Job Opportunity - Independent Review Team Member


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  • Machrine Birungi is a communications professional, award winning news reporter, writer, and journalist, with a passion for telling stories that help people make informed decisions. She is currently a social media analyst at the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council in Geneva.
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Job Opportunity - Independent Review Team Member

Dear SuSanA colleagues, 

I am happy to share with you the following job opening. 

The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is evolving into the Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF), a scalable and global Fund to effectively support the world’s poorest and most left behind in achieving sanitation and hygiene, in line with the Sustainable Development Goal. The SHF vision, that of the Sustainable Development Goal 6 target 2, is to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and to end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. The Fund will invest in country-led programmes to accelerate progress and sustainable impact in the following strategic areas:
  1. Scaling-up household sanitation and hygiene services
  2. Addressing Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) gaps while promoting empowerment of women and girls
  3. Increasing sustainable water, sanitation, hygiene and MHH services in schools and health care facilities
  4. Supporting innovation towards safely managed sanitation, hygiene and MHH
Guided by a suite of SHF  Policies , eligible countries will be invited to submit funding applications which will be reviewed by an Independent Review Team (IRT).  Based on this review, the IRT will provide funding recommendations to the SHF Board. More information on the SHF operating model can be found on . WSSCC/SHF is looking for an independent, impartial group of experts to make up the Independent Review Team.

This would entail a limited engagement at pre-determined points in the application cycle, and IRT members will receive a fee for their days worked.  See the  IRT Member Profile  for more information on the set up and functioning of the IRT and the profile of IRT members. Given IRT members will always work in a small team, we are not necessarily looking for WASH all-rounders, but rather a group of people who together shall have strong technical expertise across the breadth of SHF focus areas, so as to review SHF applications for technical soundness and implementation feasibility.

As the SHF will be hosted by UNOPS, IRT members will be recruited by UNOPS on a draw-down consultancy basis, for an initial period of 2 years. As explained in more detail in the attached Profile, in September 2020, as part of its transition from WSSCC to SHF, the SHF expects to issue an initial ‘’Call for Applications” to a small set of existing WSSCC Global Sanitation Fund countries. Therefore the first round of reviews to be carried out by the IRT is expected to take place in November 2020. 

How to apply?

Please send us a cover letter explaining your interest and suitability, along with a completed  IRT application form  and a copy of your UNOPS GPRS Profile. This GPRS Profile is mandatory for any person to be contracted by UNOPS. You can create your profile and find more information at:

Send your application to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Machrine Birungi
Communications Analyst/ Social media
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