development and implementation of sub-catchment management plans with a focus on the protection and sustainable management of wetlands, ground water recharge areas and riparian zones

Train and support the technical staff in:
o hydrological data collection, analysis and distribution
o GIS competences
o sustainable management of water resources and catchment protection
o community sensitization and mobilization
Support WRMA in organization development:
o planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting
o fortification of a stable financial basis
o improve the image of WRMA at the public

- Geographer / hydrologist / environmentalist or any other relevant educational background
- IWRM knowledge is highly recommendable: stakeholder participation, hydrological data collection and sampling, analysis and reporting, catchment conservation
- Capable of transferring knowledge and being able of make him/herself “superfluous”
- Team player and being able to guide the team in a strategic way
- Travelling and field work in the sub-catchment area is part of his/her daily work.

More information
For more information, please contact Anne Marie Ran (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or look at www.giz.de/Entwicklungsdienst/de/html/1704.html.

Kind regards,
SuSanA secretariat.
[posted by Agazi Medhanie]
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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