IWRM Development Worker, WRMA LVSCA in Kisumu, Kenya


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IWRM Development Worker, WRMA LVSCA in Kisumu, Kenya

Dear colleagues and friends,

The water program in Kenya is looking for 2 Integrated Water Resources Management Development Workers / EHs, in Kisumu and in Embu; please find the ToR attached. More info is available via www.giz.de (but only in German).

Note that all nationalities, except Kenyans (Kenyans can't apply as an EH in Kenya ....), can apply for the job.

Could you forward the ToR to motivated, qualified, English speaking non-Kenyans who could be interested working with us?

Thanks for your support and wish you a lovely day,
Anne Marie

Anne Marie Ran
Water Sector Reform Program, GIZ Nairobi, Maji House
Component Water Resources Management
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: +254 (0) 728 720 140
I: www.giz.de/

The Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA) is the lead agency in the management of water resources in Kenya, as per the Water Act 2002. Her main task is to manage, regulate and conserve our water resources, to ensure stakeholder participation, to enhance equitable allocation of water and to guarantee environmental sustainability. WRMA, with its head quarter in Nairobi, is a decentralized organization, divided into 6 regions according to the main drainage basins of the country. Each region has a regional office and a number of sub-regional offices to ensure vicinity to the water users.

The WRMA Lake Victoria South Catchment Area (WRMA LVSCA) is one of the six regional offices of WRMA with the head quarter in Kisumu. The LVSCA is managed at ground level through the following sub-catchment offices : Kisumu, Kericho and Kiisi. Since September 2011, the German International Technical Cooperation (GIZ) is supporting WRMA LVSCA with a national technical advisor on community mobilization.

GIZ and WRMA LVSCA agreed upon a collaboration on improving the water quality of Lake Victoria, and more specifically the Winam Gulf in the framework of the trilateral cooperation Kenya - Israel – Germany. A Development Worker will be placed at the sub-regional office “Northern Shoreline & Nyando” in Kisumu.

Overall goal
The overall goal of the development intervention is to increase the capacity of WRMA Lake Victoria South Catchment Area, WRMA Northern Shoreline & Nyando and the WRUAs in the catchment area of the Winam Gulf in implementing their tasks.

Target groups
The target groups of the collaboration are:
- Technical WRMA staff in the sub-region “Northern Shoreline & Nyando”
- Point source polluters in the sub-catchment area of the Winam Gulf
- Selected number of Water Resources User Associations (WRUAs)
Final beneficiaries are the people in the sub-catchment area and those having a social and economic relation to the Winam Gulf.

The Development Worker will act as an advisor to technical team of the sub-regional office based in Kisumu. He /she will work however with the technical staff at the regional office as well. The geographical area of possible interventions is not limited to the shores of Lake Victoria but encompasses the larger water catchment area, including rivers draining/discharging into the Lake.

The core tasks and activities are the following:

1. Improve the monitoring and enforcement capacities of the WRMA staff:
o Update / modernize the rules, standards and regulations where necessary, including the development of water quality standards for water resources
o Develop and implement a practical monitoring system to be done by WRMA, the WRUAs and the dischargers, and support the search for funding to realize this
o Improve the enforcement capacities of WRMA and sensitize the relevant judicial system
o Sensitize dischargers, the public and institutions on rights and obligations.
o Support WRMA in improving the permitting and data information system.
o Support the data collection and analysis of the annual publication of the pollution compliance of the discharges to the relevant institutions and the public

2. Support WRMA in their role to sensitize, support and enforce the point source discharges (industrial and domestic companies and institutions) to develop and implement an effluent discharge control plan (EDCP) which enables them to comply to the rules. (EDCP includes technical solutions / options, a budget, timeframe and clear monitoring plan). This also includes the technical evaluation of proposed technical solutions to improve the quality of the effluent.

3. Support the Water Services Providers, as one of the main effluent dischargers, in the sub-catchment area to improve their effluent:
o develop / strengthen and implement the regulation and monitoring system of the WSP to accept good quality effluent of companies and institutions discharging industrial and domestic effluent in the sewerage (acceptance conditions).
o Support training and capacity building of the WSP staff concerning regulation, monitoring and enforcement
o Support training and capacity building of the WSP staff in the waste water treatment facilities concerning the proper management of the sites

4. Improve the quality of the development and implementation of Sub-catchment Management Plans related to water quality. This might include:
o Check and improve the content of the SCMP of a selected number of WRUAs on water quality issues
o Support the reinforcement of e.g. riparian zones, ground water protection areas and wetlands
o Strengthen the surveillance and monitoring role of the WRUAs

5. Collaboration and search for synergies with other programs and institutions

- Degree in environmental sciences with specialization in water quality management or any other relevant educational background
- IWRM knowledge is highly recommendable: stakeholder participation, hydrological data collection and sampling, analysis and reporting, catchment conservation
- Capable of transferring knowledge and being able of make him/herself “superfluous”
- Team player and being able to guide the team in a strategic way
- Travelling and (dirty!) field work in the sub-catchment area is part of his/her daily work.

More information
For more information, please contact Anne Marie Ran (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or look at www.giz.de/Entwicklungsdienst/de/html/1704.html.

Kind regards,
SuSanA secretariat.
[posted by Agazi Medhanie]
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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